Friday, January 22, 2021


When I was walking on Mill Lane several days ago I came across this groovy (but unfortunately damaged) bicycle. Shame about that front wheel. And what's with the slab of styrofoam tucked into the spokes near the chain?

It certainly has personality, with its well-worn lizard seat...

...and flowers reminiscent (once again) of Scooby Doo.

I see that Joe Biden is already moving quickly to get a grip on the coronavirus in the USA. It's great to see Dr. Fauci back at the lectern, vowing to "let the science speak."

Meanwhile, apparently we're having a terrible time here in the UK. Deaths are still higher than ever and the National Health Service is struggling. Our government's biggest mistake, I think, was trying to reopen around the holidays -- we should have simply kept the November lockdown going. As they say, hindsight is 20/20, but I feel like we could have predicted this surge and I suspect commerce won over common sense.

I went in to work yesterday but there weren't any people around so it didn't feel risky. I like going in, because it gives me a reason to walk in the morning and gets me out of the house, but I'm going to work from home at least two days a week. It looks like we're not going to be able to check out library materials to our entire school community, as we had hoped, but some students have to come back for supplies and we've worked out a system that allows them to pick up a few books while they're there. (And I don't have to interact with them at all.)

Even with all the discouraging coronavirus news, the inauguration has made me feel like life is moving forward in a positive way. Of course the UK is its own country with its own leaders, but having someone responsible at the helm in the USA puts the pieces in place for global progress. We're no longer stymied by childish obstinacy. It's a good feeling.


  1. The bicycle looks like a bit of public art (clearly no longer a piece of private transportation). Restrictions were eased back a bit all over Spain for the holidays and we, too, are paying the price. And, yes, it is a good feeling to have an adult in charge in the USA.

    1. I hope whoever owns it will repair it and use it for transportation once again!

  2. I meant to mention this poem yesterday...I am not especially a poetry lover , but this one I just adore!
    “Where are the snowdrops?” said the sun.
“Dead” said the frost, “Buried and lost, every one.”
“A foolish answer,” said the sun
“They did not die, asleep they lie, every one.
And I will awake them, I the sun,

    Into the light, all clad in white, every one.”

    “It’s rather dark in the earth today”
said one little bulb to its brother.

    “But I thought that I felt a sunbeam’s ray.

    We must strive and grow ’til we find our way”

    and they nestled close to each other.

    They struggled and strived by day and by night, 

    ’til two little snowdrops in green and white
rose out of the darkness and into the light;

    and softly kissed one another.
    By Annie Mattheson

    For some reason it makes me want to cry.

    PS I get my first vaccination tomorrow !

    1. Love the poem! It is such a boost to see snowdrops and realize we're making progress toward spring.

  3. Seeing Fauci in control and at the forefront was great. While science doesn't always get it right, I will go with it every time.

    Your government has been a disaster. It is simple. A hard lock down for about three months that should have happened last year and close UK borders unless travellers go into two weeks supervised quarantine with COVID checks.

    Only the vaccine will fix the UK now.

    As R and myself sat outside on a balmy summer evening at a pub and ate a meal, it can all go wrong so quickly. But we are now reaping our lockdown rewards.

    1. I agree the UK government has handled all this poorly. (As has the US government.) Vaccines are happening, and I'm hoping as teachers Dave and I will be eligible fairly soon, but we've heard nothing yet.

  4. I loved hearing him speak his relief at finally being able to discuss what they know using scientific fact. A scientist, put in that position for his knowledge and training and studying...and then forbidden to speak. Even two days after the inauguration, I'm questioning how we had ever gotten to such a point that science did not matter. It's beginning to seem like a bad dream already. But it wasn't. It was a national nightmare.

    1. It WAS a national nightmare. A lot of people have contempt for science and education, sadly.

  5. A guess about the bike, Steve, and it's not as far fetched as it sounds. Someone stole the bike (under cover of the night) - when I say "stole" it may have been taken for a very good and urgent reason. As morning dawned God woke up and decided (without in possession of facts and mitigating circumstances) to punish the culprit by letting the front tyre be killed hitting the curb. See, if the "thief" were a real thief (or a woman) they'd have taken the wicker basket. They don't come cheap. As to the styro, I have no idea. Working on it.

    Miss Moneypenny to your Sherlock,

    1. I was with you on that little flight of fancy until you brought God into the equation. :) But kudos for coming up with a story!

    2. ... until I "brought God into the equation"? That was the sarky/snarky fun part of my tale. And, just because God doesn't exist doesn't mean he doesn't have a role to play!


  6. In spite of the orange idiot's efforts to not only build a wall between us and Mexico, but virtual walls between the U.S. and the world, what happened (and happens) here still ripples out to affect everyone else.
    Thank God for Biden. Not a big believer in destiny, but I'm beginning to think he really was heaven-sent.

    1. I don't think it was heaven so much as just a majority of Americans who realized their government had become toxic. My question is, why wasn't it a MUCH greater majority?! (As I've said before, I think a lot of people hold their noses and vote by party regardless of who the candidate is.)

  7. I think the bike is now an art installation.
    I hear things are pretty bad in London. Please be careful. I know you are.

    1. Things are bad at the moment. More deaths yesterday than ever, and 78 percent more infections than at the first height of the pandemic last spring. I literally go to work and go home and have a mask on all the time. So fingers crossed.

  8. It's nice having grownups in charge over here.
    Now, was that bike always there or did someone actually ride it like that???

    1. My guess is they locked it up and then the wheel got bent by vandals on the street. I hope the owner sees fit to repair it.

  9. We feel such relief having this new administration. Knowledgeable and qualified people in charge. What a concept!
    Stay safe and healthy there.

    1. Relief! Yes! I'm doing my best on the health front.

  10. Over and over again , I see comments about Trump being childish. Sorry to rain on your party but children are much better than what Trump displayed. I know I'm being picky!

    1. You are right. It's an insult to children everywhere!

    2. Ha! It's true -- even children are better behaved.

  11. I love that bicycle! It reminds me a bit of my Daisy bicycle that has been languishing in our shed ever since we moved to NC.

    My morning news roundup from the NY Times had a piece about someone who had to drive his mother from DC to halfway to Colorado to meet his sister who drove the mother the rest of the way to Colorado just so she could get her vaccine because she couldn't get one scheduled in DC. Along with that insanity, he was also in despair because everywhere he went people ignored the signs instructing them to wear masks. As a nation we are pretty darned stupid.

    1. I've heard of similar things happening in Florida. Apparently it's easier to get vaccines there than in some northern states, and people are traveling south -- and even from overseas! There are no residency requirements that ask people to prove they live there. That seems like a flaw in the system.

  12. That bike is great but too bad about the front tire. I hope it can get a new one.
    I've been feeling good about the new leadership too. It's good to have grown-ups in charge.

    1. Absolutely. As Robin said, it's such a relief.

  13. I think that only the vaccine will fix things, and ONLY if enough people get it. (which is an issue here with our Qanon crazies, anti-vaxxers and virus deniers) That new highly contagious virus is hitting the UK hard, and will soon take over here also. Especially since too many jerks refuse to wear masks.

    1. I think even with the anti-vaxxers there must surely be enough people who want the vaccine to develop herd immunity. I hope. This new variant is a problem, and apparently there are other equally problematic variants elsewhere in the world, so that will be a continuing challenge for all of us.

  14. I wonder if you would have been a bit of a hippie in the olden days, Steve. You love the flower-child decorating style, it seems! I was a wannabe hippie - wearing the hip-hugging, long-dragging, WIDE, bell bottoms. Hah! Fun memories!
    Hope you stay safe! and we all get the vaccine soon!

    1. I've always had an attraction to hippie fashion! I like to think I'd have BEEN a hippie if I'd been born a little earlier.

  15. The front wheel is bent, glad to know that, my vision is wobbly so i thought it was just me seeing its bentness. - would have been a fun ride, that bike!

    Still waiting for this country to sort out vaccines. Will be glad to get a couple!

    1. Ha! Yes, it's not you, it's the wheel. We're still sorting out vaccines too.

  16. I wasn't at all surprised to hear that 45 and his minions had no plans in place for getting the vaccine to the people. I think a plan will be in place before long. Now we need more of the vaccine, along with people to give the shots. That bike is adorable.


    1. It's been so encouraging to see Biden moving quickly to take action against this virus.
