Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Tanya Roberts Is Not Dead

The Christmas tree recycling pile at Fortune Green has grown immense. Remember when I took a photo of it the other day and that older woman was sitting on the benches nearby? Well, it has now engulfed those benches, as well as the fountain and the tree enclosure itself. It is a hill o' trees.

There's a lot of mulch to be made!

I've been debating whether to go through with the endoscopy I had scheduled for this week. My stomach problems -- which were so acute in early December -- have completely subsided, thanks to Nexium, and with the coronavirus running rampant I wasn't crazy about the idea of showing up in a medical clinic (or taking the tube down to Baker Street). I don't want to ignore any potentially serious health issues, but the doctors seem pretty confident that nothing terrible is going on -- and since my appointment was with a private clinic, I'd have had to pay for it. I wrestled with this for a while, and yesterday morning I finally called and cancelled. I'm sure I've made the right decision. If my symptoms return I'll readdress the situation.

And then, just hours later, the government seemed to confirm my instincts by putting us into an even tighter lockdown. We jokingly call it Tier 5 of our three-tiered system, because you have to use humor to deal with these sorts of things, right? Schools nationwide are now officially closed until mid-February and we're being told to stay home and only go out for essentials, like last spring.

Dave and I are still figuring out what this means for us practically in terms of work. I haven't heard from my boss yet about whether I'm supposed to show up Monday or not. There are things I could do in the library, especially if people are going to be returning books or checking out more books, and I think those are services we want to somehow continue to provide if possible. Dave will certainly be teaching remotely and, being somewhat more medically vulnerable because of his Crohn's, he has no plans to return to the school building anytime soon.

You probably saw the news that Dawn Wells, the actress who played Mary Ann on "Gilligan's Island," has died of Covid-19. She was practically my mother's age, but still, I was sorry to see her go. Like most Gen Xers, I grew up watching "Gilligan's Island" in afternoon reruns and I feel a special attachment to all those actors. They're so familiar to me, they're like relatives. Tina Louise, crazy old Aunt Ginger, is the last surviving member of the cast.

I was also sorry to see that Gerry Marsden, of Gerry and the Pacemakers, has died. "Ferry Cross the Mersey" and "Don't Let the Sun Catch You Crying" are two of my favorite '60s pop songs.

Tanya Roberts, however, is apparently not dead, contrary to recent media reports -- although it sounds like she is quite ill. What a bizarre story that is! Hopefully she will pull through her current medical crisis to roam the African veldt on her zebra once again.


  1. Some years ago we saw Gerry and the Pacemakers ( along with other 60s bands) and a friend( a Liverpudlian ) who was with us insisted on waiting outside the "stage door"until Gerry came out so that she could be photographed with him. She did get her photo!

    1. Seeing them perform live must have been a lot of fun! Was it still the original band, with the original members?

    2. I was never a particular fan of them so no idea if the band were the same. I guess I could say that about most of the bands of that era apart from the Beatles and Stones!

  2. I couldn't believe it when I read the news this morning and saw a headline "Tanya Roberts is Not Dead." I hope she has a complete recovery and can send out a Mark Twain Tweet: The report of my death was an exaggeration.

    1. That would have been poetic, wouldn't it? Unfortunately, while Twain's death was GREATLY exaggerated, Roberts' was only mildly (and momentarily) so.

  3. The massive pile of Christmas trees reminds me of tumbleweed in The West. If a big wind occurs they will be blowing through the deserted streets of London as Sheriff B. Johnson rides through the city on his faithful steed Dobbin, chewing gum while on the look out for bandits in "Lockdown" - in your local cinema now!

  4. When things become as extreme as Tier 5, you can only deal with it with common sense and humour.

    Dawn Wells' death has brought it all back. Just sit right back and I'll tell you a tale, the tale of.....

    And Bob Denver is not dead. Well, I thought I heard that but as meticulous researcher, not, I checked and he died in 2005. Maybe she is the last man standing, but Tina Louise is still alive.

  5. Wow! I am happy to read this. I had totally missed any other corrections.

    1. Well, don't be too happy, because my correction has now been corrected. She was erroneously reported to have died, but then she DID die not long afterwards.

  6. We are surrounded by live pine trees so we use an artificial tree for Christmas. I kinda hate seeing the piles of dead and dying trees.

    As I hated hearing Tanya Roberts had died and then stop in here and find out it's not true.

    Sad about MaryAnn, though. Who'da thought Ginger would outlive all the other Castaways?

    1. Well, apparently it really IS true now. Tanya Roberts has left the building. I agree about Ginger -- I would have thought clean-living Mary Ann would outlive decadent Ginger!

  7. That's a lot of Christmas trees!
    I think you made the right decision on the medical procedure. I would do the same. It's too scary right now. Yesterday I learned that Arizona has the fastest grown number of new cases in the US. It's time to be extra careful.
    Thanks for the Sheena video. That woke me up!

    1. I debated it, because of course if I delay and there IS something wrong, well, that could have ramifications too. But I think I'm fine, honestly, and the docs think so too.

  8. I, too, think you made the right decision concerning your endoscopy. This is no time to be out in public unless absolutely necessary and it sounds like your problem has been figured out. Good choice!
    Poor Mary Ann. I would have thought Ginger would have gone before she did but one never knows about these things. I had no idea who Tanya Roberts was and after viewing the thrilling intro of that movie with her looking very uncomfortable on a zebra, I still don't.

    1. Isn't that the most awkward intro ever?! And it goes ON and ON and ON! I actually saw that movie in the cinema. I was one of about four people who went, I think.

  9. I would have canceled the procedure too. I remember a number of years ago (10?) I thought I was having chest pains & had all kinds of procedures done only to find out that my heart was fine - it was just acid reflux. Sheesh.

    I read somewhere that live Christmas trees are more the more ecological choice (based on the energy required to manufacture artificial ones), but it still feels really sad to see that giant pile 'o trees!

    1. Acid reflux can be surprisingly painful! I wondered that about Christmas trees. They probably ARE better for the environment since they're totally biodegradable and are farmed.

  10. Covid makes even the simplest decision a problem. Going for groceries ? Should be easy but it's not.

    1. It's true! Even simple tasks become complex! I can't tell you how many times I've walked out the door without my mask and had to turn and go back home to get it.

  11. I think you made the right decision about that endoscopy. I saw the news about the latest lock down there. It made me think of you and Dave and really wondering how all of this will be for you. Such a difficult time. Take care there, stay safe and healthy.

    1. We're taking it day by day. I think we're still trying to figure out what it all means.

  12. I definitely think you did the right thing, putting off the endoscopy. That's something that can always be done later and it's not worth the Covid risk, in my opinion. I think Tanya Roberts is on death's door and will probably be departing sooner rather than later. Sad.

    1. Yeah, apparently she really did die not long after that erroneous preliminary announcement.

  13. I think if you're not in any distress now, no need to go into a clinic. Be safe.

  14. She is dead now. According to the latest news today. What a crazy world we're living in right now! I think you did the right thing to cancel your medical procedure. Another strict lockdown wouldn't fly here with all our Covidiots. I will do one for myself anyway.

    1. Yes, apparently she really has left us, as of late yesterday evening. Crazy indeed!

  15. Glad you canceled your endoscopy - better to be safe than sorry as they say.
    So did you actually meet your Dave at a speed dating event? I see you met someone named Dave back then but I don't know yet if it is your current Dave. Interesting archives!

    1. Ha! No, that's my friend David, who I went to speed-dating with. My Dave came along a little later. (He starts appearing in April of 2009 or thereabouts.)

  16. OOPS She is dead, no, she's not, yes, she is...ok it is final, she is dead for real. You are very smart to NOT go in for anything medical right now - You are smart to stay at home, as PM Haystack advises - so you know it must be the best advice. We have been home for months, so used to it, adaptable humans, we are.

    1. Yes, apparently, she really is dead now. But it was back and forth there for a while!

  17. "taking the tube down to Baker Street" - is that a euphemism for an endoscopy?

    1. Ha! Better than taking it up to Wembley, I suppose.

    2. I've had them because of family history of colon cancer. If I have to have another I'm telling people I'm taking the tube to Crouch End.

  18. I am teaching remotely now for the foreseeable future and I am glad of it. Covid cases are rising here in Virginia, and I am glad that I don't have to work in a germ laden school. I hope you stay safe.

    1. Yeah, I think we're glad of it too, although it means a lot more work. (As you know!) Some people are under the misconception that teaching remotely is easy, and it's actually SO much harder!

  19. Replies
    1. Thanks! I was amused because her hat looks something like a Santa hat, even though it's not.

  20. I have no idea who Tanya Robert is and don't care enough to follow the links. I'm surprised the city hasn't started to mulch those trees yet.

    1. She's known primarily for playing a Bond girl in "A View to a Kill" in 1985. She was also on "Charlie's Angels" in its final season.

  21. Ginger is alive because naughty girls live longer. I think Tina Louise was on Dallas for a bit as one of nasty J.R. Ewing's lovers. Sounds as if you made a wise decision about the endoscopy.


    1. She WAS on Dallas, as JR's secretary (and possibly lover too, I'm not sure)!
