Saturday, October 9, 2021


I was walking to work yesterday morning when I came across this attentive pooch, keeping an eye out for her owner. He was at the back of the truck, unloading a delivery. When he saw me snapping a photo, he laughed and said, "She could be a model!"

And he's right.

Let's just keep it between us that I'm blogging so much about other dogs. Olga might not like it.

Finally, finally, we have come to the end of this incredibly long work week. I don't know why it seemed like such a slog -- obviously it was no longer than any other work week, but all of my colleagues seemed to feel the same way. A common refrain yesterday was, "I'm so exhausted!" Maybe it had something to do with anticipating October Break, which has now officially begun. None of us will be back at work until next Wednesday.

Dave and I have no official plans, except that I'd like to knock out a couple more Newbery books. We talked about taking a little day trip somewhere, and we might still do that, but I'm also coming down with a sore throat so I want to take it easy. (It's not Covid. I took a test. Several of my colleagues have had colds, so there's something else -- something much more routine -- going around.) Probably sitting on a picnic blanket on a misty damp afternoon and burdening my immune system with an onslaught of alcohol didn't do me any favors.


  1. Not a whisper to Olga. The dog in the truck does look so nice.

    Enjoy your time off, although if you are coming down with a cold, that isn't great. Why not during working days when you could then take sick leave. Life can be unfair.

  2. That beagle is a beauty. I promise I won’t tell Olga. Hope the sore throat thing passes quickly. I haven’t had anything but some allergy issues since the pandemic began. Amazing. (Touch wood!)

    1. I hadn't had anything until now. I guess it was inevitable eventually!

  3. Gorgeous pooch who knows how to pose!!

    We still mask when go out so hopefully this cold season will be like last year for us: nonexistent.

    1. I mask too, and I wash my hands like crazy. This got through anyway!

  4. I can't imagine why your uneventful picnic would have anything to do with coming down with a cold.

  5. Pretty doggo. And you never know! Olga might like a friend. If she brought her own blanket.
    Or maybe not. Best not to upset the delicate balance of three at your house.
    I hope your possible cold does not get in the way of you enjoying your break.

    1. When we got Olga, the dog rescue said she would be happiest as the only dog in the house. I don't know why they thought this, but we've abided by their wishes! As you said, it's a delicate balance.

  6. That's such a sweet dog, Who could resist taking her photos. What a cutie.
    Hope your sore throat goes away and that you and Dave get to enjoy your October break.

  7. Hey, your cold comes from being back at school. I always came down with cold in September.

  8. Are you sure Olga doesn't read your blog? You better cover your tracks, Steve, or you'll be in the doghouse!

    Cute beagle, though. She looks like a really good girl and I like it when owners take their dogs for rides and on errands with them.

  9. Hope you feel better so you can enjoy your break!

  10. What a cute beagle. She's on duty.
    I hope your sore throat is gone in a flash.
    I watched an episode of Rick Steve's travels the other night. He started in Cambridge and then went on to Oxford. I've been to Oxford but not Cambridge. It made me wish I could go.

    1. We went to Cambridge a couple of years ago. Well worth a visit! There are pics on this blog somewhere.

  11. Hope the sore throat comes to nothing. When I start to get a cold, I dose myself with lots of Vitamin C and Zicam. It usually staves off the worst of it. Enjoy your break!

    1. It's funny how we crave acid foods when we're sick. I wanted tomato soup yesterday in the worst way. I wound up opening a can of chopped tomatoes and eating that!

  12. Both Tom (who has been quite poorly) and my Son have had the sore throat thing, it's not a full blown cold it seems just a cough and sore throat. Hope you recover quickly Steve.

    1. Yeah, as colds go it's not THAT terrible. Just uncomfortable. (Assuming it's the same thing.)

  13. She's beautiful and posed so nicely for you! I've found dogs (like humans) can range from one extreme to the other in being cooperative/photogenic. I certainly won't say anything to Olga. 😉

    1. I think she was so attentively trying to spot her owner that she didn't care much about my presence.

  14. Love the beagle! Such an elegant lady :)

    We're leaving for the beach tomorrow - I'm looking forward to reading and crocheting on the balcony while looking at the ocean. Ahhh!

  15. Beagles just have such a sweetness about them.

  16. Well I was going to complain about this dog-centric blogging you've developed, but in deference to Olga I shall refrain. And I was going to say something about you sitting on damp ground in the mist slogging down immeasurable quantities of cheap wine and now complaining of a tiny sore throat . . . but I won't.

    1. Hey, it wasn't cheap wine! It was cheap champagne!

  17. I'm glad it isn't COVID. Your break is coming at just the right time. Love3 the cute pooch.

    1. The break is at the right time, but the cold isn't!

  18. you scare me with your sore throat- Go to bed.
    Beagles are lovely dogs and insanely feral. My childhood dog was a beagle , she did tricks and obeyed sometimes but she was a wild thing.Her ears were like silk and she loved to sleep by stinky feet. Her nose was everything to her.

    1. Well, they are hounds deep down. Don't worry about the throat. Now it's more in my nose. Ugh!

  19. That is an elegant beagle for sure. Take care of your sore throat. Don't we all rush to assure others now that it's just a cold, or that cough is just passing pollen and nothing nefarious. I often wonder if I might have had a breakthrough case of covid and didn't know it because the symptoms were so fleeting and mild. But that is probably just wishful thinking.

  20. What an adorable doggie. I do hope your cold clears up soon. Have a super day, hugs, Edna B.
