Wednesday, October 13, 2021

La Blanche Neige

I was feeling well enough yesterday that I did manage to get the lawn mowed. (As I said, it's a small lawn.) Our electric mower was acting up -- even though it was plugged in correctly, I had a terrible time getting the power switch to work. Not sure what's going on there. I suppose I'll have to deal with that problem eventually.

As I mowed and trimmed I was trailed by this little robin, snatching bugs from the new-mown grass. English robins are amazingly curious and social. They'll come within a few feet and trill their little warbling songs in anticipation of an insect or worm.

Whenever a robin is fluttering around me, I always feel like seven dwarfs will come marching out of the underbrush. (Do we still say "dwarfs"? I guess we must, at least when referring to 84-year-old Disney animation.)

About this time the repair guy showed up to fix our boiler. He showed me the part he was replacing and although I am sure he'd used the word diaphragm to describe it, it looked more like a big metal Frisbee -- a hollow disc-shaped thing that apparently had something inside meant to expand when filled with hot water. Ours was leaking and thus not expanding properly blah blah blah. (This guy talked my ear off. I not only heard about this part but also about him buying his house in Acton 30 years ago, when he met his "second missus," and how he sold it to a couple of rich city types despite all its problems with damp and poor construction, which the inspections revealed but the buyers decided to ignore, and how he's now living in a one-bedroom apartment that he's hired a decorator to repaint and the guy keeps flaking out on him and not showing up. I didn't ask where the second missus is these days -- not to mention the first one -- but I did wonder.)

Our plectranthus is blooming, trying desperately to reproduce before winter comes. These plants are sold as annuals here, and you may remember I pulled one through last winter by keeping it indoors, but it was very messy and it still looked desperate by the time spring arrived. It leafed out again in summer and it's been nice to have around but I'm not saving it again this winter. So it better bloom while it can.

Here's a Blogger question. I recently updated the list of blogs I follow, in the sidebar to the right. But now I only see the first five blogs on the list, unless I hit the tiny "show all" button below them. I used to see the complete list by default. I looked in my settings to see if I could make a change that would show the full list automatically, but I don't see anything like that. Does anyone know if there's a way to toggle that on or off? It's no big deal -- I can hit "show all" easily enough -- but it's another weird change that just seemed to happen with no warning and that I could do without.

Blogger! Oh well -- you get what you pay for, I suppose.

Dave and I have been watching an Apple TV show called "Mr. Corman," starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a fifth-grade teacher. It's a very bizarre show and we're only four episodes in, but I really like it. I literally never know what to expect. We've had episodes with musical numbers and computer-game animation and allusions to Harry Nilsson's obscure children's TV special "The Point." Unfortunately, I hear the show has been cancelled, which is a shame because I'm digging the variety. Maybe it was a little too wild for some people.

Although I am feeling better, I'm not 100 percent and I'm staying home from work because I'm still coughing and snorting like crazy. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be ready to face the world again.


  1. I thought Dave was supposed to deal with the boiler repair? Nice robin photo...

    1. He dealt with it the first time around but he was at school yesterday so I had to deal with the second visit.

  2. You are so lucky with your robins. I could tell you a story about robins and my grandfather but then I'd become quite tearful - and, on-line, you wouldn't be able to pass me a tissue to mop up the fall-out.

    That white flower looks ephemeral which, as you hint, I suppose it is. Like a tuberculosis patient in a sanatorium, Davos/Switzerland.


    1. I guess all flowers are ephemeral. And for that matter, so is everything else! (We're getting quite philosophical here.)

  3. As you describe is how your blog list appears to me. I assume that is an automated feature. I made my own list and it remains.

    I like a little polite conversation, but honestly I feel like telling so many people to shut up and get on with what you are doing. I am getting into the grumpy old man groove very nicely thanks.

    1. I even walked away as he was talking and he KEPT talking!

  4. Is that your photo of the robin? No matter, it is a great capture.

    1. Yes, it's mine, as is the small one beside the sound clip. Both the same bird. I only post my own photos. (Except in certain rare instances, as in my recent "clip art" post!)

  5. My side bar is the same Steve, I'm frightened to tinker with it in case I lose the lot. Some of my regulars are right at the bottom of the list instead of the top. Why does it have to be so complicated?

    1. I think there are ways to control the order of the list, most recent post vs. alphabetical. (Mine lists with most recent posts at the top.) But I'm with you -- sometimes it's easier to just live with it!

  6. The robin photo is perfect; I would have the same Snow White imaginings. (I always thought it was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Was it not?) So sorry your cold has lingered. Hope you’re better in time for the weekend!

    1. You are right! The plural of "dwarf" is "dwarfs," and the title of the movie used "dwarfs." Apparently "dwarves" (which is how I originally wrote the post; I corrected it after your comment) is a plural form invented by Tolkien and not preferred English!

    2. Fascinating about dwarfs versus dwarves. That would explain why in my college years I started thinking it was supposed to be dwarves -- which really confused me. That’s when I first read Tolkien.

    3. Well, and it SEEMS like it would be dwarves. After all, the preferred plural of wharf is wharves, and the preferred plural of scarf is scarves. Go figure!

    4. And then there's hoof -> hooves ... but roof -> roofs ... and proof -> proofs .....

      English is HARD, lol

  7. Would you use the "N" word in this illustrious, articulate and rather hip blog?...No - I thought not. So please avoid the "D" word when referring to short people. To me Grumpy, Doc and the rest of them were VCP's - vertically challenged people. As you know, I am a true champion of political correctness.

    P.S. The robin image is excellent in my humble opinion.

    1. "Snow White and the Seven VCPs" -- not quite the same ring. Uncle Walt might object. I took about 40 photos of that bird so I'm glad a couple turned out well. :)

    2. YP, as usual employing your flippant and jokey approach to many a subject; no doubt not meaning any harm.

      As it happens, one of my son's friends is soon to get married to someone of the VCP variety. I can assure you that VCP (ie "challenged") would be an insult to her when, for all the world to see, she is a dwarf, of dwarf stature. I am sure that if she were Jacqueline, the beansprout, she'd raise to your challenge. Vertically. And tower over you.


    3. I was going to suggest "Height Challenged People" or "Size Challenged People" but I'll go along with YP. I'd NEVER challenge him.

      And yes, kudos to both the Robin photo and the soundtrack.

    4. I believe the correct term now is Little Person, not dwarf.

  8. Funny how many references there are in English novels to the damp in houses. To be expected, I suppose, given the relentless climate there.
    Oh Blogger! Just when I manage to get used to one stupid change, they think of another. Not only do we now have to ask it each time to give us the rest of our reading list, I can’t figure out how to delete one I no longer read. It’s as though they’re deliberately trying to make us leave.

    1. Damp is a real problem, especially in old construction (i.e. most of London). I have friends who have spent thousands trying to battle "rising damp."

  9. Perhaps someone should dig up the yard at the house in acton to find the second, and maybe the first, missus??

    "Blogger! Oh well -- you get what you pay for, I suppose." Truer words were never spoken.

  10. Pretty little robin and her song (his song?) is just so very sweet.
    Those blossoms look like tiny orchids.

    1. They ARE rather orchid-like. Apparently the common name for plectranthus is Swedish ivy, but I don't think it's the same Swedish ivy I knew as a kid.

  11. I love seeing that robin there and hearing her sweet song. Makes me glad that my name is Robin!
    Interesting "conversation" with the repair guy. He needs therapy. LOL!

  12. I have noticed the shortened blog list on other blogs too, Steve. I often use bloggers' lists to find new blogs to read. I don't mind having to hit "show all".
    I love the little robin and finally I realize why so many of your photos are so fantastic - you take 40 shots of your subject!! No wonder you can find the perfect picture! I never knew about that!

    1. I guess people can figure out "show all," but I think it gave everyone better exposure (among my dozens of readers, LOL) when the blogs were listed without anyone having to click anything. Every click is another step, and each step loses readers!

    2. Oh, and yes -- I sometimes take a LOT of pictures to get the one I want!

  13. I've only found out how to change it to show ten blogs instead of all as it was previously. 10 seems to be the new maximum.

    1. Oh, well, that's an improvement, at least! Maybe I'll switch it to show ten.

  14. What a pretty little robin. I loved hearing him signing. What a talkative repair man you encountered. I too am wondering about the second missus.

  15. Hi sweet Olga, Steve and Dave...(ladies first) I was laughing when you were talking about the guy wouldn't stop talking.(lol) I did the same thing to the fence guy last week when he came to rebuild my fence. I did refrain from the conversation and went back inside so he could finish the fence. He probably doesn't have a missus anymore and you don't realize how lonely you are with no one to talk to. (laughing hard) I think lonely is not the reason. Some of us just like to talk. I had to do it for a living and it's hard to stop when you are around friendly people. I don't do it with everyone because in dialysis you have to tell them off so I pretend to be sleeping. Another lady there told me on Tuesday that she think those nurses and techs think they are better than us. I hadn't never thought about it that way, but I laughed and told her I had my own broker business. The only reason it had to shut down was because I got sick and had to retire after 40 years of employment and 29 in the Insurance business. I just love nice people. Nice people now and not all people. (lol) I don't know you personally but you stand out to being a very nice person. Very respectful individual and smart also. I've commented on others blog and they wouldn't post it. So I just said to hell with you.(lol)

    1. I am always glad to hear your spirited comments, Angelicastar! You always make me laugh. I like nice people too, though I feel like they're few and far between! (They're really not -- they're all around us -- but we're all too busy to notice.)

  16. I never know what term to use about anything/anyone these days, so I simply don't use any. Snow White and her Friends. :) I don't mind the shortened list and have seen it elsewhere where I have to click on Show All. At least you're not paying for a blogging service. I complain a lot if something doesn't work the way I want it to!

    1. Maybe just "Snow White"? Do we need to mention her friends? Or maybe "Snow White and Her Magical Friends"? Or "Mysterious Friends"? Hmmmm...I'm thinking about this too much.

      Yeah, the big advantage to Blogger is that it's free. I really have no right to complain about anything.

  17. Yes, I've met a few of those compulsive talkers. However once in a while you get one who's interesting.

  18. My blogger template will not support listing blogs in order of when they were posted. Had I known that could be done, I would have chosen a different template. But after all of these years, I'm afraid to touch it. I wish they would put the quick edit tools back, they were good.

    1. That's weird! I'd look at how mine does it but I'm afraid to get into the "back office" and check it out for fear I'd accidentally change it!

  19. The dictionary on my laptop says dwarfs and dwarves are both acceptable plurals for dwarf. Same for scarfs and scarves, though I tend to associate the former with gobbling down food!

    That's such a beautiful little bird and so different from North American Robins (which always surprise me with their size!).

    1. Interesting. I'm seeing "dwarfs" as the preferred version. Maybe this is a UK vs. USA thing?

  20. What a sweet little bird your English robins are! So different from American robins, as you know. I'm sorry you've been under the weather. Hope you feel better soon!

    1. When I first saw an English robin I literally didn't know what it was, being used to our big American ones!

  21. your robins sound like our wrens, curious and social. my blog list which I getting ready to delete and re-do because it won't let me make any changes through the layout. I hit save and nothing happens so I'm going to delete the widget and start over. anyway, I have my setting set to show 15 and then, of course, the show all button at the bottom. so we'll see how it does when I do that.

    1. Clearly I need to play around with the settings more. If I could show 15 that would be fine.

  22. The robin's song is sweet. Birds always sing that way when they dress me in the gown that just been sewn for me by bunnies and mice. I've always wondered why Snow White has dwarfs instead of dwarves. The first missus and the second missus left because he talked so much. Hope you're feeling better.


    1. That was my thought on the missuses (?) as well!

  23. Absolutely no one complains these days if you have the sniffles and think you should stay home. The world understands. A good change, I think.

  24. I love the robin photo and sound recording. It's such a beautiful little bird. I agree, stay home if you still have the sniffles. You don't want to pass it along. Feel better soon, hugs, Edna B.

  25. European robins are so tiny and sweet compared to North American robins (which is what we have in Canada too). Strange how things come to be named.

    I hope you feel completely better in short order. Or should that be Vertically Challenged order?? Take that, YP :)
