Sunday, November 28, 2021

On to the Next Thing

Our trip back from Bray yesterday morning was uneventful, aside from the abominable weather. I walked Olga before we left the cottage and my hands got numb in the blustery, freezing wind. Time to dig out the gloves, I guess.

When we got home to London we found that Storm Arwen had blown all the leaves off our Japanese maple, littering the ground (and the yellowed hostas) with a carpet of red. It had also knocked over one of the potted hydrangeas, and after Dave righted it, it fell over again almost immediately. Arwen clearly has something against it.

I set to work getting the house in order, running the laundry and organizing.

'Tis the season to put the Christmas lights back on the avocado! As you can see, I did not trim off its brown-edged leaves. I figure the tree will drop them when it's ready. If they're hanging on they're probably still doing some good.

Olga, meanwhile, has slipped into the kind of deep relaxation that comes with being back at home. I think she's always a little bit alert while we're away, even when she's resting. She slept all yesterday afternoon, snoring deeply. By evening she was more awake and aware -- you can see her peering at me with her half-open eye, thinking, "Oy, not the camera again!"

The temperatures dipped to just above freezing last night, and they're supposed to go lower tonight. We might even get snow flurries this afternoon. I brought in the geraniums and put the canna lilies in the shed. We're as ready for winter as we'll ever be!


  1. It is definitely much colder this morning. The dog will have his coat on for the first time. I don't know if he " needs" it, but it makes me feel I am doing my best for him when he has it on!

    1. We've never bought Olga a coat. My theory is she's equipped to deal with cold, and I think she'd hate wearing one. But I can see how you'd be comforted by the idea that Alexi is warmer!

  2. I hope you have some time to reflect on your short holiday. I can imagine that about dogs being in stranger environments. The storm must have been quite something.

    1. The storm was far worse west and north of us. We only got the fringes.

  3. Uf. Freezing. That’s defined differently by us. Below 55F? It’s freezing! Since we no longer have a Christmas tree, thanks to the cats, maybe I should string lights on our three yuccas.

    1. It would be nice to live in a place that doesn't freeze.

  4. I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've ever seen Christmas lights and avocado used in the same sentence!

  5. There's a blanket of snow on our garden and snow on our suburban street. But we are tough Up North - we can take it.

    1. Yeah, you guys are used to snow and ice, more so than we tender city folk.

  6. Olga, I feel ya, girl! I do that relaxing thing when I get home from a trip, too! Even a trip to the grocery store ... That's such a sweet picture of her!

    Stay warm :)

    1. She's a character. She's in a similar pose as I type this!

  7. It's been very cold, and very clear with brilliant blue skies, here in Smallville, and I am loving it. And, as such, I think Olga has the right idea.

    1. We're actually in that clear, cold stage too -- more than I thought we would be when I wrote this post.

  8. Your window- it's so pretty.
    I covered my Roseland mango lat night. It was supposed to freeze but I don't think it did.

    1. We've brought everything in that can be moved. We didn't cover the banana, so it will get nipped, but that's inevitable.

  9. I do like that picture of Olga. MY whippet does the same when she's relaxed and tired. Our friends brought their spaniel round last night and when it came to me for a pat and stroke, Oscar took huge exception... first time I've heard him properly growl. He wasn't having any other dog near me. He's back happily snoring my side this afternoon.

  10. Olga and my dog Sammy would get along perfectly. We went to the beach last weekend for an overnight get-away. It was his first visit to the ocean. Hilarious reaction to a small wave overlapping his paws (How dare they!!). But like Olga, by the time we returned home Sunday afternoon, he was off to bed. Hardly saw him at all on Monday either. Recovery mode.

    1. Olga has been to the beach and she was not a huge fan of the water. Didn't mind the sand, though!

  11. It always feels good to get home again. Good that you have a day to recover before you head back to work.
    I had another thought yesterday after already commenting on your post - you should pack a mug when you travel! Then you are all set for your coffee no matter where you go! :)

    1. Yes, I absolutely should bring my own mug. I told Dave the same thing!

  12. I find something so wonderful about it being the season to put the Christmas lights back on the avocado. I hope things warm up a bit there. Although it is the season for chilly weather and snow flurries too. Welcome home.

  13. It seems like your weather has taken a sudden turn. Thanksgiving is over, now it's time for winter. Our weather hasn't done that yet. It's low 50's in the early morning but is predicted to be 81 later today. I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts.
    That carpet of red looks very attractive right at the moment.

    1. Well, the snow never materialized, but yeah, it HAS gotten very cold.

  14. Olga looks so content. I looked at your pics from the trip, looks like an absolutely beautiful village. Glad you three had a good trip.

    1. It is beautiful and the perfect place for a short stay.

  15. We're supposed to get our coldest night so far tonight, 39˚. I've moved some of the plumerias into the garage but that's all so far. I always wait til the last minute.

    1. At least it's not below freezing. Most things will probably be fine at that temperature.

  16. I must admit that I'm a bit like Olga when I'm away from home. I sleep lightly anyway and being in an unfamiliar place just adds to that. Ooh, snow! Right now I would trade that for our incessant rain.

    1. Yeah, I didn't sleep super-well either when I was away. We all get used to our own beds!

  17. That photo of Olga is so sweet it almost did me in. The avocado tree looks festive with its lights! :D

    1. This time of year is the main argument for keeping the avocado, which Dave still wants to throw out!

  18. Your plants lit up look nice. I agree, that's a sweet photo of Olga. It always feels good to be back home. Have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  19. Glad you had a good break away.
    It does take a while to settle back in.
    I must review any plants in our garden that might be tender..although after these couple of nights it might be too late!!

    1. Oh, yikes. Yeah, I'm thinking you may be too late on that one!

  20. Did you read the Going Gently blog? Wales really got hit by the storm, downed trees everywhere. I hate when trees go over.
    Your trip sounded delightful, I am so happy you went and that it was good.

    1. Yes, Wales and northern England had a lot of damage. We didn't have such severe winds here.

  21. I was watching a couple of football games from Michigan yesterday where snow was covering the fields and reflecting on how happy I am to live in Arizona! Olga looks like she'd like it here too.

    1. Dave's parents (who are in Michigan at the moment) said they've got snow on the ground. But they're escaping to Florida in a few weeks!
