Thursday, November 4, 2021

Post-Halloween Photo Melange

Time for another assortment of random photos from my iPhone!

First, a very cute outfit from the window of a children's shop on the high street. Love the badger sweater!

Some unsympathetic graffiti on a window on Finchley Road. So unsympathetic, in fact, that I think whoever wrote it is just trying to get a rise out of us. (And look -- it's another skull with a mohawk!)

This was an accidental photo in the movie theater where we went to see "Dune," but with the interesting lights and reflections I decided I liked it!

A rather hallucinogenic painting of dogs hanging in the window of a shop on Mill Lane.

In a stationery store on Finchley Road. Do children really want plush vegetables? "Here, son. Broccoli is your friend."

Maybe REACH wrote the graffiti above about homeless people?

These are the discarded houseplants I passed on the sidewalk while taking Olga to the Heath over the weekend. The one on the far left in a white pot is the one I adopted. I'm calling it a prayer plant but I'm not entirely sure that's what it is. I should use my plant identifier app on it!

I left the ZZ plants behind but at least one of them got adopted too.

These red feathers in the gutter on my street look like nothing found in nature. Probably part of someone's Halloween costume.

And finally, seen in a dumpster on Nov. 1 -- a sure sign that Halloween is over!


  1. Dumpster? Dumpster? I had to look it up and then I realised you meant skip! Yes. That's the term we use on this side of the Atlantic my good man! Skip!

    1. Well, except for me, because although I live here I am STILL AN AMERICAN!

  2. These are incredible! Haha! The Coldest Motherf*cker In Town almost made me spit out the coffee I was sipping. And check out the expressions on the dogs' faces in the hallucinogenic painting, particularly the ones on the bottom row!

    1. That artist really captured the personality of those dogs!

  3. I ratherlike to sweater and rather dislike the anti-poor people person.

    1. I feel like the poor-people person literally wrote the most obnoxious thing they could think of just to be annoying.

  4. As always, enjoyed your random photos. Small captures of your surroundings.

  5. I always love your photo dumps - they're WAY more interesting than if I did something similar. I thought the plushie veggies were dog toys - ha!

    1. Oh, I didn't even THINK of dog toys! Maybe they are? But then, they were in a stationery shop and not a pet store, so I'm not sure!

  6. As always, I do love your iPhone pictures.
    I would have saved that plant too. Who throws plants out when they just need a little care? So weird.
    That poor pumpkin- no one even cared enough to give it a nose.

    1. It's a really nice plant, in a nice pot! I have no idea why anyone would throw it out.

  7. I rather like those dog paintings but I find myself liking Jackson Pollock so perhaps it isn't surprising.

    Thanks for the reminder. I need to get rid of the kids pumpkins while they are in school. Always easier than when they are around to see.

    1. I like Jackson Pollock too! Whenever I see a Pollock I always think of an art professor I had in college, who exclaimed about the way Pollock's paint shimmers. He said you couldn't really appreciate a Pollock unless you see it in person.

  8. That pumpkin looks pretty happy about being in a dumpster. And those dogs in the painting do look a bit like they've been smoking something. And plush broccoli is wrong in so many ways.

  9. I remember trying to put soft pumpkins in the trash without losing part of them on my clothes. Since November is a pumpkin month too, I sometimes left them out a bit too long. ;) I would love to see "Dune."

    1. Yeah, I could see how that would be a problem. Yuck!

  10. Amazing how many people there are without empathy and sympathy but you know, they will be the first one crying for it when they find themselves on the down and out. And that is one goofy looking pumpkin.

    1. I still think he was just trying to be provocative! (Or maybe he was trying to restate Tory policies as baldly and satirically as possible, to make a statement?)

  11. I do like the paintings of the dogs. As for the pumpkin, it would have been nicer of the folks to put it in the woods for the animals (instead of in the trash). You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

    1. Unfortunately, feeding the wildlife in urban London often means feeding the local rats!

  12. Love seeing your iPhone pics. They capture a slice of the world. Some of it is so beautifully creative, some so full of hate. Life on earth.

    1. I do try to capture a cross-section of daily life!

  13. Always A Fan Of The iPhone Series There Brother Reed - Pretty Cool To See Obscure Snippets From Around Your Neck Of The Woods - Great To See Cardboard Recycling Doesn't Work On That Side Of The Pond Ether - Hope Friday's Post Is All About The Lovely Olga Girl


    1. I'm not sure recycling works anywhere, sadly. I read an article not long ago that said almost all our recycling winds up in an incinerator right next to our garbage. There's just no market for it all.

  14. I like the dog painting! I also like the plush veggies and have a 2-yr old in my life who would like them, too.

    That polar bear on the REACH sticker reminds me of the logo for Icees. (or maybe it's Slurpees?) Of course they don't use that same sentiment! 😂

    1. OK, well, you are in a much better position to judge what a kid would want than I am! I think the REACH bear is maybe meant to spoof those Slurpee bears. (Although did they ever have Slurpees here in England? I doubt it.)

  15. The badger top is very cute indeed.
    I suspect the dog painting isn't great art, but it has an appeal.
    I would be very unhappy with vegetable based soft toys. I thing the young me would have cried.

    1. Definitely not great art, but surprisingly effective at capturing the canine moods and spirit!

  16. Even though I'm glad Halloween is behind us once again I can express sympathy for the poor abandoned jack o'lantern. London citizens seem to be displaying an edge I thought only the good old U.S. of A. had.

    1. Oh, yeah, people here are on edge too! (Unfortunately)

  17. I'm taking my pumpkings out into the country this weekend. Apparently the deer like to eat them, so recycling.

    I read you last post about the utensils and bowls you used when you studied Zen buddhism. Did you like Zen buddhism? Did you find it made a difference in your life? Just curious.

    1. Yes, I've heard that deer LOVE pumpkins. Zen was interesting and challenging, but I struggled with all the sitting. I often felt I should be out enjoying my life rather than staring at a wall -- although I DID feel that sitting helped me cultivate a calmer and less reactionary outlook.

  18. Love the badger, Pixie just gave you a subject for a post.

    1. I think I've written some about that subject before, but maybe I should revisit it!
