Thursday, September 30, 2021

Space Dog and Gold Star

Time for another round of clean-out-the-iPhone pictures! Here's some of what I've seen on my recent walks around town.

First, a very positive coloring-book page, discarded on the pavement.

This dog figurine was in a charity shop window. It's not easy to tell, but the dog is wearing a space suit. Also, you can kind of see Olga's reflection in the glass -- she must have wondered why that creature was in such a ridiculous getup.

Some creative interpretations of the warning stickers on an electrical fixture.

Empty beer bottle, anyone? They're free!

This discarded wall print went well with the red brick, I thought. Maybe they should just hang it right there at the street?

This is one of the graves at the cemetery where I walk Olga. I've never seen a grave so heavily fortified. I'd be surprised if it really has CCTV surveillance, but I suppose it's possible -- or maybe God is watching.

Skulls with...crowns? Or maybe mohawks? Punk skulls?

This gigantic face is in the window of a kitchen store on Finchley Road. I'm sure I've blogged it before, but I couldn't resist another picture, especially with the Olga reflection. Do you suppose it's actually a chair? I've never seen it from the other side.

And finally, someone lost their gold star -- despite all that tape. So much for the "monster effort"!


  1. I love your collections. Skulls with Mohawks? Olga’s face with gigantic face is a keeper! I actually had to think twice about the Free Take One bottles and cans.

  2. I googled " chair with a big white face" and yes it is indeed a chair! Not sure I would want one in my house!

  3. I love the face in the window-and glad it is looking out and not in! Olga looks a bit perturbed. People are selling empty, modern gin bottles on ebay, so free bottles might be a good thing! I love the skulls with crowns and am saddened that the custodians of that grave have to go to such great lengths to keep it safe.

  4. Some look up to the stars while others investigate what lies round their feet.

  5. I could think of worse things you might find in the free please take one stand.

  6. I'd say Olga was not impressed with the giant face (chair). Don't blame her. Great capture.

  7. I'm hoping the face is a chair because ... what else?

  8. Whoever drew the blue skulls with Mohawks seems mighty proud of their creation. Very confident rendition. I must say, the Mohawk hair is a nice touch.

  9. I am not convinced those are skulls. I think they are punk aliens. As always, I do love the iPhone photos although the grave one makes me sad. Why would anyone mess with a grave like that?

  10. I would take exception to the woman drivers one, but it's possible that my driving does in fact look like that. Ha!

  11. Nice collection of phone photos. I'm surprised that people damage and steal things from gravesites. Although, when I think about it, what some humans do shouldn't surprise me at all.

  12. Interesting collection...what is up with that grave site I wonder???

  13. I love the positivity! That dog statue is very strange. I'm betting that face is a chair. When I was in Italy two years ago, the villa we stayed at on Lake Como had two chairs just like that one on the patio. I think they look eerie. That grave site is interesting. It looks like it's visited on a regular basis and whoever visits leaves a lot of stuff there. I wonder why.

  14. Oooo.... I like posts with phone pics. This is an interesting collection. I was taking a closer look at the "free beer" before I saw your caption informing me the bottles/cans were empty. I like skulls, especially those decorated for Dia de los Muertos, but I don't think I've ever seen a skull with a mohawk. I guess they were practicing with that unattached mohawk.

  15. Notice at the top right of the positivity coloring page is a ciggy butt!
    You do find some of the most interesting and creative "stuff" on your walks ... thanks for sharing the pictures of it with us!
    The White Faced chair ... Olga looks like she is thinking: Whut the ???? LOL
    Idiots stealing flowers and other mementos from gravesites is done everywhere, I think!!
    A really fun read this morning!!

  16. I can't imagine stealing things from someone else's grave but I'm sure that kind of stuff happens.

    Chair or not, there is no room for it in my house.

  17. The print of the red flower is very nice. I'm surprised you did not pick that one up.

  18. Crazy space dog! The large flower print would have been fun to do something to- make it more real perhaps, paint little aphids all over it having their way.

  19. You have some very humorous photos in your collection. Yes, sometimes things have to go.

  20. Those photos made me smile - especially the signs and the grave. Paying attention to the quirks and details around us is a sign of living.

  21. I have heard about people having things stolen from the grave of a loved one. That's pretty awful.

    The face is bizarre.

  22. I wonder what is placed at the grave that would be worth stealing.

  23. You have me wondering if Penelope would like to be an astronaut for Halloween. Who doesn't need a free, empty beer bottle?


  24. A fine collection. I especially like Olga and the Head.
