Saturday, September 25, 2021

A Pitcher of Roses

I brought these roses in from our garden after I accidentally broke them off a bush while throwing Olga's Kong. (Haphazardly, which is typical. I never had a good throwing arm.) They're starting to fall apart now, as you can see, but they're still fragrant. I should say all but one of them are from the garden -- the one in front I actually found on the high street, lying next to a bench. Who knows what the story was there.

The little milk pitcher I bought in Brick Lane right after we moved to London in 2011. Gosh, that seems like a long time ago!

Thank goodness this week is over. It's been weirdly draining. I can't really point to anything specific, except some organizational drama at work and exhausting current events like Trump's insistence that he won the election in Arizona despite evidence to the contrary. He won't be happy until he destroys our democratic system and turns the United States into his own personal plaything.

I feel very scattered. I think I need to just relax this weekend and stay off the computer and read and walk the dog and get my act together.

Olga is feeling better. She ate last night and hasn't suffered any repercussions, thank goodness.


  1. I have also had a weird and tiring week. I have been doing jury service in St. Albans. More to come next week!
    Nice to sit here with my blog pals on the computer not having to worry about going to catch a train! ( 5 minute journey between here and St Albans...hardly worth sitting down!)

  2. PS. Just found your answer to me on Mary's blog. Thanks.

  3. I’m so glad Olga is OK. Just a bug. The photo and roses are glorious. I’m having the same problem as you. I can’t look away from the news and it breaks my heart.

    1. She wanted an extra-long walk this morning, in fact!

  4. Should Democratic begin with a capital D on this occasion?

    It's disappointing to learn that you haven't got a fierce throwing arm as I had imagined you being the star pitcher on your high school baseball team.

    1. You're right -- since I'm referring to the system and not the party it's lower case. I fixed it.

    2. Democracy is always a capital case...

  5. Fallen roses. Aren't we all.

    Funny you mention this historical figure Trump. I don't think I've heard of him mentioned here since last year.

  6. What a beautiful peaceful photo.

  7. Beautiful pitcher and's wonderful how the petals are still perfumed even as they fall

    1. I like them when they get loose and start to fall apart.

  8. Don't think you have to blame yourself for a wild pitch of a Kong. Their very shape means they bounce unpredictably--usually wherever you don't want them to go. At least you were able to enjoy the scent and beauty of roses in the house as a result.

    Hope a quiet weekend does your soul some good. We could use a little peace these days.

    1. I could use that excuse if it bounced before it hit the rose bush -- but no, it did not. :)

  9. I like the pitcher, and the fact that the fallen petals weren't removed before you took the picture.

    1. The fallen petals are still there even as I type this!

  10. Those roses look like the ones I have growing. They do tend to drop their petals rather quickly but oh, they smell so good!
    I hope you can rest and restore this weekend.

    1. Those roses come from one of our most successful bushes. It just blooms and blooms every year.

  11. Getting back into the school work routine is tiring! It wears you down after a few weeks and so it is good to treat yourself to a bit of a relaxing break this weekend!
    Love the pitcher and the roses! That is a perfect photo! Well done!

  12. Your roses are beautiful. I love them in that little milk pitcher.
    Trump's antics are driving me a little bit crazy too. When will this stop? I'm looking forward to the Congressional hearings about the January 6th insurrection. Although I think it may push his followers to be even more insane. Scary times.
    I'm glad Olga is feeling well. Yay!

    1. It seems that his followers are going to cling to him no matter what. They just write off any criticism as a Deep State conspiracy.

  13. The pitcher looks great with the flowers. Roses never seem to last very long. Glad Olga is better! My still teaching friends say that it feels like May.

    1. Ha! It's amazing that we've only been in school for a month and already it feels like an eternity!

    2. Exactly what they're telling me.

  14. Replies
    1. I don't think they have to be large. Can't you have a small pitcher? What would you call that?

    2. OK, this appears to be another linguistic difference between American and British English. According to Wikipedia, "In American English, a pitcher is a container with a spout used for storing and pouring liquids. In English-speaking countries outside North America, a jug is any container with a handle and a mouth and spout for liquid – American "pitchers" will be called jugs elsewhere."

      Who knew?!

  15. Hi Steve, Olga and Dave. Again I read your blog daily but you know how I feel about others commenting on comments. (lol) That did happen the last time I posted a comment. Dirty Trump have made friends with our Dirty Governor Greg Abbott and now he has ordered and audit on our votes. We did it blue. We will try to do the same thing with Greg Abbott. He is just sitting there making up bills. I assume he think he is in the 1800. Some of us didn't have voting rights but now we do. I can't stand neither. Trump need to sit his dumb ass down but you have to blame others who are listening to him. He still doesn't have a home and living in a resort. It's sad how the United States have a Republican cult and Texas has gotten out of line very bad.

    1. True Republicans are horrified by Trump and his personality cult, and some of them are even brave enough to say it. I'm no fan of the Cheney family but I gotta give them points for integrity on that count.

      I think some of these scary people people DO want to drag us back to the 1800s.

  16. What a lovely milk pitcher and the red roses against the blue and gold of it are wonderful. Yes, rest up.

    1. It is a nice color combination, isn't it? Even more of the roses' petals have fallen today!

  17. I think most of Arizona is tired of DJT's claims and rants. Even though that joke of an audit proved Biden won, the idiots still persist.
    Enjoy your day of rest.

    1. I HOPE people in Arizona see how insane all of this is, and I hope they remember it the next time they visit the voting booth. (Or mail in their ballots!)

  18. Those roses are pretty. I would have been picking them to bring in the house before I had a chance to get them with a Kong! It’s good to hear Olga's feeling better.

    I think everyone had a weird and draining week. I'm blaming the full moon at the start of it.

    1. I usually don't pick any of our flowers -- I leave them to brighten up the garden. But any time I accidentally break one I bring it in, and then I think, "Why don't I cut more flowers?!"

  19. Hmmm - my comment didn't post. Let's try again! The roses are lovely! And I was also very glad for the weekend, although it seems just as busy (church stuff). At least it's a different kind of work!

    1. Next time your comment doesn't post, hit the "back" button on your browser. It might reappear. I've found that often works for me when Blogger eats a comment. Then you can copy it, reload the page and try to post it again. :)

  20. It doesn't matter how well you throw a kong... its bounce trajectory is haphazard! Glad Olga is feeling better!

    1. That's true, but in this case it hadn't yet bounced before it hit the bush. :)

  21. re Trump...I laughed when the MAGAts hand picked sure to prove Trump won auditors came up with more votes for Biden and less for Trump. and you are right about Trump, vindictive asshole that he is. If it was just him we could ignore him but unfortunately the Republicans and too many regular Americans are wanting the same thing. I'll be glad when this season is over. nothing performed in the gardens as it should have.

    1. It would be funny if it weren't so infuriating that he has so much support. And of course, as you've seen, the auditors are now saying it was never about the numbers but about WHO was voting, and whether they're really entitled to vote. The whole thing gives me a headache. I don't understand why these people are so paranoid.

  22. Isn't it time for a school holiday? I think it might be...

  23. The thing that I am getting tired of hearing about is the sneering at anything deemed as coming from mainstream media. "Ecause the b's coming from folks in tin foil hats is so much more credible

    1. I KNOW! They think they have better information because they've "done their research," reading a lot of crackpot theories on 4Chan! (Or 8Chan or 8Kun or whatever it's called now.)

  24. That's a wonderful photo of the pitcher and roses, so rich in colour and visual textures. Glad to hear Olga is doing better.

    1. Thanks! It made a nice tableau in our living room. :)

  25. Your roses remind me of some my mother managed to grow in the tropics...Happy that Olga did not need the vet and is contentedly enjoying her food.
