Thursday, December 30, 2021

Also Not My Pictures of Morocco

Two days ago, when I blogged the pictures of Morocco that I found on the sidewalk, you may have noticed that I said there were six of them -- and I only posted four.

Here are the other two, just in case you're curious. I like the one above, which was well-timed.

I'm not convinced about this one, though. It's atmospheric but it doesn't really have a focal point, does it?

This is going to be a very short post because we had a dinner party with our friends Carolyn and Mark last night, and I'm hung over exhausted. Dave made a beef rib roast, parsnip and apple cream soup, a terrine (kind of like a paté or high-end meatloaf with various meats), and cheesy cauliflower gratin. Every course had a wine pairing, including dessert, which was store-bought Christmas pudding with homemade brandy cream sauce. Any cardiologist would have run screaming from the room. I'm surprised my heart didn't stop overnight.

Olga, as you can see, really, really wanted some of Dave's terrine (which hadn't even been cooked at that point).

Our third dishwasher load is now churning away, and I'm going back to bed.


  1. How could anyone say “no” to Olga? Just look at how polite she is!

    1. If you hold your hand out, she'll give you a paw to shake. She knows how to get a treat!

  2. She is very restrained...Amy beef roast coming her way?

    1. She's very polite but that's because she knows we always give in! She got her share of beef, believe me.

  3. I love the first photo, black and white. Stark and so well framed.

    Social events exhaust me, never mind hosting them yourself.

    You should feed Olga. She is clearly starving to death.

    1. They exhaust me more these days, too. Why does our social patience wane as we get older?

  4. I hope she got a nice chunk of that. I hope you feel better. Hugs, Edna B.

    1. She has indeed been rewarded -- several times over. LOL

  5. And Olga looks willing to trade a perfectly good kong for a bit of terrine...seems fair...

    1. Oh, I don't know -- she'd want the Kong back almost immediately!

  6. I hope that Carolyn and Mark were wowed by Dave's culinary skills. I guess it is how he won your heart. Still wondering if those pictures are from Morocco - not the bottom one of course!

    1. I'd bet with 99 percent certainty, though as I said, they could be Algeria or Tunisia, I suppose.

  7. Entertaining always seems like a great idea until it’s over.

  8. I don't know, for me the second photo is intriguing because I wonder what's down that alley around the corner.

    And that was some decadent, albeit scrumptious dinner!!

    1. That was my same response ... Where does that little side street lead to? I think that is the focal point of the picture.

    2. OK, interesting that you both were intrigued by the street and its destination. This is why we all appreciate art in different, individual ways, I guess, right?

  9. Wow, impressed with the ambition of Dave's cooking. Fearless in the kitchen.
    The terrine alone is a project. I did it long ago. Once!

    I like the second photo and I'd crop it a bit trying several ways till the image became clearer.

    1. He's actually done it a couple of times! He is very much a meat guy, whereas I was mostly vegetarian before I met him.

  10. I love that photo of Olga! Did she get some sort of special treat, just for being such a very good girl?

    The dinner sounds wonderful!

    1. Oh, believe me, she's had both the terrine and the roast. She's doing just fine.

  11. The eye is definitely drawn to the top picture over and over.
    Do you think that Olga smelled the terrine and thought that Dave had made a very special holiday dish just for her?

    1. I'm sure she thinks EVERYTHING is for her. She really is very well-behaved, though. She never grabs food but waits for us to give it to her.

  12. The angle of the photo of Olga's back makes me think of an abstract face--two big (unevenly sized) eyes and a nose. :)

    Dave is champ to make such an amazing meal. Given the number of courses and wine pairings, it is completely understandable why you did a short post and went back to bed. A wise course of action.

    1. Yes! We've said all along that her back looks like a skull! I think I'm STILL recovering from that meal.

  13. Olga looks so very patient. I hope she got a delicious treat. She's such a good girl with a huge fan club.

  14. Found photos are really quite wonderful. They appear to be in good condition too. Agree with mary, The top photo is stunning.
    Olga , I wish I had a time machine for her, ANd for me! She sure is a spot of joy in the life!

    1. They are in very good condition! I can't believe Olga is as old as she is. When we first got her it felt like we'd have her forever. Hopefully she's still got a few good years in her.

  15. I like both photos very much. I think the second would be better in black and white. Perhaps the lack of focal point is the point - so easy to lose your way in the narrow, zigzag passages.
    Your dinner party sounds wonderful. I just happen to have apples and parsnips on hand for the first time ever. Looking up recipes now.

    1. Yeah, I guess the mystery of the narrow warren of streets is the point. Plus the criss-crossing lines and the light and shadow. But the color helps unify it too, so I wonder if you'd lose something in black and white?

  16. Sounds like a great party with really great food. You deserve some time to chill out.

    1. It was very good! Dave definitely gets kudos for all that hard work.

  17. I love the photo of Olga! Your dinner sounded really good. Hope you've recovered!

  18. What an excellent party-it sounds like Dave is a professional chef! Not liking wine, I would have felt fine this morning although stuffed. :)`

    1. Dave is a trained chef, actually -- he graduated from the French Culinary Institute in Manhattan.

  19. That first Morocco picture is a classic. Olga REALLY wants some of that Terrine. :)

  20. I couldn't say no to that begging stance. I hope she was rewarded with something! (raw terrine would have done nicely, I'm sure)

    1. We didn't give it to her raw, though I doubt it would have hurt her. We cooked it first. :)

  21. Hi Steve, Dave and Olga, Olga, OLGA, the begging baby but looking cute sitting there. I know if you just look down by your feet you can't help it and hand her a treat. I really don't think she is going to leave your side until she get a treat. Gotta love her.

  22. He does like to cook, doesn't he? You such a good man, drinking the wine paired with each course.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Olga had tried to trip Dave:)

    1. Well, it's hardly DIFFICULT to drink the wine! LOL

      Dave bought more than I thought we'd need and we wound up drinking almost all of it. Yeesh.
