Friday, December 3, 2021

Ceiling Supernova

It's Friday morning and I have nothing much to say, so it's time for another assortment of random photos from my wandering!

Above, this was the light fixture in the living room of Clamato Cottage in Bray. I was captivated by the pattern it created on the ceiling.

This is my smallest Thanksgiving cactus. I took this picture several weeks ago and was excited about the flower buds, but I'm sad to say it never bloomed. The buds dropped off and that was that. I think the plant (which I grew from a cutting sent by blog reader Frances) is still too small. I moved it to a brighter window in the hopes that it will grow a bit stronger, and hopefully next year I'll see some flowers!

Found this on the sidewalk on my walk home a few nights ago. A secret code? Writing in another language, perhaps Hindi? Or simply an interesting pattern?

I noticed that there's a new plaque on the outside of the former Decca Records building. As you can read, it recognizes Lonnie Donegan, one of the musicians who made "skiffle" a phenomenon. Skiffle, in turn, gave rise to rock n' roll and helped inspire the Beatles and other musicians of their generation. Donegan's song "Rock Island Line" is here -- he doesn't really get into it until about the two-minute mark, I think because he was trying to catch his breath!

I called this plaque "new," but apparently it's only new to me -- it went up in July 2019 and I just didn't notice it before now.

I am a little teapot...

This sign was on the kitchen door at Tom Kerridge's Hand and Flowers pub in Marlow, where we went last week. We got a kick out of it.

And finally, I came across this curious sign outside a barber shop on my walk home last night. As a head-shaver myself I pondered its meaning. Now that I've shaved my head I won't be lonely anymore? Or, I've given up meeting people so I shaved my head?


  1. I like symmetry and the light reflections look symmetrical enough for me.

    That is what some of our footpaths and roads look when underground service locations are marked before works happen. Meaningless mumbo jumbo.

    I like the kitchen sign but I don't get the last one.

    1. We get a lot of marks for service too, but they usually don't look quite like that!

  2. Hmmm. I too wonder what the shaved head sign means. One translation is kind of depressing for someone else (me) with a shaved head. I would have been mesmerized by that light fixture. My aunt and uncle had one in their entry that created prismatic colors on the ceiling. I loved it. The kitchen sign is clever. In my case, it would read “... Idiot with knives and fire.”

    1. I know -- I can't decide whether the sign is slamming bald people or complimenting them! Probably the latter. I think we as a society have largely moved beyond bald jokes.

  3. Shame about the buds falling off..mine is flowering beautifully! Did you move it while in bud? Apparently that can cause the dropping off!

    1. No, I moved it after the buds failed. I think the poor thing is just too small to bloom. Maybe it needs to be a bit more established. It HAS grown since you sent the cuttings, so I think it's just a matter of time.

  4. I have been able to translate the Laotian writing on the pavement. It says, "Only a nut would set out to read all the Newbery prize winners!"

  5. I love that light pattern and the sign made me laugh. Happy Friday!

  6. I love the light show.
    That writing is code for the 'aliens are coming.'
    Now I have to bow down to the King of Skiffle?
    That kitchen sign is perfect.

    1. "Aliens are coming" -- LOL! And not a moment too soon!

  7. Happy 12 - 3 - 21 Brother Reed - Extra Treats For Olga Girl


    1. Funny! I didn't realize it was such an auspicious date! :)

  8. As someone who has read quite a few books about both the Beatles and the Stones, I am very familiar with the name of Lonnie Donegan. He is cited as a very definite influence on the early days of Brit rock.
    I do not think we should overthink the last sign. It is just...a thing.

    1. Yeah, Donegan was apparently quite a phenomenon at the time. It's interesting that of all the musicians who recorded in that Decca building, Donegan is the one they chose to highlight.

  9. Interesting collection of random photos. I love the light in that top photo.

    1. It makes me want an interesting light fixture for our dining room.

  10. I solved the meaning behind the I'm so lonely sign - those are lyrics from a Nirvana song!
    You will see those words around the 1:04 mark...
    Loved the light fixture photo! So cool!

    1. You ROCK! (Literally!) My brother also e-mailed me with the solution, but I appreciate the link! I don't think I'd ever heard this song, not being a Nirvana fan myself.

  11. Lonnie Donegan - a blast from the past for me...can still remember the chorus to "My Old Man's Dustman." :)

    1. I don't know that one! I'll have to look it up!

    2. Should read "My Old Man's A Dustman"

  12. Catchy ad for the barber shop. Christmas cactus are very fussy about light. find out what light they like and they will reward you with blooms.

    1. The others all seem happy in this location, so it may just be a matter of the plant being too small. I imagine it takes a lot of energy to produce those flowers.

  13. What a great set of images to ponder. I love the light on the ceiling. That writing on the sidewalk is indeed strange...and pretty. Having grown up near Rock Island Illinois and had a grandfather who worked on the railroad, I've heard that song many times. I would never have guessed it was recorded in London. I love the sign about pirates and knives. The message on that shaved head sign is baffling.

    1. I've heard it before too, and like you, I had no idea it was recorded here -- just a ten-minute walk from my flat!

  14. I love that light too. I've stared at your photo of it for way too long. :) Shaving one's head takes a while so perhaps it passes the time.

    1. It depends on how you do it. I used to shave with a disposable razor, and that took a little time, but with an electric it's pretty quick.

  15. That first photo is mesmerizing!

  16. Thanks to google, I've been able to translate quite a number of things over the years and I can't recall and single one where the translation was as interesting as the time I spent pondering about what it meant. But google doesn't help much with untypeable symbols.

    1. Yeah, it's frustrating when you're dealing with a language like Arabic or Russian that uses a different alphabet. There's probably a way to convert our keyboards to type those symbols but I can't imagine it's a very easy process.

  17. Love the kitchen sign - we need to use it in OUR kitchen because I'm a menace & Dr. M should stay well away when I'm chopping things :)

  18. Replies
    1. I'm glad you thought so. Just curiosities from daily life!

  19. That first photo is amazing. And Lonnie Donnegan and the Rock Island Line. How well I remember that song from my high school years! Loved it then, love it now.

    1. I hadn't heard it in years but I remember it as well. It used to surface on the radio now and then when I was a kid.


    1. Ha!

      Side note: What a strange blog that is. What's up with all the links? (Which I did not click.)

  21. Beautiful light pattern.
    I am wondering about some of our houseplants too. Where I can give them more light, may not be warm enough. Life is a compromise.

    1. Do you have a grow light? I think in far northern climes it might be a good idea to have a supplemental light source. We seem to get by without it here OK.

  22. My holiday cactus plants have been blooming lately. They don't seem to have as many blossoms this time. I don't know what shaving one's head has to do with being lonely? Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.
