Saturday, December 25, 2021

Festive but Rainy

I think this may be the first Christmas when I have absolutely nothing to give Dave. (And as far as I know, he has nothing to give me.) It's a strange feeling of lightness, of freedom. I think we may have finally done the holiday right this year!

Not that we're not celebrating. As I've already written, we put up our colored lights in the avocado tree, and Dave is going to cook a few special things, including a meat paté that has him very excited. I'll do the cleanup, as usual, but otherwise I'll probably read and watch television. Oh, and walk the dog, as Dave and I did together yesterday.

I did have a special holiday outing yesterday afternoon. My boss had tickets to a sing-along Christmas carol event at Royal Albert Hall featuring the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Royal Choral Society, National Youth Choirs of Great Britain and the British Imperial Military Band. Dave ultimately decided not to go -- he was too concerned about Covid -- but I went. We sat in a box so we were somewhat distanced and shielded from other people, except when I stood in line for the bar at intermission behind a woman who could not stop coughing.

("I swear it's not Covid," she said. "I already had that three weeks ago!" Remarks that did not exactly inspire confidence.)

Plus we were all masked and had to show proof of vaccination or a negative test to get in. It's not easy to sing through a mask, but I gave it my best shot. The wine helped.

Here's a little taste of what the event was like:

The emcee had everyone raise their illuminated phones, which is a pretty clever way to reproduce that candle-like glow. (If my phone has a light I have no idea how to turn it on.)

And this was the big finale featuring soloist Zara McFarlane -- and, briefly, Santa.

Finally, here's a video on Twitter of the entire crowd doing what the emcee called a "Mexican wave" (I can't imagine why it's Mexican, but whatever). I'm in there somewhere, in one of the boxes near the top of the screen.

By the time the event let out around 5 p.m. it was dark, and as I walked through rainy Hyde Park to the bus stop, I began to think maybe it wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done. An urban park at night?! Plus I found myself in a corner of the park where the gates were all locked and I had to backtrack to an open stile to get out. But I eventually made it home with no drama.

Merry Christmas, everybody!

(Photos: Day and night views of a tree on the high street near our flat.)


  1. Now that looks like fun! And the Hampstead Library tree is a beauty. Wishing you and Dave (and Olga) a happy and healthy Christmas.

    1. I don't think the library actually erects the tree -- I'm not sure who does, to be honest.

  2. In 1986 the FIFA World Cup (soccer) was held in Mexico. During a particularly dull match the crowd kind of invented the idea of a human wave. After a shaky start it spread around the stadium and later it spread around the world. This tidbit of information is my Xmas gift to you. I hope Dave's cooking passes muster today.

    1. OK, I did a bit of reading on this -- "The Wave" in North America definitely predates 1986, which is why we don't associate it with anything Mexican. But yes, that game is apparently when the rest of the world saw it, and hence outside North America it's known as a "Mexican wave."

    2. We were doing The Wave at university events (I attended from 1974 to 1977) so there's my back up for Steve's info :)

    3. I feel like I am being ganged up on by North Americans. HELP!

    4. Well, you weren't wrong -- only about the "invented" part. :)

  3. What to give your long time partner when you desire little and if you wanted something, you could just buy it, as could your partner. There is a bottle shaped gift for me under our tree, a card for me and a card for him. Later I will buy him new sunglasses as a Christmas gift. At the moment it is no speakies. I don't know when Christmas gifts will be exchanged in such circumstances.

    1. Oh yes, great Christmas videos. Thanks.

    2. A bottle-shaped gift is always welcome! Hopefully the no speakies have subsided by now?

  4. Pity that Dave decided not to go. It looks spectacular. Hope that woman didn't have covid!

    1. I really don't think she did -- I think she just swallowed something wrong. She was laughing at everyone looking askance at her.

  5. Happy Christmas, Steve, to you and Dave and sweet Olga!

  6. Merry Christmas to the three of you! I am all for the non-gifted holiday. I think we could all use less stuff. I cannot convince one of my sisters, though, so we are all guilted into compliance.

    1. That's a shame. I am now basically gift-free with my whole family. It's a HUGE relief. (Made much easier, of course, by living across an ocean.)

  7. Merry Christmas to you and Dave and Olga! I loved the music from Royal Albert Hall! I hope you are having a delicious day.

  8. Happy xmas to you and fingers crossed that the concert leaves only good memories.

    1. I'm not too worried, but yeah, crossing fingers never hurts!

  9. Merry Christmas, Steve and Dave! (and Olga too!)

  10. Despite "I already had that three weeks ago" lady, I think you did indeed do Christmas exactly right.

  11. Usually all you have to do is shake your phone for the flashlight app to come on! To find the flashlight, simply pull down the apps at the top front of your phone ... get Dave to show you! LOL It's difficult to explain!
    Enjoy your day!

    1. Shaking doesn't work on my phone, and I don't seem to have anything in my apps. I think I'd have to download a flashlight app, which I haven't. Anyway it's not really a problem for me (outside of music performances!) as I just use the screen and that gives me enough light when I need it.

  12. I used to love to sing Christmas carols when I was a kid. Several years someone organised the neighborhood kids to go around singing Christmas carols at people's houses.

    I think just spending a quiet day together is present enough. Required gift giving seems a little oxymoronic to me.

    1. Singing carols here is always a bit surreal because the British use different melodies for some of the songs. It throws me every year. And some of them -- like "Once in King David's City" -- we never really sing in America. And others they call by different titles. The Emcee at one point announced that we were going to sing "Dashing Through the Snow," and I turned to my boss and said, "He means 'Jingle Bells,' I guess?" And he did.

  13. Happy Christmas to you, Dave and Olga. Glad you were able to enjoy a bit of the festivities at RAH.

    1. It was the only holiday-themed thing I did this year, I think!

  14. Sounds like a very good Christmas to me. Enjoy the day with Olga. Merry Christmas!

  15. Very festive! Thanks for the videos of the concert - I liked the lights. Also like the tree with and without the lights on. Merry Christmas!

  16. Love seeing those phones lit up like candles. That was such a cool idea.
    I don't like that the woman in front of you was coughing and said that she had covid three weeks ago. Despite that experience, it looks like a wonderful Christmas Eve there.
    Merry Christmas to you, Dave, and Olga.

    1. One of my co-workers who was with us at the event also had Covid three weeks ago. But as I told her, she wasn't coughing, so she didn't worry me! Argh!

  17. The tree at the library is beautiful... day and night!

    Merry Christmas to you, Dave, and Olga. :) Enjoy your quiet day with each other.

  18. Hmmm, smartest evening ever? Anyway, happy Krimbo to you and Dave and Olga.

  19. Sounds like a nice day and not stressful. Did Olga get a gift?

    1. She got the gift of our presence, which is all she really wants anyway. :)

  20. I find it difficult to give gifts just because it is a specific occasion..give when needed!
    A pity that Dave didn't go. Sounds like a really good outing.
    Greetings to the three of you. And hopefully we will be here again next year to greet everyone!!

    1. I agree -- I much prefer giving random gifts that seem useful or appropriate, rather than something I'm supposed to buy because it's a certain day of the year.

  21. My daughter and son-in-law were just at the Royal Albert Hall last month for the Festival of Remembrance.

    1. I'm glad they're having events again, though I wonder whether that will stop with our new Covid wave.

  22. Happy Holidaze Brother Reed


    1. Same to you, T! We gave Olga a treat in your name. :)

  23. This would be a performance that you wouldn't want to miss. Keep healthy and safe.

  24. Fairly certain that you have an iphone......swipe up from the bottom and the torch symbol should appear bottom left..well it does on mine!!

    1. Alas, NO! I just get a search field when I swipe up from the bottom. Hmmmm...

    2. My iPhone 8 flashlight/torch used to appear when I swiped left. It no longer does. It still appears in my control centre as an installed app, but I have no idea how to get to it. So, I simply set up Siri and can say “Hey, Siri, turn on flashlight.” And it works!

  25. Awesome videos! Merry Christmas, hugs, Edna B.
