Friday, May 13, 2022

Elron Says Yep

Time for another set of random photos from my phone, taken during my wandering around town.

First, a window decoration at the pottery-painting shop on the high street. It went up for Mother's Day, which is in March in the UK. I don't know what those creatures are, but I thought it was pretty cute.

I guess this sign is for delivery people -- because otherwise, whoever was ringing would probably know to wait, or it would be someone you wouldn't want to talk to anyway!

Come and join our neighborhood association. The Queen commands it!

A rather glam single shoe found on the road. I'm not sure where you'd wear a shoe like this, except maybe as a house slipper.

The anarchists have taken to stickering to spread their message of ungovernability.

Fun with light & shadow. Olga, once again, is thinking, "Why?"


A commentary on society's treatment of mentally or physically ill people. A serious subject, but I was amused by the quote attributed to "Elron Hubbard." (Being a science fiction writer, he probably wished his name was "Elron," which sounds very intergalactic.)

Also, L. Ron Hubbard has said a lot of things, but I can't find any evidence he ever said that.

And finally, a rather disturbing framed picture set out with the rubbish on Finchley Road. Looks like glitter and birdshot in that person's mouth? I didn't take it away, but someone did -- maybe just for the frame, which was pretty nice.


  1. That's an interesting group of images.
    A very sensible note for deliverers...there are those I have known who hardly bother to knock!!

    Lovely shadow shot

  2. This is a great selection. I, too, like those first illustrations. Cute without being cutesy. The queen needs a manicure (or at least some moisturizer). As for the stickers, I appreciate the offer, but Boris can go F himself. You know how I love shadow pictures. I’ve seen variations of this quote attributed to L. Ron: “If you want to get rich, start a religion.” I wonder if Elron said it, too.

  3. My, what long legs you have Steve. Hubbard was probably right about making money.

  4. No cute country cottages with with pink roses growing round the door? No Beefeaters chatting with Chinese tourists? No White Cliffs of Dover? No jockeys at Ascot? No Morris dancers?

  5. The Charity method of getting rich seems to be alive and well in your country as well as mine.
    Shame on all of them.
    Love the long shadows.

  6. If I had to walk down three flights of stairs to answer a doorbell, I would most definitely have a Ring doorbell with camera and remote answering functions.

  7. I wonder if the fancy slipper was chucked at a wailing cat?

  8. Whenever I'm walking and find anything interesting, I think of you, Steve! Since I walk in such a rural area, it's not an everyday event by any means.

  9. That poster of the Queen is very disturbing because it looks like her face with Uncle Sam's hand. Yikes! Ha!

  10. L. Ron Hubbard ... The Scientology sleeze who bilks millions from the faithful!
    I would say the creatures are kitty cats!! They are cute!
    Your pictures are always interesting!

  11. That is really an interesting collection of photos, Steve. I love the note about the 3 flights of stairs.

  12. That was a good round of photos from the phone. I'm sure many people would pass by what you photograph.

  13. That last one is a bit disturbing. I can't imagine hanging that in a house. "Elron" does sound a bit intergalactic. I actually saw someone wearing shoes like that at the grocery store recently. I remember thinking what would posses someone to buy those.
    A great selection of observations.

  14. "L. Ron Hubbard" always reminds me of The Simpson's episode where the poor old organist played a song by "I. Ron Butterfly" for Reverend Lovejoy's church. (In a gadda da vida!) We laughed so hard!

  15. The trash is exactly where that picture needed to be. And the Queen has a pretty gnarly arm. She should get that checked out.

  16. I had the same thought as The Bug about the photo of the Queen.

    You might be surprised at the places people will wear slippers like that, especially in the rural south!

    Excellent shadow shot of you and Olga.

  17. fun bunch of shots! "Elron" - that's great! Shadow pic is the best of the bunch, though.

  18. Yeah, I'd have taken just the frame.

  19. That stuff in the mouth, ewww! The frame does look nice though. Elron Hubbard took me a while to figure out. :)

  20. You DO find lots of fun things on your walk. Love the cats in dresses! All I seem to find are hubcaps and inappropriately discarded masks, though today I found the equipment of someone who is sleeping rough down at the Ditch. That was sadly disturbing.

  21. Love your random shots of this and that, wabi sabi. Your phone takes such good photos. The tongue is a fright though, isn't it. Especially if those are piercings.

  22. Regarding the first picture, those "creatures" are cats, you dolt! Sheesh, you dog people are all alike.

  23. GZ: I think those guys are under so much pressure to make fast deliveries that they often can't afford to wait around.

    Mitchell: Yeah, I've seen variations on that quote as well. I suspect that one is real!

    Andrew: I was on stilts. :)


    River: Well, I guess someone is always ready to make a profit in whatever way they can -- even if it means exploiting the vulnerable. (Which is not to say that every charity exploits the vulnerable.)

    Ed: Right?! There's got to be a better way.

    Boud: That's a good theory!!

    Ms Moon: There's a lot of weird stuff out there on the roadsides of the world.

    Bug: I think it IS modeled on an army recruiting poster.

    Marcia: Oh, yeah, they could be cats!

    Robin: You can tell she's sick of showing up at the door and finding no one there.

    Red: God is in the details, as we say in journalism.

    Sharon: It is kind of a gross picture, isn't it? I just don't want a photo of the inside of anyone's mouth.

    Ellen D.: Ha! That's awesome! "The Simpsons" is such a clever show.

    Ellen: I agree. Interesting that someone took it!

    Kelly: Come to think of it, I've seen some pretty peculiar shoes on the tube.

    Wilma: "Elron" cracked me up. :)

    Bob: I just left it all there, but someone took it.

    John: It's cute, isn't it?!

    Margaret: I hope someone finds a nicer photo to put in it.

    Jeanie: Yeah, I hate to see anyone sleeping rough. We've got quite a bit of that in London.

    Linda Sue: It might be pierced, but surely those aren't ALL piercings? Yeesh.

    Jenny-O: I try! LOL

    Catalyst: I suppose they COULD be, but they could use some whiskers, or cat eyes. I need more specifics!

  24. Olga Girl And Her Shadow Human Would Have Been Perfectly Framed Over That Mouth

