Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Nessie and a Bag of Ice

Today is my adventure at the dermatologist's office, and I have literally no idea what to expect. I assume it's just a consultation to assess the sun spots on my face and make sure no further intervention is needed. Maybe they'll want to do a biopsy or something like that. At any rate, I'm supposed to go to work afterwards, so hopefully they won't carve me up too much.

I heard from the Supervisor of Elections in Tampa about voting in the mid-terms, and I ordered my ballots. After all the recent shenanigans by Republican legislators around the USA, I thought it might be much harder for me to cast a mail-in ballot this year. I was glad to see I'm still on the voter rolls and apparently will be able to have my say.

Work is super-slow this week. The middle schoolers are all off on class trips, and although we have high school classes in doing research projects, they use most of their resources within the library and don't check much out. I'm trying to catch up on low-priority projects like:

We have a small, dorm-sized refrigerator in our office, where some of us keep random cans of Diet Coke (my boss and co-worker) or stuff for lunch (the woman who works in transportation). As you can see, it is in dire need of defrosting. That's a bag of ice wedged into the freezer, and it's so engulfed in ice itself that I can't pull it out. So I conferred with the housekeeping staff and arranged for them to defrost it last night. Hopefully when we go in today all the ice will be gone.

I joked with my boss that I hoped there was nothing behind that ice bag. I said, "Are we sure there's not a bottle of gin in there?"

(Top photo: Apparently Nessie has moved to a council house near our flat.)


  1. Gin? I thought it was Vodka that got kept in freezers.

  2. I would have hoped for a bottle of gin and not a body part. Hope all goes well at the dermatologist — which reminds me, I need to make an appointment.

  3. Your joke about the gin bottle was mildly funny but somehow I don't think that you are cut out to be a stand-up comedian. Stick to the day job! I hope all goes well at the skin doctor's place.

  4. Your video head cleaner might be discovered at the back of the freezer.

  5. That would be awful now, finding a bottle of gin or vodka in the freezer. No idea how you would cope.
    Could you then come over an defrost my freezer next, please?

  6. Ah. - the price of a Florida childhood. As you say, it’s probably just a sunspot. Happily, now kids can be protected by sunscreen, unlike my own kids - and everyone before them - who grew up before it came along.
    Nessie is the best.

  7. If there is gin there it belongs to the fellow who defrosts the freezer! Good luck today.

  8. Good luck at the derma. With any luck its nothing dramatic. I'd be surprised if there were enough sun in England to worry about. My derma commented years ago I was literally her only patient with no sun damage, snd wondered where I'd grown up!

  9. Please keep us updated as to your appointment.
    Growing up in Florida can sure mess up a person's skin. I look like a hell-cheetah.

  10. I remember defrosting my dorm refrigerator, when I did live in a dorm, whenever it got enough frost that you really couldn't fit anything practical into the remaining open space. That was is getting close to that point.

  11. Hope the dermatologist visit went well. Keep us posted.
    Glad you are watching out for the little fridge! It will be nice when it is all cleaned out.

  12. I do hope all went well at the dermatology appointment.
    Enjoy your quiet days at the library. Defrosting that little fridge is not one of the things I would have thought you would be doing there today.

  13. You will have to let us know if there were any surprises lurking in the refrigerator.

  14. If they did find a bottle of gin or vodka I hope they enjoyed it.

    Getting you the ballot is one thing. Accepting it once it arrives is another altogether. I've read that lots of mail in ballots are disqualified.

  15. Nessie indeed! I think they just do a little scraping of cells but I'm not sure.

  16. That little blue head looking over the fence is adorable. Good luck with your freezer. Hugs, Edna B.

  17. I hope your appointment went well! The one and only time I went to a derm for a skin check she decided that a mole on my back was suspicious & went right ahead and scraped it off & sent it to be tested. It was fine, but I had a bit of sticker shock at the cost.

  18. That smiling face in the top photo made my day. So cute and cheerful!

    I hope there was no need for any biopsying. (I'm not sure that's a word...)

  19. That fridge is in extreme need of defrosting.

  20. Steve,
    I hope all went well at the dermatologist today. Please keep us posted but it isn't really bad anymore. They have this spray that freezes off anything suspicious and if they do need to send something to the pathologist then they scrape the skin and your good to go. I had a couple of precancerous spots frozen a couple of years ago and had to have a spot re-frozen later, but that choice was mine. They assured me that it was fine, but my dad died of cancer, it started on his lip, so I wanted that peace of mind.

    Back in like 2006 0r 2007 I lived in Las Vegas, and I cleaned a house that 4 of the Chippendales lived in. The one who hired me loved cats and dogs and it was a 2-story home and the master bedroom held the cats and dogs and once I got up all of the animal hair, I could see gorgeous wood floors. The house was gorgeous but very hard to clean. What took me 4 hours on a house like that, it would take me 6 because of all the fur hair.
    They were the coolest guys, and they gave me tickets every week to go and see them, but I never did. I told them that they had already had a special place in my heart (that was true) but I gave the tickets away to my girlfriends and they loved the shows. I think that they were the last of the lot. I never met the rest of the men, but I enjoyed working for them. When I broke my foot in 3 places I had to quit, and they had to find someone else. I am not sure what ever happened to them because I moved over close to the Hoover Dam and lost track of them.

    I really love the pictures of Olga and I just love that tree! I think that Olga was happy that day and I see she has her tennis ball... that is so... AWWW!

    I caught up on your blog posts, but I didn't comment except on this one. I enjoyed reading and glad that you are having some gorgeous flower to brighten your day.
    Much Hugs to you, Dave and Olga. xx

  21. Nessie looks like she would be a good neighbor!

  22. I hope things went well at the dermatologist's office.

  23. River: It's a good way to store gin, too!

    Mitchell: LOL -- a missing student, perhaps?

    YP: Well fortunately you are being charged nothing for your entertainment here at my blog, so you get what you pay for. LOL

    Andrew: Did head cleaner have to be frozen? I don't remember that!

    Sabine: Well, as it turns out, we defrosted it so effectively that it will no longer work, so maybe you'd better not enlist our help!

    Marty: Yeah, my skin definitely bears the scars of growing up in Florida. (And living two years in Morocco.)

    Debby: Finders keepers!

    Boud: Yeah, I don't ever feel like the sun here in the UK is doing any damage. This is all a result of growing up in sunny Florida.

    Marcia: EXACTLY!

    Ms. Moon: LOL! "Hell cheetah"!

    Ed: That's what prompted us to defrost it! One of the fridge users complained she couldn't put anything in the freezer!

    Ellen D: Well, it needed to be cleaned no matter what. I found a sealed packet of cheese in there from 2018!

    Robin: My job is full of weird little tasks and surprises. (Though, to be honest, I didn't do the defrosting myself -- the maintenance guys did. I just put in the request.)

    Sharon: The only lurking surprise is that defrosting caused the death of the freezer!

    Ellen: The elections web site tells me when my ballot has been accepted, so I can keep an eye on that. So far it hasn't been a problem, but yeah, there's aways cause for concern!

    Margaret: They didn't even do that, it turns out. They just took super-magnified pictures.

    Edna: Isn't it cute? It cracked me up.

    Bug: Yeah, it's not cheap in the states! (Here it's all on the NHS.) I figure with moles it's best to just be rid of them. A mole never does anything good for anyone.

    John: It cracked me up when I saw it in real life!

    Kelly: I think it IS a word! And yes, I got away without it.

    Red: It's pretty sad, isn't it?!

    Beth: The Chippendales still have a Las Vegas show, apparently. It's the last bastion of their empire. I can only imagine what cleaning up all that pet hair would have been like!

    Wilma: Perhaps a bit too curious? LOL

    Pixie: They did indeed! (See next post!)

  24. I don't know. It is just what everyone did. Kept fresher I guess.

  25. At least it's too small for a dead body, so if you're missing any colleagues or students, not likely to be found there! (Do you ever see the series "Unforgotten?" They showed it on Masterpiece here and yes, a body -- or rather, the head of a body -- in the fridge).

    Good luck with the dermatologist, where I'm sure you've already been by now. Hope all is well.
