Friday, May 6, 2022


This was the scene at the suet-ball bird feeder last night. Five parakeets, all at once! They were insistent and squawky and ravenous. I filled the feeder yesterday morning and by sunset it was completely empty.

Fortunately it looks like we'll be around to feed them for another year. The landlords have extended an offer to renew our lease, and we've accepted it. We're working on the paperwork now. As part of that process we had to get some kind of energy inspection, which happened last week when I wasn't home. Some guy came into the house -- Dave said his name was Martinique and he was wearing a Speedo, but I'm pretty sure he's kidding -- measured the windows, looked around for about five minutes and left. It sounds a bit like he was casing the joint, but fortunately we own nothing worth stealing. And besides, we trust Martinique.

I got a call yesterday from the dermatology department at University College London. When I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago, one of the things I asked her about were some age spots on my face. She took pictures and said she'd send them off to the experts, and I'm not too thrilled that now they want to see me. I mean, it's better to face the music and get these problems addressed, but I'm a bit trepidatious.

Also, Dave and I are working on our plans for summer. We're going to go to Michigan to visit his family, which we haven't done in years. (We usually see them when they're down in Florida for the winter instead.) I'm excited about a Michigan trip. It should be beautiful there in July.

We tried to buy our plane tickets the other day, but it's a bit complicated because Dave wants to go on to Indianapolis afterwards for Drum Corps Finals, while I want to come back to London. So we need a flight together going to Detroit, but separate coming back, and Dave has the added complication of multi-city travel. Trust me when I say that working this out on Travelocity was a nightmare. Even booking our tickets separately, we couldn't get the same flight over. We're going to have to keep trying.

One of Dave's co-workers has agreed to house-sit and take care of Olga, so she'll be fine in our absence.

On a whim, I bought some roses from a street-corner flower stand on my way home last night. The woman who wrapped them up for me said, "They're beautiful roses. She'll love them." I came home and told Dave and we had a good laugh. Maybe I'll mess with his pronouns for a few days just to be annoying.


  1. Wow, wild parakeets? We had a couple in cages, budgies though. Similar but different? My younger daughter was an excellent reader in 2nd grade but had some issues with comprehension (read too fast), so I sent her to a tutor. She insisted when I picked her up that the tutor's name was Googla. Her name was Trudy. She wasn't wearing a bikini though. :) I worry about spots too and moles. My dad had skin cancer which makes me even more aware. Hope everything is OK.

  2. It is nice to see the parakeets close up. We have lots here along the river, but I only ever see them flying ( and screeching as they go). Luckily they don't seem to come this far up the hill very often as I don't want them all over my bird feeders!
    Hope that your travel plans get sorted satisfactorily.

  3. I know that feeling about the areas on your face. Just went through a Mohs surgery. But despite bring very upset about it, it did go well. Here's hoping you have an undramatic outcome, too.

    Those parakeets are very exciting, and I should think noisy?

  4. The growing numbers of parakeets in England is worthy of research.

    Hopefully it just caution behind sending you for a further expert skin check. It must have come from your earlier years unless you have been continually burnt in London which is a bit hard to do.

    I have stopped tolerating assumptions and while it is tiresome to have to out yourself constantly through life, I do accept assumptions about my sexuality. Especially by professionals who should know better. Clearly you didn't mince up to the flower seller with flappy wrists and sibilant esses.

  5. The roses ARE beautiful. I’m unable to let those kinds of comments slide. I don’t know why it matters so much to me. I would have immediately said, “Yes, HE will.” However, it’s never happened here. The parakeet photos are also beautiful. What fun.

    We’ve decided to go to Norway for the month of August. It sounded like a great idea, but finding hotels has become a major headache.

  6. The parakeets are beautiful. I found these photos on the interweb, thought you might like them.,the%20last%20count%20in%202012.

    Hopefully you'll be able to get your tickets sorted out and travel together to Michigan.

    I still love the watercolor of Olga. It's beautiful.

  7. For flight schedules like yours, I either book via phone directly with the airline or use a travel agent. It is a lot easier and less stressful.

  8. One Of Your Better Post For Sure - Enjoy The Weekend Mr Reed


  9. Apropos of nothing, your flight arranging saga reminds me of some friends, a couple. They always booked separate flights [to the same destination] in case one of them went down so their kids weren't completely orphaned. Don't ask where the kids were or with which of the parents if either. I don't know.

    Hope your skin (the body's largest organ - who'd have thought it) behaves.The other day I looked up cause of death of dear sweet Bob Marley, age 36. I can't believe it. It's even more insidious than brain cancer sneaking up on you killing you in a few days flat (Lemmy - Motorhead).

    Steve, this is off topic which I hope you'll forgive as where I'd have left feedback to you in the appropriate place the blogger in question won't give my comments the light of day - on principle and regardless of what I have to say. Just to let you know that I was heartened by your input (and Ms Moon's and Debby's) on demographics.Your being outspoken on the issue made my heart sing - not least for personal reasons. Thanks for that. Well, some people sure do show their "colours" when blogging.


  10. Gorgeous roses! I'm sure "she" DID love them :) And yes, Michigan in July will be lovely. I'm sad we never went when we lived in Ohio.

    I hope all goes well with the derm - I think they are EXTRA cautious, so hopefully they'll just remove a few things & that will be that.

  11. 'Mess with his pronouns'! I don't know why that struck my funny bone, but it did. I laughed out loud.

    When are you being seen?

  12. The roses are pretty and that was sweet, but the ladies comment got me to thinking about a woman who came into our office and while we talked she commented on my wedding ring, asking what my wife's looked like.
    I said, "I don't know about her, but my husband's looks just like this."
    We had a good laugh.

  13. "And besides, we trust Martinique."
    Those parakeet shots are stunning.
    Good luck with your travel plans. This is why I miss travel agents so much.
    I'm sure your brown spots are fine. Now, having said that, I definitely need to make a dermatologist appointment.

  14. I love seeing the parakeets there. Such big beautiful birds.
    I hope everything works out with your travel plans. It does sound a bit complicated.
    Keep us posted about your followup dermatology appointment. Good luck with all of it.

  15. Wow! Those parakeets are really lovely!
    You should go with Dave to the Drum Corps Finals - they are so terrific to watch. But maybe you don't want to leave Olga that long so I understand. Hope you get your tickets straightened out.
    I have an appointment with a dermatologist on Tuesday! Must be the season for checking skin. My 3 siblings have all had to have something removed so I figured it was my turn to be checked. Good luck to us!

  16. Great roses, gorgeous birds and smart to get the spots checked, although the uncertainty is always frustrating. So, Michigan. July is one of our best months. What part of the state will you be in during your visit? It would be fun to connect if you are anywhere near home or the lake! I know that's always hard with family visits but it would be frustrating and sad to find you were 45 minutes away and no connecting, even for a quick walk or lunch! Please keep me posted!

  17. Fun post! I love those pretty parakeets. Enjoy your trip to Michigan.

  18. Your parakeets are beautiful. And, I love those roses! I'm sure both of you will enjoy them for quite a while. Have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  19. How wonderful to have all those parakeets squawking in the yard! It made me think of when I used to live at the house all those love birds would visit my yard. I truly miss seeing them.
    I've had so many pre-cancer cells removed that it's old hat now. I've had two removed from my face and if the face is involved, they always call in a Mohs Surgeon. They are very good at removing the spot and leaving no scar at all. I can't say that for the ones on my back or legs.

  20. The 'doctor' in the dermatology department had to send photos to the experts? Was that person a doctor or no? Anyway, if they are scaly spots it could just be actinic keratosis and they'll freeze those spots.

    Cool parakeets. When I was planning our trip to Hawaii those years ago I went through Costco (being members). I told the guy what I wanted and he did all the work making the flight, hotel, and car rental reservations right then on the phone for however long it took. If you're having trouble doing it online, call Travelocity and get an actual person to help you.

  21. Always better safe than sorry. I see a dermatology APRN twice a year, just for that reason.

    Amazing how quickly birds can empty a feeder. We often have that happen with Goldfinches in the spring (when they're still wearing their greenish feathers). I've been negligent about keeping my feeders filled this year, so I haven't seen as many.

  22. The Ringnecks are so pretty. It's amazing how well they've adapted to London. Hope the thing on your face is nothing. It's always nerve wracking when they call you.

  23. That's just a lovely bird.
    What's the drum corp, please?

  24. My brother used to live in Michigan, and summer is a really nice season there. And as far as the dermatologist goes, one can never be too cautious. It is always good to get things checked out. Trust me, I have experience with this!

  25. I look forward to your adventures up north x

  26. Margaret: As I understand it these are ring-necked parakeets, obviously not native to Britain but feral and well-established in colonies around London.

    River: I'm glad you like them! The flower seller wasn't entirely wrong! LOL

    Frances: It's fun to watch them on the feeders but they do seem to drive other birds away because they're so big and dominant.

    Boud: That's good to know, about your surgery. I've expected to have some skin issues, being a fair-skinned person who grew up in a very sunny place. But I'm still not thrilled about it.

    Andrew: Yes, this definitely comes from growing up in Florida! I know what you mean about not tolerating assumptions, but it seemed petty to correct her. I wasn't mincing but I WAS wearing a rainbow flag pin on my school lanyard, so you'd think that would have told her something! LOL

    Mitchell: Oooh, Norway sounds like a great idea! Scouting out San Geraldo's ancestral family?

    Pixie: Great pictures! Thanks for the link. I especially like the one with the cherry blossoms. I had no idea they'd perch on a person's hand to eat (though of course pet parakeets do, so I don't know why that surprises me).

    Ed: Yeah, we've considered trying a travel agent. Stay tuned!

    Padre: I'm glad you think so!

    Ursula: I've heard of couples flying separately for that reason, but it seems a little paranoid to me. Are they afraid to sit in the same room in case a meteor hits the house? Thanks for your feedback re. the demographics post. :)

    Bug: I honestly didn't even buy them specifically for Dave, just for the house. But it's fine with me if "she" wants to call them "hers."

    Debby: Next Wednesday! No doubt you will get a full report.

    Bob: Ha! Good response! I'm glad you were both able to laugh about it rather than either one of you getting offended.

    Ms Moon: Yeah, it's time for me to have my skin looked over, so it's just as well. Travel agents seem like such a luxury now, don't they?

    Robin: I will let you know, I'm sure!

    EllenD: I've been to Drum Corps performances before, and I do enjoy them, but I do want to get back to the dog. (Plus I think it's good for Dave to have some "away time" and be a band geek.)

    Jeanie: Dave's parents live near Detroit, his sister lives in Alpena and I think we'll be all the way up in Mackinac before we depart. Unfortunately I'll be traveling in a group so I'm not sure how much independence I will have. Would be great to meet you, though! I'll touch base once I'm there!

    Edna: The parakeets ARE beautiful, aren't they? It seems so exotic to have them around.

    Sharon: I had one removed from my forehead a couple of years ago and I still have a scar, though not very obvious.

    Ellen: The person who took the pics was a physician's assistant at my general practitioner's office. Yeah, we may have to get on the phone to Travelocity about this trip!

    Kelly: I wish I could see a dermatologist more often. It's not always easy to get in, both here and in the USA!

    Allison: They really don't look like anything terrible to me, so I'd be shocked, but it might be wise to have them taken off anyway.

    Mage: Drum Corps is an organization of semi-professional marching bands. It's basically a system for dedicated band students to continue performing a few more years after they graduate.

    Michael: I know you do! (I have a PSA test scheduled too!)

    John: I'll let you know how it goes!

  27. "I do accept assumptions about my sexuality". Of course that should have read 'do not'.
