Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Hold It Together

Our Florida trip, which is less than a week away, is suddenly seeming very real. You know, when you plan a trip far in advance everything seems abstract, almost as if it might never happen. It's just an idea. But now it's happening!

Yesterday, while I was at work, my phone started pinging with texts from some high school friends who are planning a get-together dinner on the 21st. I'm excited about that, since these are people I haven't seen for several years. That's the night after we arrive in Florida, so hopefully I won't be asleep on my feet, but we'll make it work.

When the phone was pinging I was also, of course, trying to check out books and perform other work tasks, and it was stressing me out trying to participate in the planning as well as doing my job. One of my co-workers was laughing at me as I was trying to juggle things. Modern life, right? Distract-o-rama.

I just have to get through three more days of school. I can do this.

(Photo: Belsize Park, last week.)


  1. You couldn't leave the phone replies until later? Maybe the time difference made it important to be prompt.
    Photo from last week, dry pavement and not a flake of snow to be seen.

  2. So glad you get to go soon and that you have fun connections to look forward to. I love this photo.

  3. Andrew: I wanted to be part of the planning so I was afraid to leave it until later!

  4. That entrance certainly makes me want to know more. It sort of funnels me right up to the door!

  5. I am determined not to make a mischievous comment this morning so I shall just say that I have read this blogpost and noted its contents.

  6. I'm so glad you'll get to see old friends. That will be lovely! Almost there!

  7. Once the planning and waiting and preparing and traveling is done, the trip itself should be a nice one.

  8. Amazing to be in touch with high school friends and for them still to be local enough to meet.

  9. We are all stressed out for our own reasons right now, aren't we? I bet you'll be glad to be on that plane, wheels up.

  10. As my brother always says, "Things have a way of working out!" It will all come together one way or another and you will have a nice time in Florida. How nice you start your break soon!

  11. No multitasking for Steve? I find packing to be the most stressful part of a trip after the reservations.

  12. You can do it! I have to ignore group texts until they calm down. It is entirely too stressful to keep up in real time. Ha!

  13. Ah you just reminded me why I don't miss traveling anymore. It's been almost five years since Roger and I took a long road trip. You also remind me that whatever needs to get done somehow manages to get done... on time!
    (And a thank you to Yorkhire Pudding for making me laugh once again.)

  14. How clever of you to catch the person in a pink jacket running past that pink wall. I wonder why someone painted that wall pink.
    Your trip should be great fun!

  15. HOLY COW that photo is amazing!!! you have such lucky timing!

  16. How fun to get together with old friends.

  17. That is wonderful to have the chance to meet up with 'auld acquaintance'. How long will you be in Florida?

  18. I guess you're not required to put your phone on silent at work? I wonder if kids that age are surprised to see that you have a real life that requires prompt text responses! 😂

  19. I know what you mean with things getting real all of a sudden! We just arrived in Holland today after a 10 hour flight, no snow but very frosty, we might even get to skate this week!

  20. That's the way big trips always are for me; they creep up and then I'm in panic mode. The reunion sounds delightful!

  21. If you can multi-task you can definitely get through three more days.

  22. How nice that you'll get to see old friends! I'll order pleasant, sunny weather for you.


  23. Friday is a half day for us, then we're out for winter break too. And it's been the LONGEST WEEK EVER so far! But we're both going to make it!

    I'm sure you're looking forward to your Florida trip.

  24. I keep forgetting to ask you if you're familiar with the Spitalfields Life website? As a Londoner I think you'd enjoy it. Full of things I never knew about the city and some of the people.

  25. I was sure I commented yesterday, but I don’t see it. So... I love the photo (what else is new?) and I’m glad you have those reunions to look forward to.
