Sunday, December 18, 2022

Snowy Cemetery with Fenced Squirrels

Yesterday I took Olga to the cemetery and I actually got DAVE TO GO WITH ME! This never happens. Dave considers walking a necessary evil and doesn't do it unless required. He would certainly never think to do it recreationally. So I considered it a major victory when I suggested walking the dog and he said yes.

We went to the cemetery, which as you can see above was still pretty snowy.

Before we got there, Dave threw Olga's tennis ball in less-snowy Fortune Green -- once he could get it away from her, that is.

She stood and stared for several minutes at some squirrels on the other side of an iron fence. But she didn't try to get at them -- she's learned that it's futile when a fence is involved. She was frozen in prey-stalking mode and I had to put her leash on her to get her to budge.

We found a water dish beneath a spigot sitting next to an icy echo of itself.

Olga blends right in to the snowy landscape. Some of you asked in comments on a previous post whether she gets cold or needs a jacket. Olga has a pretty substantial fat layer beneath her skin so she never seems cold. I think she's made for this kind of environment, and maybe the color of her fur is evidence of that!

Otherwise it was a very domestic day, involving laundry and cleaning and relaxing. I started a new book, "The Last Resort" by Sarah Stodola, an examination of humanity's fascination with beaches and seashores that I saw mentioned in The New Yorker several weeks ago. I'm only about 35 pages in but it's good so far. I figured it was the perfect book to read as we prepare for Florida.

Dave and I finished the second season of "The White Lotus" last night. We loved it. I'm not sure I could find a single thing to complain about. I'm also almost done with "1899," a surreal thriller on Netflix involving a sort of ghost ship and inter-dimensional (or something) travel. Dave doesn't like it but I think it's intriguing, partly because it's a show without a dominant language -- the characters speak English, German, Danish, French, Polish, Chinese and Spanish, and they all use their native tongues. It's an interesting idea if you don't mind subtitles.


  1. Great photos. It really does look cold. Colder than years past?

  2. Walking success!!
    Subtitles are long as they are legible!!

  3. When it comes to the enjoyment of walking, perhaps Dave is simply a late starter. He might appreciate a compass and a stout pair of walking boots for Christmas.

  4. My dog always did quite well too outside during the day and when active. But sleeping outside all night is a different kind of cold and like Olga, he spent the nights inside where it was warm.

    I got through the first episode of 1899 and gave it up. I guess I felt it was just focusing on being creepy with all the unsmiling passengers that it didn't seem remotely realistic. Perhaps I should give it another go now that I finished Harry and Meghan.

  5. Dave and SG are cut from the same cloth, it seems. A major surprise when he says “yes” to a walk. We, too, finished Season 2 of The White Lotus last night. “1899” is one I might have to check out for myself. I thought it looked interesting but SG saw the words “surreal thriller” and said “no.”

  6. Years back I asked a friend if she wanted to see a movie, The Red Violin, and she said, 'Aren't there subtitles?'
    I told her there were and she said, 'I don't read.'

    That said, I love a snowy graveyard.

  7. Amazing to get Dave out there! I wonder what came over him. Olga always looks very cheerful out of doors. And I wonder if she was surprised to have his company.

  8. " icy echo of itself."
    How I loved that! And the picture too.
    Yay for Dave! He must be feeling pretty good. I am glad of that. And Olga, too, seems fine and happy. All is well.

  9. Michael never wants to walk either. So I usually do it solo. It's okay by me as I walk a lot faster than he does anyway. I heard that White Lotus was good, but I don't have HBO!

  10. I love that Dave went to the cemetery with you and Olga. How wonderful. I like seeing the snow still there. It makes everything look quiet and serene.

  11. I'd walk more I think if I had some interesting places to walk within walking distance. But Minnie's a small dog and she gets tired. Marc doesn't walk either. I think we'll check out White Lotus. Right now we're having black screen issues on HBO, can get sound and subtitles but no picture, on some things. Tried to watch Black Adam but the no picture. Can't figure out how to fix it.

  12. I never really thought about it, but how fascinating that one film should use multiple languages! I will go read about it. It must have required multiple directors, as well. So fascinating!

  13. The cemetery is still looking very wintery. The snow has lasted a long time in that location.
    I did a bit of walking yesterday myself. Out of town guests wanted to see the Desert Botanical Garden so we walked every single trail. I haven't done that in a long time.

  14. I'm only 3 episodes in to 1899 and am finding it intriguing. I love all the people speaking different languages and not understanding each other. There has to be some meaning to that. Nice to have company on your walk! I rarely do and being able to chat with someone makes the time go faster.

  15. I'm surprised to see that much snow on the ground.

  16. It looks cold there. Hope the plants are ok.

  17. That church yard photo is poetry by itself. I enjoyed White Lotus, too, though I did find the first two episodes to be somewhat sinister, but perhaps it was the mood I was in at the time, because the rest of the season didn't land that way, at all. I wonder what season 3 will bring, always a surprise with this one! Dave and I would keep each other company while you and my husband walk Olga. I understand him perfectly lol.

  18. I don't know which photo I like better.... Dave trying to get away the ball from Olga or Olga focused on the squirrel!

    I use to worry about our outside dogs when the temps dropped into the teens (like it's supposed to do this week), but my vet has assured me they are acclimated to the cold (and the summer heat) and as long as they have adequate shelter (which they do), they'll be fine (and they always have been!). Now my inside dog is a different story. He's a thin-coated Boston mix without an ounce of fat on his body (high energy), so he gets cold!

  19. Maybe Dave agreeing to walk was a stealth Christmas gift, in which case, uh oh, you have to think up one in return :D

    I love Alert Olga at the Fence (echoing your title which reminds me of naming artwork)

  20. Cemeteries look so different in the snow.

  21. Andrew: Hard to say. It's not unusual to have snow and ice, but it does seem a little earlier in the season than usual.

    GZ: Agreed! We tried to have the closed captioning on when we watched "The White Lotus," but it covered the subtitles when the Italian characters were talking. Argh!

    YP: I would be hard-pressed to think of a less Dave-like gift. LOL!

    Ed: "1899" is definitely NOT realistic, in any way!

    Mitchell: I can't recommend "1899" without reservations. It has its problems. But I found it interesting overall.

    Bob: Ha! Yeah, some people are really bothered by them, but they've never bothered me.

    Boud: Interestingly, we took a slightly different route than she and I usually take alone -- one closer to a route we've taken with Dave in the past. It's like she used a different Google Map in her head because he was with us!

    Ms Moon: I think he feels pretty good. Honestly, he would probably have preferred NOT to go, but he didn't have an excuse to avoid it because he has no schoolwork now. :)

    Michael: I actually don't mind a solo walk. Alone time is a good thing too!

    Robin: It's amazing how long the snow has stuck around. We've really been in an arctic blast.

    Ellen: Yeah, walking is harder in rural areas of the USA, I think. Fewer footpaths and more monotony than in a city.

    Debby: That's a good question -- I have no idea how they handled the direction. It's actually a limited series, not a movie.

    Sharon: That must have been good exercise! The gardens must be quite big.

    Margaret: It is very "Tower of Babel" in that way. As the series progresses there are moments when some characters appear to begin to understand each other across the different languages. It's very mysterious.

    Red: Winter Wonderland! (Not as wintry as yours.)

    Allison: Everything that we wanted to keep is indoors.

    37P: Well, it definitely had a sinister side, especially in the last episode. It's a very well-crafted show.

    Kelly: It really is all about the breed and the body fat. Greyhounds and whippets need coats because they have so little body fat. But Olga carries her own coat with her!

    Jenny-O: Hmmmm...good point! I will have to reciprocate!

    River: Snow is a refreshing change for the whole landscape.

  22. Loving Me Some Olga Girl Photos - The Over The Head Shot Is Brilliantly Framed - Well Done Human


  23. Loving those cemetery photos and so glad all three of you got out for the walk! Safe travels to the U.S. for a Merry Christmas!
