Friday, December 16, 2022

Laser Eyes and Luggage Thefts

Did you see Donald Trump's latest fail? His super-hero digital "trading cards"? The guy has always been delusional, but honestly, I think he's lost the plot. His followers are, by and large, people of modest means who are not going to spend money on an NFT and probably associate them with depraved elites. He has managed to alienate them while making himself a laughingstock.

When I first saw Trump's post about his "major announcement," featuring his costumed, muscular torso and space-laser eyes, I sent it to Dave and said, "LOL! Did you see this?!" We both had a good laugh. Trump later tried to backpedal by releasing some gobbledygook about free speech on the web, and his toadies pretended that was the major announcement rather than the trading cards, but the damage is done.

Reader comments that I've read in the right-wing media are almost uniformly negative, and many people say they're switching their allegiance to Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida. I'm no fan of DeSantis, but I think he's better than Trump. A President DeSantis would be scary, but he wouldn't leave me feeling the same level of existential dread that President Trump did. I think Democracy could survive DeSantis.

Anyway, just another sign that the orange one's days are numbered.

As long as we're talking about crazy news stories, have you seen the news about the official from the U.S. Department of Energy who was arrested for stealing women's suitcases from luggage carousels at airports? It's had some play in some media outlets but my former employer, The New York Times, has assiduously avoided the story, and I think that's a shame. It gives credence to the right-wingers who depict the Times as friendlier to Democratic administrations than Republicans. If this were one of Trump's staffers, the Times would be all over the story. I suspect the editors are telling themselves that Sam Brinton is too minor an official to warrant coverage, or that the charges themselves are too minor. But it's felony grand larceny! So that's balderdash.

The library has been pretty crazy this week. The high school is on a special schedule because students are taking exams, so they only have two classes per day (!) and the rest of the time is for studying, meeting with teachers, etc. Of course, rather than study, what they all do is come to the library and hang out, eating potato chips (which they're not supposed to do in the library) and giving me agita.

I am ready for this week to end!

(Photo: Frosty teasels in our garden.)


  1. Did you know that in Stone Age times teasels were used to comb hair as well as the hair of mammoth rugs and whatever passed for sheep back then?
    I hadn't heard about the trading cards stunt, the man truly is showing his crazier side now.
    Chips in the library are okay as long as they don't use them for page markers.

  2. I am pleased I don't know about idiot Trump's cards. Thankfully like English Prime Ministers, Trump has mostly disappeared from our media.

    DeSantis is not as crazy as Trump but still rather dangerous with his socially regressive ideas. I suppose is of Latin American heritage and and a practicing Catholic. That could be a big vote winner in any election.

  3. Oh yes, you don't have a cane to discipline students who bring food into the library?

  4. Beautiful frost teasels.

    Drumpf’s “trading cards” look like something created by a satire site like The Onion. The man is truly unbalanced. I wonder if we'll ever know how many actually sell. I’m pleased to witness his drop in support, but I find DeSantis frightening, as well. Drumpf is a mentally ill, narcissistic, child. DeSantis is cruel.

  5. Wow, not one but two issues I wasn't even vaguely aware of until reading your blog post. Trump has always been tone deaf so I guess it wasn't really shocking there.

    I reckon you know a lot more about DeSantis than I do but since he is a vaccine skeptic, I'm pretty sure he and I have very little in common politically. I have been hoping that Biden would not run again and let someone else run, but it doesn't sound like that is going to be the case from recent news. It may be another third party vote for me in 2024.

    I've always wondered why suitcase theft at airports wasn't more common or perhaps it is and I've just never heard about it. That is why I never have expensive luggage and I even doctor my luggage with duct tape to make it look even worse but more recognizable in a field packed with black luggage.

  6. I wonder if the kids discuss tactics for annoying the library staff - especially that one who is always reading. Hell, he even read ALL the Newbery medal winners! Get a life dude! "Oh-oh! He's coming over. And he looks pissed... How can we help you Mr Reed?"

  7. Good morning Steve, Olga and Dave. You know this ump the umpty butt is just doing whatever he can for attention. He need to get a life. Now, we have 2 more in front of the camera keeping up shit with his family but they are just ignoring them the best that they can. That Harry and Megan. Megan need to get a freaking job and stop trying to make money off the Royals. I use to like Megan and Harry until I see who they are now. I know that Harry is following Megan and Megan is a totally piece of shit also. Her mother is getting involved talking about yes it is prejudice toward Megan when she need to tell Megan to sit her ass down and leave those people alone. Sometimes Harry appears to be tired of her down grading his family by the look on his face when she was bowing throwing out her arms.

    They need to collect all this crap here in Amercia and sack them up and throw them in the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean. The gulf of mexico would be okay too. Just wherever there is so much water they can't get out. (laughing hard) Trump need to go somewhere and that place is to jail for all the tax fraud and other bad things he had done. You see Peru didn't waste any time, They impeached their President for trying to do a coup, went in and arrested him. They are still investigating trump. Why???? they have everything he did on camera and paper. One day we will survive this mess.

  8. I was nervous about the "Bigly" announcement because you never know what craziness spills out of his syphilitic brain, but that NFT business was a complete joke. It read more SNL than anything else.
    And I agree about the NYT not carrying LuggageGate. News is news and should be reported.

  9. My friends in Florida call their governor Ron DeSatan! I think he would be scary as president.
    You sure will enjoy your holiday break!

  10. I can only imagine the confusion and disdain in some trump supporters, what the fuck is an NFT? He is becoming even more childlike.

  11. I thought for SURE the trading card announcement came from some satire site. What in the actual heck. Sheesh.

    I guess potato chips in a library are marginally better than cheetos (my salty snack of choice). Man - I gave my own self heartburn imagining orange fingers handling library books!

  12. I saw that thing about the playing cards. Truly the move of an insane person. Why would his staff allow him to do that?
    Had not heard of the luggage thief. How weird.

  13. I love when Trump reveals his utter mind-blowing insanity. He is such an idiot it's hard to imagine that he actually was the President for four years. It's going to be interesting to see who actually runs in 2024.

  14. What in the world is agita? I wonder if I every had it at school about this time of year?

  15. I saw the announcement yesterday and tried to ignore it but it popped up everywhere with people making fun of it. It's got to be the dumbest stunt he's ever pulled and lord knows he's pulled lots of dumb stunts. If it is truly turning his hard-core followers off then I'm glad he did it. Whatever it takes to break that demented bond.
    I hadn't heard about the guy stealing luggage. That sounds a little nuts too. You are right, the Times should cover it.
    I love that you used gobbledygook and balderdash in the same post. Obviously you were talking about politics.

  16. Good morning. I wish that I thought you were right about people who love donald not sending him more money. But, I think they will. Instead of showing some love (especially at this time of year) to the multitude of charities trying to feed people here and abroad. I am sure they are in such denial about donald that they will once again send money to the grifter! Amazingly sad!

  17. Just thought I would leave a comment about a subject someone else commented about upthread. I saw the Harry and Megan series and I guess I came off with a much different impression. To me it sounded like two nice kids who were in love, got married and weren't supported by their family from the media attacks. Both seem well spoken and reasonable with what they had to say. I guess if they ever want citizenship to America, I for one would be happy to have them.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. DeSantis in some ways is scarier than Trump because he's smart. And every bit as controlling regarding banning books, and school curriculum as the worst of the GOP. As another commenter said he's extremely anti-vax also which is terrifying. I'm not quite sure how Harry and Meghan got into your comment thread, but I ignore them. I have no intention of watching anything they put out but have no ill will toward them.

  20. I hadn't heard about either of these things! Crazy!! I wish one of the major parties would run a moderate I could vote for, but like Ed, I fear it's going to be another "third party" election for me. Sigh.

    That frosty teasel shot is outstanding!

  21. I hope you saw Biden's response to trump's important announcement. Biden's had a list of recent accomplishments that actually are newsworthy. Of course trump will say that no one has ever sold as many trading cards as he has in such a short time. Major league baseball players wish their trading cards were as popular as his digital cards and his are worth the price . . . blah blah blah blah.


  22. You see Steve why I don't comment much. You still have those still reading and commenting on your comment when old holy hell you weren't talking to them. How Harry and Megan got into the thread I was saying we have two more craziest along with trump and whoever want to know how they got there read and comprehend what you read. I might read comments but I never comment on theirs. People say what they want to say. Whomever like the mess Trump, Megan and Harry is keeping up more power to them but I don't need your two cents on my comment. People are crazy on the net. The reason I try not to communicate with them. You're different and smart enough to not do that to others. It's sad every where you go. This is Steve blog and no one else. Steve is the only one I talk to online.

  23. Trump is SUCH a ridiculous person. Happy Friday, by the way - you made it!

  24. River: I know they were used for combing out wool before spinning it. I didn't think about mammoth wool, though! The problem with any food in the library is it creates sticky/salty/messy fingers, and we don't want that around the books.

    Andrew: Oh, I'm not a FAN of DeSantis, by any means. He's just the lesser of two evils. I think he's of Italian heritage. He did go to Catholic school.

    Mitchell: Supposedly they sold out, but I'm sure his sons bought them all! LOL

    Ed: Apparently these stolen suitcases WERE rather high-end. Knowing what's in my luggage I can't imagine why anyone would want to steal it! Dirty t-shirts? I'm also not thrilled about Biden again but I'll vote for him if he's the candidate.

    YP: Oh, definitely! They think we're all cranky nutcases.

    Angelicastar: You know, I haven't paid much attention to all the Harry/Megan stuff, but I do wonder why they felt the need to do this show. It seems destructive and unhelpful. I can understand wanting to distance themselves from "the firm" but then why talk smack about them?

    Bob: "Syphilitic brain" -- LOL! That made me laugh.

    Ellen D: He would be scary, don't get me wrong. But although I disagree with him on almost everything, I think DeSantis is smart and capable and wouldn't get us into a nuclear confrontation or steal classified documents or have childish meltdowns in the oval office.

    Pixie: Exactly! He does NOT know his audience!

    Bug: Oh, lord, Cheetos would be so much worse! LOL

    Ms Moon: Even Steve Bannon is saying whoever came up with this trading card stuff should be fired! But of course that's Trump himself. He had to sign off on all of it.

    Robin: I think his four years in the White House were basically consumed by his aides and cabinet members trying to keep him from doing too much damage.

    Red: "Agita: noun (INFORMAL/US): anxiety, stress, or aggravation."

    Sharon: Ha! What other possible words could we use to describe the political climate today?

    Peace Thyme: I heard that his "trading cards" sold out entirely, but who knows who bought them or under what circumstances. The whole thing is just demented and weird. And yes, others need all that money so much more!

    Ed: I certainly wouldn't deny them citizenship but I'm not sure I understand the point of airing all this conflict. I suppose they think they're modernizing the monarchy, or maybe they really do want to take it down. I'm not a royalist but I think there's something to be said for discretion.

    Boud: I appreciate all my commenters, even the ones who use salty language. :)

    Margaret: You know, at the end of the day, I'd rather have a smart and evil person in the White House than a stupid and evil one. That's basically what it comes down to!

    Kelly: The danger with third-party voting, of course, is that it basically boosts the opposition. I'll vote for Biden if he runs but I wish he wouldn't.

    Janie: Blah blah blah is right. That's the best summary of any of Trump's announcements.

    Angelicastar: I think some people see comments as a sort of conversation, and that's OK. All I ask is that everyone "play nice" and not attack each other. I try very hard to write a positive (if occasionally snarky) blog and I just don't want people to fight.

    Colette: Yes! We made it! Trump's ridiculousness level is ratcheting up these days, for sure. The Q followers are all trying to spin this trading card fiasco like it's part of some hidden plan. It's hilarious to watch.

  25. You bring up a great point. I hadn't thought of their motive in all of this. I'll have to chew on that awhile.
