Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Ravenous Camellia Monster, Yet Again

They're at it again -- the squirrels, devouring the flowers from our neighbor's pink camellia bush. We see this every spring. Among gardeners, this is apparently a well-known phenomenon. Camellias (along with tulips and crocuses) are among squirrels' favorite springtime snacks. I suppose there must be nectar inside the blossoms, or seeds, or something. Maybe they're just pleasantly crisp, like a colorful salad.

For some reason, the squirrels never attack our camellia, which has white blossoms. Maybe it doesn't taste as good?

Yesterday was pretty rainy, so I spent much of it inside. Dave and I got the plans for the rest of our week sorted out, and I read a chunk of "Almost Perfect," another YA novel that I've been curious about. It has commonly landed on recent banned book lists, because it's about a trans girl, but I'm finding it very mild in terms of content. And it's not a recent book -- it was published in 2009. I suppose just having a trans character is enough to be offensive to some (rigid and judgmental) people.

This may be the last we're going to see of this geranium. It's several years old and it was getting very leggy and gangly, so I pruned it several weeks ago. I cut it back pretty hard, leaving only one green sprout, and although that sprout is still alive I don't see it budding anywhere else. I'm not sure it's going to make it. I saved this sprig as an "insurance policy," thinking I could root it, but it's not growing roots, so -- yeah. I may have killed that plant.

And as long as this post is turning into a mishmash of unrelated pictures...

...here's an image you may have seen on Mr. Pudding's blog. It's supposedly me, Dave and Olga, rendered in the style of Grant Wood, with the aid of the Artificial Intelligence bots at Microsoft Image Creator. Dave and I were amused, even though it doesn't really look like us. Dave said, "I don't wear glasses!" He also has longer hair, and more of it. And why do we look so worried? Is it because our hands are weirdly fused together and we now face hours of surgery in order to no longer be conjoined?

I used to have a sweater vest like that, though.

Finally, for your auditory pleasure, here's a little video showing what it's like to sit out in the garden on a warm spring afternoon, with the birds singing and the dog twitching in the sun, and -- most audibly -- the ice cream truck inching its way around the neighborhood playing "O Sole Mio." It's a monotonous tune, but I like it, bringing a hint of carefree summer days to come.

I made this video on Sunday. Yesterday it was too rainy to sit outside, but I heard "O Sole Mio" making the rounds nonetheless. I'm surprised an ice cream truck can make a profit these days, considering the price of gas!


  1. Pot up that cutting and keep it damp but not wet. When the flower dies cut it off and keep the rest, keep watering and by next spring you'll have a whole new plant. The one in the garden may yet surprise you, those things are pretty hardy, just keep watering and give it shade on really hot days. Once it starts budding out, don't let it get leggy. Mine are leggy, sprawling everywhere trying to get to the sun because I planted them too far back in the bed.

  2. I went to some trouble to give Dave any hair at all. The picture is an image of the future when Dave's mop of hair will have been tamed and his failing eyesight will require spectacles. The fusing of the hands was symbolic and as difficult to engineer as Dave's admittedly short hair.

  3. That geranium is so pretty, you should persevere with it. I would cut an inch off the bottom and take the flowers off and continue with it in water for a few weeks. It looks very healthy!

  4. I think the universe will forgive you for losing one plant when balanced against all those you save!
    Your spring video is delightful. Summer is just around the corner.

  5. I love the portrait as a piece of art even if AI doesn't have the ability to capture the true you. You have classy ice cream trucks. O Sole Mio!

  6. I like the portrait as art but it doesn't really look like either of you. Olga is not so bad.
    White camellias flower earlier I think. Maybe squirrels are busy with another food source.

  7. I love the video! Your garden is so pretty and peaceful! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  8. I can't not look at your hands.
    I'm worried.

  9. If you put this video on repeat it would be great for dropping to sleep to. lol

  10. That photo of the squirrel eating a flower made me cackle. I don't know why, but they just endlessly amuse me. Probably because they mostly leave our flowers alone. Now, in Ohio, they would take one bite out of a tomato & then drop it and THAT was annoying.

  11. I think that geranium will indeed sprout. Just give it time.

  12. I like your garden video. You have created a lovely haven back there.

  13. Pinch the flower out..it will be concentrating on that,not on roots...take off the bigger leaves to minimize transpiration...then it should grow some roots...oh yes, give it a stick of willow or a little aspirin in the water too.....

  14. Living out in very rural America, ice cream trucks have never been a thing. I take that back. In the 80's, there was a company, Schwann, that did rural deliveries if you pre-ordered and did have some ice cream sandwiches that my mom sometimes bought. But that is as close as I've come to an ice cream truck. It is probably just as well.

  15. That squirrel eating the camellia flower is cute. I hope your neighbors don't mind sharing their flowers with the squirrel.
    The AI pic of you, Dave, and Olga is interesting.

  16. yeah, the fused hands...weird. I agree with everyone else, don't give up on the geranium or the cutting. just takes time. it took all winter to get roots on the angel trumpet and other cuttings I took before the big freeze.

  17. That video was very calming.
    That little portrait is interesting but those hands are very troubling. I'm finding artificial intelligence a bet scary.

  18. I loved sitting in your garden for a while. Olga looks troubled in that portrait too. 'How are they going to pet me? Who is going to open my dog food?"

  19. I have played around with that AI device too but have not been satisfied with what results I get. Though I did send one of Timmer to him in Denver showing a cartoon image of him walking around on the moon with a huge wad of money in his hand. He went to many Olympics in his t.v. career, always with a pocketful of cash paying off anyone who demanded anything, for parking for his crew or whatnot. I told him he had retired too soon and missed the first Olympics on the moon. I thought Olga looked pretty good in YP's image though. And she seemed to enjoy her nap on a sunny day. It reached 80 here yesterday and I enjoyed sitting outside too. No ice cream truck yet, though.

  20. The fused hands are bizarre. I don't remember seeing anything like that in a Grant Wood painting before, so I wonder why it did that? I'm laughing at Debby's comments regarding Olga.

  21. Squirrels are Oscar's nemesis - he'd be delighted to chase them off for you! Never knew that about Camellias though - and in fairness, there are very few squirrels here at the coast

  22. Oh dear. I've heard of conjoined twins, but at the hand? Very inconvenient.

  23. Perhaps the pink ones are stronger flavored? I don't intend to test out that theory. That's a very pretty Martha Washington; they are my favorite geranium but many of my flower beds are too sunny for them. The zonals thrive!

  24. I love the ice cream truck noises off. They start up around here the minute the snow's gone. Not as melodious as opera though!

  25. We had our first nice day here today. It was glorious! It's been a cold spring for us. Olga looks very content.

    That ice cream truck music would drive me insane! It's such a short snippet to be on repeat :)

  26. River: OK, I followed your advice. In fact I took the flower off entirely. We'll see if it roots in soil!

    YP: Ha! I would love to know what prompt you fed to the system to get it to create this image.

    Frances: It's been weeks in the water already. I did cut it shorter and put it in soil, as River suggested. We'll see if that works.

    Caro: Even the best gardeners (of which I am not one) kill things now and then!

    Mitchell: I agree! That's why I wanted to save it. Despite the shortcomings I thought it was pretty great.

    Andrew: Olga looks alarmed! And where are her spots?!

    Jennifer: Glad you liked it, even with that ice-cream truck music. :)

    Bob: ME TOO!

    Briony: I think it might drive you crazy after a while!

    Bug: They are amusing, and I can also laugh at the camellia thing because it's not our bush. But I wonder how my neighbor feels!

    Ms Moon: I hope so. It's still somewhat chilly here, so it might come out when the weather gets warmer.

    Ellen D: Thanks! Dave and I occasionally fantasize about how nice it would be to NOT have to take care of it, but I know we'd miss it.

    GZ: I did pinch off the flower, but I'm trying it in soil as River suggested above. The water seemed to be going nowhere.

    Ed: I remember one coming down our road in the summers, and we lived in a pretty remote area. I don't think he came around all that often.

    Robin: I haven't asked the neighbor what she thinks! She kind of keeps to herself. (This is the neighbor on the other side, NOT Mrs. Kravitz.)

    Ellen: OK, we'll see what happens! I'm used to faster-rooting plants, I suppose!

    Sharon: It doesn't bother me when used for harmless stuff like this. (I might feel differently if I were a graphic designer!) I agree the deeper implications are troubling.

    Debby: She looks like she's thinking, "RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!"

    Catalyst: I think it's hard to get the AI to reproduce a specific person, especially when there's no model to follow. I tried to prompt it to show me Ringo Starr canoeing, and it clearly had no idea what Ringo Starr looks like.

    Kelly: I think it's just a quirk in the technology -- it doesn't really understand how multiple hands might fit together.

    Bike Shed: Lucky you! I like squirrels but detest how destructive they are.

    Marty: Talk about opposable thumbs!

    Margaret: I'm hoping it pulls through, but if it doesn't I suppose I can always buy another one. It's not like it's a hard plant to find.

    Boud: I like them too. The sounds of summer.

    Jenny-O: Yay for glorious weather! And yeah, I had a feeling some people might react like that to the music. It does get to be a little much, especially when you hear it 100 times before the truck is out of earshot!

  27. Isn't it nice to finally be able to sit outside for a bit? We're having a warm and sunny spell (for a couple more days at least) and it's such a welcome change of pace! The ice cream truck cracks me up, though. You two look so sad in that print mock-up!
