Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The Avocado Story

It seems almost supernatural that on the very day I wrote about Tucker Carlson, he got FIRED from Fox News! That was the best present ever. Thanks, Universe, even though my birthday isn't for seven more months.

I promised yesterday to tell you why I moved the avocado back inside.

For one thing, winter is giving us a last gasp or two. Temperatures tonight were originally forecast to be in the 30's F, even just a few degrees from freezing. Now the weather folks are saying 40ยบ F, so apparently it won't get as cold as they first thought.

But that's not the main reason. The main reason is hinted at by the photo above.

Dave and I looked out the window on Sunday and saw a squirrel climbing around in the avocado. We were amused until I realized it was eating something. The tree is budding at the top, with nascent new branches emerging, and I feared for their safety, so I opened the door and chased the squirrel away.

That evening, though, I looked outside and saw THIRTEEN perfectly healthy avocado leaves littering the ground around the tree, and when I examined it I could see they had been snipped off as neatly as if I'd done it with scissors. Rodent teeth!

So yes, I brought it in again, to save it from the squirrels. My hope is if I wait another couple of weeks to move it back outside, temperatures will be warmer and maybe the squirrels won't be as hungry (?). There may be no scientific foundation for that latter belief.

Last night I met up with my co-worker Colin in Camden Town for a concert at a venue called the Roundhouse. First I found a pub and sat with my book and a pint, waiting for Colin to join me. The mural above was painted on the side of the pub.

There's something pretty great about a cozy pub, sitting by the fire, when it's chilly and rainy outside.

Colin and I had a decent but unspectacular dinner at Nando's, a fast-food chicken chain, before proceeding to the theater. That's what the stage looked like from our seats. We were there to see Rodrigo & Gabriela, a pair of Mexican guitarists, but the picture above shows the excellent opening singer, Chisara Agor, and her accompanists.

Here's just a brief clip of Rodrigo & Gabriela, to give you a taste of their music. They're truly astonishing guitarists, creating rhythms and all sorts of unusual sounds and effects from their instruments. They used some background recordings as well, and sometimes the stage would go dark and these low tones would begin, and I almost expected David Copperfield to step out from behind the curtains and make them disappear.

Of course the minute they began playing, a HUGE man sat down right in front of me and I spent the rest of the concert trying to see around his HUGE head. Still, it was a great show.

Anyway, now I'm off to work. I have another concert with Colin at the Roundhouse tonight!


  1. We were down to freezing, just, last night.
    Damnable tree rats!!

  2. That's some incredible guitar playing. Too bad about the big head. And the off-beat clapping. You wouldn't hear that in Spain. Sounds like a perfect afternoon and evening (again except for the big head). Squirrels are so adorable but can be so annoying. I hope your theory proves true.

  3. Can you leave something out for squirrels like we do for birds?
    Guitars are underrated as musical instruments in their own right. People tend to think of them as accompanying other instruments. How great you got to hear them - even if you couldn't see them!

  4. I wonder if there was a connection between me visualising Tucker Carlson as a greedy, fat boy from a cartoon and Horrid Murdoch's sudden decision to sack him? Surely, it is more than pure co-incidence. Don't cry Tucker, you right wing ******!

  5. Perhaps that squirrel had a tooth for guacamole.

  6. squirrels damn near killed my ginkgo trees last summer by stripping the bark off in ½ x 2 inch strips.for food I guess as there was always plenty of water available. the one by the old turtle pond has more dead branches than live ones. three years with no pecans and they didn't have much to eat. this year I'm throwing out peanuts every day so they won't attack it again because if they do it will surely die.

    I have a CD of two Mexican guitarists Lara & Reyes that I really like.

  7. Dang squirrels! I guess they're pests all over the globe. How rude of them to trim your avocado without permission!
    Those guitarists reminded me somewhat of one of the guys who was on our trip to Cuba when I went there with musicians from St. Augustine. Michael Jordan is his name which even cracked up the Cubans who know of the basketball player with the same name. Michael is amazing on guitar. He has turned it into a completely different instrument.
    I'm glad you've gotten to go out and do some fun things.

  8. I want hair like the lady in the mural, but I think I might just look ridiculous.

  9. Amazing talent! They must be so exhausted by the end of their show.

  10. I love the guitar music. Sounds like a very nice evening.
    I was going to thank you for giving Tucker Carlson the kiss of death by listening to his speech. I was thrilled when I heard the news that he was fired.
    Those crazy squirrels. Hopefully their food supply will soon become more abundant so they don't have to chew on everything they see.

  11. Whenever I read about the squirrels there, it reminds me that we haven't seen any squirrels here in our yard. We have seen opossums, skunks, and raccoons but no squirrels. Mmm?
    I am so happy about Tucker Carlson being fired. I do wonder where he will go next and how much more crazy right-wing nutcase he will become.

  12. Have you had issues with squirrels before? They are pesky creatures and I'm happy that there aren't many around where I live. The concerts sound like fun! I would enjoy them on a small scale. Although I did love seeing The Who, going in to Seattle was a major undertaking.

  13. Squirrels think they're so cute when they're just rats with furry tails.

  14. As you probably remember, I have no love for squirrels. I hope they leave it alone when you move it back outside.

  15. Oh sure, but now (I turned to my husband and said) they're probably going to give the Dumpster his own show! - Kate

  16. Wretched squirrels! I am sorry about the avocado tree. Our marmots are out here, raised beds for all! They are particularly fond of parsley.

  17. Fabulous, that is some seriously great guitar.Lucky you!

  18. Wow-- I'd go see those two in a heartbeat. I love that kind of music and they're remarkable. Must share this one with Rick.

    Smart move on the avocado. We're having that winter burst again, too. Snow yesterday -- not a lot but enough to be cold and unpleasant. Today is sun but it's only 31 out. It WILL come. Enjoy tonight's show!
