Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Wir sind Fisch

I spent most of yesterday in a meeting room at the Vienna International School, where our librarian training is being held. I'm sure you don't want to hear about the intricacies of the computer system we use to manage our materials, but trust me, it's been very interesting to learn about all the things it can do. There are so many functions we don't use, and even if we never use them -- because a lot of that isn't my decision -- I'm glad to know the possibilities.

After the day ended at about 4 p.m. I came back to my hotel (which is right around the corner from the school) to drop off my computer and other stuff.

My hotel has terrific carpet. I'd buy this rug.

Then I walked to the subway and caught a train back into the center of the city for a wander. That picture up top shows a typical scenic street, with a monument to Johannes Gutenberg. 

I stopped at a sidewalk restaurant for a glass of wine, to unwind and get all the computer talk out of my head. I was amused when this car drove up. Looks like a rolling tribute to Tupac Shakur?

Then I walked some more, staying mostly within the Ring Road that encircles old Vienna. I found the hotel where I stayed with my mom when we were here in 1997. It's a Hilton and I remember it being quite swanky. It still looks swanky.

I found lots of peculiar signs, stickers and advertisements. I think we're supposed to know who that bearded guy is above. Karl Lueger, maybe? Remember him from yesterday?

I wasn't sure what I wanted for dinner. I stopped at a place that had some traditional Viennese fare, like Wiener schnitzel, but that seemed too heavy. Finally I found a little fish joint near the Stephansplatz called Nordsee (slogan: "Wir sind Fisch") and ordered a fried fish sandwich and some fries. Yes, that's right, I came all the way to Vienna for fish & chips.

Here are the bells ringing from St. Stephen's Cathedral:

Then I hopped on the tube again and came back to my hotel, where I watched Todd Haynes' gorgeous movie "Carol" before going to sleep.

Another day of training today, and then an evening flight to London. I should be back in my own bed by about 11 p.m., knock on wood.


  1. Funny because I tried to find Carol on Netflix last night. I went to Loving Highsmith at the cinema yesterday and the film is based on her novel The Price of Salt written under a pseudonym in the 1950s.

  2. Seems like a long way to go for fish and chips, hope it was worth it. Ha ha.
    That rug would have me dizzy with my crossed vision.

  3. I hope we get to hear about banned books.
    You are making the most of your flying visit.

  4. I don't like church, but I do like churches and church bells. Nice skies for photos. What a beautiful city. I would hate to drop anything (like an earring) on that carpet.

  5. Back in my engineering days, I once took a class on our modeling software and after a week of intense training, the instructor told us that we now knew about 5% of all the functions available. Counting all the various options in the various menus that I never used, he was probably being optimistic.

  6. I could kick myself that I didn't tell you earlier but should you ever come back to Vienna, this is where you go for food, it's a market with stalls offering anything and everything:

    Seriously the best place, endless options, lovely people.

  7. A nice account from a nice city. While our landing carpets is a very busy pattern, the one you feature doesn't work for me. Maybe it has to be seen larger.

  8. I'm afraid you missed out on something really good when you didn't order the Wiener schnitzel. Oh well. I hope the fish and chips were good.

  9. I am glad you have time to explore the city. Safe travels home, Steve!

  10. As I type this you are probably already flying back to London. Have a safe journey.

  11. The bells were so wonderful. Good travels to you!

  12. That is a LOT of bell ringing! That carpet in your hotel is very busy. It almost looks like looking at the ground from a jet's window.

  13. Love the sound of bells. I haven't had fish and chips in a long time. The rug is too busy for me; I'm a plain jane person.

  14. You are giving us a good tour of Vienna.

  15. Love the crowd scene on Stephansplatz complete with the cathedral bells. Trust you to find a city square named after you! :^D

  16. That's a good pattern for not showing dirt and I like it. I like your shoes, too.

    Thanks for sharing the bells!

  17. A lovely interlude. But surprising to see Tupac in Vienna!

  18. I'm glad you had time to get out and see some of the city and all -- and share it with us!

  19. Sounds like a good trip, training and tourism and all. I don't think I could live with that rug, thought.

  20. It always amazes me when you go to other countries how many signs are in English. and I suppose the training is in English as well. unless of course you speak whatever language they speak in Vienna. and Steve, really, that is an ugly carpet.
