Thursday, August 31, 2023


Another busy day in the library yesterday, but slightly more manageable than the day before. For some reason my WiFi connection kept dropping at my desk, but the tech guys solved that by plugging me into a cable. Not sure whether the WiFi is freaking out or my computer, but as long as I can get online I don't care.

I answered the voter registration letter I mentioned yesterday, and I also got us scheduled for our annual gas safety inspection, two bits of bureaucracy that were hanging over me.

I also checked on my family in Florida after Hurricane Idalia, and they're all fine. Apparently it was a small, fast-moving storm with a compact center, so there wasn't a lot of peripheral wind, at least not in the Tampa area. There was some flooding in low-lying parts of town but that didn't affect us, fortunately. My stepmother is still here in England, finishing up her cruise (she flies back today), so she missed the whole thing and is no doubt happy about that. My brother's two-word status report from Jacksonville: "All good!"

Speaking of Florida, Dave and I have started watching a very peculiar Netflix show called "Florida Man." I wasn't sure I liked it at first, but it's growing on me. It takes a lot of those Florida Man memes inspired by news stories and weaves them into a narrative: the ease of buying guns, the allure of sunken treasure (not in the ocean but in a sinkhole), the state's role as a magnet for people looking to escape and reinvent themselves. Kind of bloody, though.

(Photo: Graffiti in Hackney Wick, on Sunday.)


  1. Awhile back, I watched a bloody Florida series on Netflix called "Bloodline." I may start staying away from Florida.

  2. I saw Ed’s comment. We loved bloodline, but don’t know how we’ll feel,about Florida Man.

  3. I'm intrigued by "DUNCAN AGE 50 1/2". I sought other images or information about it. I wonder if Duncan was responsible for the graffiti or perhaps he was a drug addict who died in some godforsaken alleyway.

  4. The storm was, as folks say, all bark and no bite for us, too. Steady rain, little wind, and no loss of power.

  5. The more I learn about Florida, the more puzzled I am as to why anyone would want to live there. Maybe the weather is nice there in winter... if it has a winter.

  6. glad to hear all the Florida folk are fine. regarding Florida, I just read an article that DeSantis is refusing millions in government money from Biden's IRA that would give rebates directly to Floridians for buying and upgrading to energy efficient appliances and solar. what is wrong with that man. he's doing everything he can to make life hard for Florida.

  7. The storm looks like a big one , hope all is safe

  8. Good to hear that all is well with your family in Florida. The news stories have been showing quite a lot of damage and flooding in many places.
    I wonder who Duncan is!

  9. I'm collecting news from Florida friends, and I'm glad your family are safe. If it's safe living under the deSantis regime, that is.

  10. I'm glad that the hurricane didn't cause much damage in Florida and that all is well there. That's such a relief.
    When I saw that Duncan sign it immediately made me think of Paul Simon's song "Duncan." So I googled it to see when it was written... 1972. Maybe 50 1/2 years ago!

  11. I'm so very glad that your family in Florida is OK. The TV coverage looked grim. Your stepmom is lucky.

    When I saw "Duncan" I thought it was one of your library kids -- till I noted the age!

  12. I'm curious about Duncan, too. We don't do a lot of age fractions once we hit double digits. (except maybe in our 90s)

  13. I want to meet Duncan.

    Glad your people are ok. I think I will check out the show. It sounds like fun.

  14. The photo of Duncan brings up many questions.

  15. Group Reed Hugs With Mr Dave And Olga Girl

    P.S, What Do We Sniff From Under The Pink Blanket ?? Yes, Its Another Just Because Treat From Uncle T

  16. I wondered about your family and am glad that all is well.

  17. I'm glad it didn't turn out to be as awful as predicted. I don't know much about hurricanes, but I think there will be more? And they keep getting more severe.

  18. Ed: We watched "Bloodline"! We loved it!

    Mitchell: "Florida Man" is meant to be darkly humorous, whereas "Bloodline" was much more straightforward.

    YP: I also tried to research Duncan and had no luck. (In fact now Google pulls up my blog post!)

    Bob: Well, if you're going to have a hurricane, that's the kind to have.

    Andrew: There's a lot to love about Florida -- particularly the wildnerness and "Old Florida," which unfortunately is rapidly disappearing. Hurricanes are just a fact of life there.

    Ellen: I hadn't heard that, but I'm not surprised. The Republican thought process is utterly alien to me!

    John: As hurricanes go I think it was actually relatively small!

    Sharon: Seems like it was a very wet storm but not terribly windy. No idea on Duncan!

    Boud: Yeah, safety is relative! I'd say DeSantis is an endangerment to everyone.

    Robin: Now THAT's some good detective work! Could it possibly refer to that song?!

    Jeanie: Well, a hurricane is always grim, but this one wasn't as bad as it could have been, at least for most of the state.

    Kelly: Ha! It's true! Who says, "I'm 47 and a half"?!

    Linda: Well, who knows. He might be quite eccentric!

    Red: It does! More questions than answers, unfortunately.

    Padre: I gave Olga a treat in your name!

    Debby: Yes, so far, so good.

    Margaret: There are always several in any given hurricane season (June-Nov), anywhere from a handful to more than 20.
