Thursday, November 16, 2023

Five Eyes

I'm stuck at home this morning waiting for the dishwasher. It's supposed to be delivered and installed between 7 a.m. and 12 p.m. Once again, it's one of these wide delivery windows that prevents me from doing so much as walking the dog, never mind going to work. Oh well. It is what it is.

At least I can clean the house and read "Barnaby Rudge." If they come at the very beginning of that window I might even make it to work more or less on time.

I found this hideous thing on my neighbor's garden wall yesterday morning -- the same place I found the iron. I guess they're cleaning out cabinets! Anyway, I took it to work because I thought it would amuse the kids. Turns out it's a character named Scott Squibbles from the Disney/Pixar movie "Monsters University." Now it lives on my desk, facing away from me so I don't have to look at it.


  1. The plate to the left of the picture does look interesting...

  2. You are fortunate to contact with young people who know about such things. I would have just chucked in the bin without knowing about its contribution to modern culture. Regardless, I think I would still chuck it in the bin.

  3. And I hope as I write this after 9am your time, your new dishwasher is purring away.

  4. I think it is unwise to have that mug on your desk as it is simply inviting pupils to refer to you as Scott Squibbles or "Squishy" which is his nickname: "... a bit of a wide-eyed wanderer — small, sweet, naïve and quiet".

  5. I'm afraid I would have left that mug right where it was. It makes me feel a bit ill, just looking at it.
    I sure hope you got your dishwasher! I do love a new appliance.

  6. Leaving that cup on your desk,facing towards the kids, will cheer many a student up. A nice find put to good use.

  7. It's hypnotic.You can't look at that thing too much or else ... wait, what?

  8. By now your new dishwasher should be installed and you will be finishing up your day at work. Hope it all went smoothly, Steve!

  9. Hopefully you have a new dishwasher now. I hate those "windows of time" that repair/installation places give. It indeed does tie you down.

  10. OMG ... I love ALL of the Monster, Inc., Monster University movies ... they are all so sweet and funny! Sully and Mike ... OMG However, I did not recognize the 5-eyed cup character!

  11. Five-eyes can watch those kids and make sure they aren't eating in the library.
    Good luck with the delivery.

  12. I know Five Eyes as something quite different. International spying cooperation!

  13. Now, see, I think that mug is adorable. But I'm apparently a weirdo. Who knew?

  14. That mug would give me vertigo if I had to look at it too often.

  15. What a coincidence. I'm four hours into a 6 hour window given to me for the delivery of a bunch of compost for my new urban garden.

  16. Well Its Pink - Olga Girl Digs It


  17. Five eyes and three brows. Hmmm. At least it looks friendly. I think you're wise to have it facing out on your desk, keeping an eye (or five) on the kids.

  18. I hope the dishwasher arrived on t8me and all went well. I would have left that pink cup behind. I can understand having it faced away from you on your desk! (We both miss you!)

  19. I've seen Monsters Inc. and don't remember that character. I was always frustrated by those long windows. The minute I got into the shower, the person would ring the doorbell.

  20. I'd reverse it too, but you have to admit, it IS unique!

  21. I wish I had not seen that mug at all, not even here.

  22. Much market research went into the design of that mug--
    I think it would be nice if a succulent plant went into it.


  24. That pink mug is ugly and has no appeal. I hope you got your dishwasher fully installed.

  25. That mug is creepy! The plate looks nice though. You are finding some beautifully coloured leaves.

  26. There was a time when I knew all the Disney characters. Not so any more. You can tell the kids that you're keeping an eye on them.

  27. GZ: See subsequent posts, where I show it in its entirety!

    Andrew: Ha! If I didn't work with kids I never would have claimed it. I think it's hideous. (As I said.)

    YP: I think my inner nature IS rather naive and quiet, but the kids don't need to know that. LOL

    Ms Moon: Ha! Yeah, it is kind of sick-making.

    Colette: I thought so! Better than sending it to the landfill.

    Bob: Ha! Or is it looking at YOU too much?!

    Ellen D: Thank goodness, it did!

    Michael: Well, it would be fine if they were one or two hour windows. But a six-hour window? What's the use of that?

    Marcia: You will have to watch "Monsters University" again and see if you can find him! I've never seen any of those films.

    Sharon: I wish he could reprimand them as well!

    Boud: Oh, that's true! I'd forgotten about that moniker.

    Bug: I wouldn't call it adorable. It freaks me out a little bit.

    Sabine: Ha! Hopefully no kids will have that reaction!

    Ed: Argh! I think if they give us a window they should endeavor to get there toward the beginning of it, because otherwise we get resentful at having to wait around!

    Padre: That's true! It's her color!

    Kelly: Yeah, the three eyebrows are a little gross, too. LOL

    Mitchell: I miss you guys as well! I hope the rest of your trip went great despite the challenges!

    Margaret: I think it's actually from "Monsters University." (Which I guess is a different film? A sequel?)

    Jeanie: That's one way to describe it!

    Tasker: Ha! Don't watch the movie, then! :)

    Fresca: That's true -- except it would need a drainage hole.

    Red: I'm always astonished by these demands that I wait around the house for hours. WHO HAS TIME for this?!

    Susan: Ha! I agree but I think kids find it funny.

    River: Yeah, the leaves have been pretty good this year. Apparently damp/wet summers and autumns enhance the color?

    Debby: It's true! It does apply to my job as monitor of the library space! LOL
