Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Pumpkins and Desperation

It's the time of year when we see discarded pumpkins lying around town. I'm not sure why people don't just put them in their food composting bins, but they often don't. Maybe they want to give the pumpkin a last public hurrah before it goes to the great pumpkin patch in the sky.

I'm not sure what Olga was so fixated on in the photo above, but she insisted on being in the picture.

This one was trying to hitch a ride on the tube.

Dave and I have sorted out our plans for Los Angeles in February. We made hotel reservations and arranged our rental car and planned a two-night stay in Palm Springs. And our friend Warren has agreed to watch Olga in our absence so we should be all set. Dave has even made restaurant reservations, in addition to buying our tickets for the LA Philharmonic. It's good to have that organized.

Did you see the New York Times poll about Trump's popularity in several crucial swing states? The election is still a year away, but this is not good news. Trump is leading Biden -- in some places by a fairly large margin -- in several states that Biden would need to win in order to remain in the White House. And I'm not sure that will change even if Trump gets convicted in any of these trials. People who support him merely believe he's being persecuted.

I think it's past time for the Democrats to reorganize their house, or we are going to have another four years of Donald Trump. Biden is a very weak candidate -- I think we should acknowledge that he was a transitional president and find someone new. I've thought this for a long time but that poll cements my conclusion.

I'm not sure who the best replacement would be. My first thought is always Buttigieg, but minority voters don't seem to like him, and those groups already seem to be moving toward Trump. Kamala Harris is unpopular. Gavin Newsom might have a shot.

We gotta do something, people. If it comes down to it of course I'll vote for Biden, but I do think he's too old. (As is Trump.) Biden has done a respectable job under very difficult circumstances, but we need fresh blood and new ideas -- in both parties, honestly. We need youth and vigor. We need a Kennedy. (But not that Kennedy, who's insane.)

Here's an amazing find I made while walking the dog on Sunday. Someone set a bunch of items out on their garden wall next to their trash bins and this was one of them. It's an old antique iron, labeled "Le Parisien No. 5."

And it came with a handmade metal brace for hanging it on the wall. The brace even has someone's initials (I assume) on the back -- perhaps whoever made it. Score!


  1. As an outside observer, both Democrats and Republicans seem to have a generational transition problem - both Biden and Trump need to be replaced by candidates at least 30+ years younger. And yes, that means that Hilary is also one of yesterday's people .

  2. You live in the best neighborhood for finding cool stuff! That is an amazing find. USA is so scary dumb, and I do remember Biden saying in his last campaign that he would be a one term, still the waters, president.
    Your LA trip will be welcomed sunshine and a trip to PS can’t go wrong, I reckon. I have been thinking also about you guys moving eventually. I can tell you that staying in Spider-Man’s flat with no garden, no outdoor space has uncomfortable limitations. In spite of the Russians, you live in an ideal world❤️

  3. What a surprising find. I would have grabbed that up. The fact that Trump can still be leading among Repubs and surpassing Biden in swing states is a terrifying statement about the minds of many Americans. I can't begin to imagine what would happen in the world were Trump to be elected again.

  4. The flat iron is such a treasure, and what a find.

    Viewed from afar, Biden has been a good President after the four year preceding years of chaos. I think his period in office is underrated. However, I do think the Democrat Party needs a young and fresh candidate, like Obama who still has the respect of the world.

    I like the comment from Will.

  5. I struggle to understand American politics to try not to comment on what seems, to an outside, a compeltely absurd situation.

    Your iron is a remarkable find. You certainly have an eye for these things.

  6. I like Biden. I like him a lot. He's been a good, sane president, I feel the economy is better than it was before, Lots of good things. BUT -- it's time for someone new. I'll vote for him, but I'd rather vote for Pete (although given the political climate, there are way too many who wouldn't vote for him because he is gay. Honestly -- why aren't we over this. He has way better family values than a lot of Republicans (or Dems), not the least of which is Orange Man. (We saw Randy Rainbow in performance over the weekend and did a take on The Music Man's "Trouble" song -- with a capital D and that stands for Dump and that rhyrmes with..." I honestly don't know who else -- maybe Newsom. I was an Amy K. fan too, but I don't think she could win either. What a mess. More often than not I think of moving to Canada, but they don't want us either!

    Love your iron. It's beautiful and very interesting looking. Well done!

  7. Beautiful iron! Really lovely.
    As to politics- I can't even think about it. Trump's continued popularity in light of his obvious criminal activities serves to just scare me to death and makes me think that the US is destined for some sort of horrible death.

  8. Biden will be running because now it's too late in the game to change that, but I also don't trust polls, even NYT polls.
    VOTE. The fact is that when Democrats vote, Democrats win.
    Cast a goddamned vote!

    PS Love Olga, as always.

  9. Nobody can predict a year out from an election. It's just silly. And when the nyt releases their sample size and methodology, oh, right, they don't. They're clickbaiting.

    Biden's achievements have been stellar, and I wish people would realize it. He also has an excellent VP to take over if necessary.

    That's a nice find, there. You do come across interesting things.

    I think Olga's developed a taste for posing!

  10. Any photo is made better when Olga is in it. I don't know what will happen with the election. Trump's popularity sickens me. His strategy of claiming Biden is old and stupid works, although it's Trump who is old and stupid. I wish Biden had stepped aside in favor of someone younger.


  11. I agree with Bob and Boud. No matter who is running, I will vote Democrat.

  12. Biden = 🔵 Vote 🗳️
    I would vote for Pete in a heartbeat!
    Thing 45 needs to be in a prison with psychiatry services!!
    Heard that Newsome is gearing up for a 2028 run!
    No more REDS (Republicans, extremely dangerous SOBS) until they get their shit together!
    I still wouldn't vote for a RED! I am BLUE through and through!

  13. I like Biden. he has done an excellent job not only here but abroad. he needs another term to continue what he started, to get the country solidly going forward and then hand it to the next generation. as for the poll, it's bullshit. polls reflect who they call. Marc says they called landlines only (and who is home all day but old retired people?) and that many, maybe most, respondents said they didn't vote last time or didn't think they would vote this time. so really, not a very accurate representation of the American people. and I don't think Trump is as popular as the media makes out.

  14. You are so right about the situation we are in. We really are in uncharted territory. I think Pete B would make a wonderful President but I also know that's an uphill battle. And, even if he could win, would there be another outrageous backlash like there was after Obama.
    Politically, this country is truly messed up.

  15. I can just about remember irons like that in use by a few old people. There were still lots about used as door stops and the like. Haven't seen one for ages.

  16. I do not trust the polls. That said, a younger highly qualified candidate for US president would be ideal. Seeing Trump continue on is discouraging. He is a criminal with many followers. What are people thinking when they support a criminal?

  17. The support for Trump is disheartening AND terrifying. I like Biden and think he's mostly done a great job under very difficult circumstances. As a more centrist Democrat, I like Pete and Amy but don't think they could win. It's all a big mess.

  18. Steve, like you, I find these polls very disturbing. How the people can support that criminal is beyond me. Biden has accomplished one hell of a lot in his term so far, but he is not flashy and surrounds himself with good people that know what they are doing and just get the job of governing done. But the damn media doesn't pay attention to or cover that, they're interested in clicks and that freaking Trump lunatic gives them that with his raving and carrying on. But I also have to say that polls don't mean much this far out. Also, there is a significant number of people in the US that just don't answer their phones or texts asking for opinions unless they know who it is. Myself included. I hope I'm right because this country will not survive another 4 years of that guy.

  19. My first thought is always Buttigieg, too.

  20. I read about that poll too, but the accompanying analysis stated that it's not unusual for the incumbent to be in Biden's position a year out from the election. Hope that's true.

    I love that iron - what a serendipitous find for you! What will you do with it? I have an old washboard and after years of dithering, I've decided to display it in the laundry room - a reminder that I am so much more fortunate than my grandmother's generation.

  21. If only both parties would clean house and offer up someone new, fresh, and moderate! As it is now, I'll be voting third party (again). I can't believe we still have a full year of this insanity ahead of us.

    Don't you wish Olga could actually tell you what she's thinking? I've wished that so often of my dogs, especially since the majority of them just showed up at our house.

  22. As has been said already, Biden is good, but they are all too old.

    It feels like both sides of the pond, anyone worth backing in any party has been squeezed out, pushed out, put off....

    That flat iron was definitely worth rescuing!

  23. Is it common to have compost bins in London? Here it is a rarity except for those of us with a small garden behind our house.

    I hate to say this and don't often wish ill on others but I've been secretly hoping either Biden or Trump or best case scenario, both expire sometime in the next handful of months so someone younger and more sane could run. I would LOVE to see a Buttigieg - Haley matchup. I don't know who I would vote for but it would be exciting to watch.

  24. February In Smell A - Outstanding - That Place Will Feel Like Summer - Stoked

    Walk On,

  25. Common sense seems to have left the place. Once one of the great nations has become weakened and respected very little.

  26. I honestly don't think Biden would have run if Trump hadn't thrown his hat back in the ring. I DO think he's too old, but lets be real, he's not stark raving bonkers.

    I don't know that we are going to get past this. I honestly don't know that the country will survive this. Putin would sure like to see tRUMP back in.

    That iron is very, very cool. The sticker on it leads me to believe that it was an auction lot.

  27. I'm trying not to panic about next year's election. It helps that it looks like Democrats kept the governor's office in Virginia.

  28. I like Biden, he has been calm and effective. I really dread the thought of Trump getting back in, America will sink faster than ever.

  29. What's happening in the race for The Presidency is extremely worrying. It seems absurd that Trump might return even though he is a blaggard, a proven liar, a draft dodger, a tax evader and a sex pest. Joe Biden should leave the race sooner rather than later to give a new Democrat candidate a fighting chance. He should look in the mirror and admit "I am too old now."

  30. Will: I agree 100 percent!

    Linda Sue: Sometimes not having a garden seems very appealing, but I think I would miss it.

    Mitchell: It's astonishing, isn't it?! I think a lot of people really just want to break the system, and they think electing Trump is the way to do it. (And they may be right.)

    Andrew: Absolutely. I don't mean to sell Biden short. He's done a good job, all things considered.

    Caro: It seems completely absurd to a lot of "insiders" too!

    Jeanie: I like Biden too. I think he's been very effective and capable. But we need new blood.

    Ms Moon: To some degree I think, well, if this is what people want, then that's how Democracy works. I don't understand it and I think it's a very nihilistic, cynical way to vote, but hey, to each their own.

    Bob: Absolutely. I would never NOT vote. I've voted in every presidential election and every midterm, and I'm not about to stop!

    Boud: Well, I wouldn't say they're clickbaiting. An organization like the NYT is going to run a responsible poll. That's what makes this one scary!

    Janie: Well, it's not just Trump's strategy -- it's the strategy of the entire right-wing echo chamber.

    Ellen D: Oh, definitely!

    Marcia: Yeah, I'm sure Newsom WILL run at some point. As well he should.

    Ellen: Are we sure they only called landlines? That seems pretty retrograde. I would think pollsters would have found a way around that hurdle by now.

    Sharon: The main reason Pete B is an "uphill battle" is that not enough young people vote.

    Tasker: We had one in our house that we used as a doorstop when I was growing up! I think my brother has it now.

    Susan: I think they're angry and they basically just want to bust up the system. They're trying to destroy the status quo.

    Margaret: Aside from Gavin Newsom, I'm not sure who would be an effective candidate.

    Jim: I think you're right that many voters don't respond to polls. I'm not sure I would. But I also think many Trump voters lie. If anything, they seem to be consistently underrepresented in polls.

    Colette: He would be great, wouldn't he? I think he's absolutely presidential.

    Jenny-O: I hope that's true, too! I'm not sure what I'll do with the iron. Maybe use it as a doorstop, as Tasker mentioned above.

    Kelly: I've never been able to bring myself to vote third-party. Under our system it just doesn't seem very effective.

    GZ: It's true -- we're in no better shape here in the UK! At least Starmer and Sunak are younger, though.

    Ed: I think it varies by borough. Our council gives us food recycling bins, which are essentially composting bins. They pick them up and compost the contents. I'm hesitant to comment on your wishful thinking but I'd be lying if I said it hadn't crossed my mind!

    Padre: I will be in dire need of sunshine by then!

    Red: I still think Putin is behind a lot of the disruption.

    Debby: Yeah, that sticker seems to suggest it was in a shop or something, doesn't it? I agree that Biden isn't bonkers. People who rag on him for being mentally frail are wrong. But he's at an age where he is vulnerable and I'm hesitant to put him in office for another four years.

    Bug: YES! The results of yesterday's elections were a pleasant surprise, thank goodness!

    River: I like him, but I wish he were ten years younger.

    YP: It's fascinating that so many politicians seem unable to reach that conclusion. Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein are/were the same. They don't know when to stop.
