Sunday, November 5, 2023

Old But Playful

It's the time of year when I'm always stooping down to photograph leaves. People must wonder what the heck I'm doing, bending over with my iPhone focused on the ground. But then you get to see beauties like this! The funny thing is, while that leaf is bright orange, most of the tree is still green.

Yesterday was blessedly uneventful. I got lots of reading done (finishing an overly long and improbable YA novel called "Home and Away" plus part of a New Yorker) and I took Olga to the cemetery.

I feel like I've commented a lot about Olga's age recently. Well, I want to show you that she is still quite energetic, despite being 13 years old. (A noise warning -- barking is involved!) As you can see, she is a bit slower, and she has a more stiff-legged run than she used to, but she's as playful as ever. She does love a tennis ball.

Anyway, she got a bath when we got home, and I had to be super-careful during the entire walk because I accidentally wore my work shoes and the cemetery was muddy as heck. Am I the only one who does these things?!

In other news, this is possibly the weirdest news story I have ever seen. People are so, so strange.


  1. Plga really is dpoing very well for her age, you and Dave are looking after her properly.
    The leaf is beautiful.

  2. Aww Olga , such a pleasing girl. Life is good , for as long as it lasts. That article is mad! Spoils my fun , that is for sure, guess I will have to retire my black outfits and my leopard mask.
    We went to nunhead for the day, the leaves are such a treat.

  3. That news story is bizarre. Imagine being banned from wearing black bodysuits. What would I do?

    It's wonderful to see Olga still as playful as a puppy.

  4. Olga looks fit as a fiddle and so happy. I note, she does not bring the ball back.

    The linked story is odd and rather a hoo-ha about nothing. It reminds me of Operation Spanner in the 1980s under the rule of homophobic Margaret Thatcher who gave police free reign to do what they liked, to gays, minorities, coal miners, the working class and anyone else who did not fit her picture of 'society', of which she declared there was no such thing as society. I get angry at the memory.

  5. When I saw the blogpost title "Old But Playful" I thought that the content would be entirely autobiographical and I imagined you in a gimp suit - creating mayhem on Hampstead Heath. Instead, it was about a familiar canine.

  6. Olga is still definitely living her best life.
    Unlike the Somerset Gimp, a phrase which will be rattling around in my brain for a week.

  7. I had to look up gimp suit, not creepy at all.

    Olga looks good and she's happy.

  8. she chases it but doesn't bring it back. Minnie would chase a toy and bring it back when she was a puppy. as she got older she would only do it a couple of times. now she just looks at me like you threw it, you go get it.

    it's a weird story but I don't get the use of the word 'gimp'. I thought gimp meant a bad leg so you limped. and really who cares if a guy is wearing a mask and a black bodysuit and writhing on the ground? did he throw himself on the ground when he saw someone coming? was he threatening? so many unanswered questions!

  9. I'll focus on the Joys of Loga and ignore the "gimp."

  10. I thought Olga might fetch the ball back to you but I see she just lets you know where it is. Looks like she enjoys the game!
    I don't understand what that story is about at all?!?

  11. How very very odd. I think, Pixie, that the suit is not is the behavior that is scary. You cannot be at all sure what his intentions are in the dark.

  12. She's not playing fetch, more like hide and seek! I find the ball, you come get it and throw it! I had a dog like her, who would look at me -- me, fetch? I'm not your servant! Then I'd catch up and throw again.

    That weird court case sounds like a huge fuss over damn all. He's certainly a bit strange, but what possible harm was he doing to anyone? Just pacifying other residents is what the case sounds like.

  13. That article is VERY strange indeed.
    I love the video of Olga chasing the ball. I also love how she catches it and waits for you to arrive at that location and throw it again. It's almost like she's coaxing you along to go just a little further.

  14. Olga is one happy well loved girl. She enjoys her tennis ball game and the daily exercise is great for her as well.

  15. Well-cared for animals are often more energetic than their age would predict. My Mari (cat) is 12 or so and still zooms around the house at times. Too many times! I love the orange and red leaves best.

  16. I did notice your shoe (briefly) at the start of the clip and wondered how it looked so clean in that environment! I enjoyed seeing Olga and her tennis ball. Pat brings his toys back to me to throw (or kick) again (and again).

    That leaf is a stunner! I'm glad you stop and appreciate the beauty!

  17. Well done Olga... enjoying herself!!

    Gimp...yes, apparently he had fluorescent bits on it and was scaring motorists, as well as everything else he got up to.

    You are looking closely at many people do that? A most valuable practice

  18. The saying is don't sweat the small stuff but looking at small stuff gives you some surprising treasures.

  19. I just went down a gimp rabbit hole and THAT's not something I say every day! Thanks for making my lazy Sunday more interesting :)

  20. Interesting that once Olga retrieves the ball, she stands her ground and barks for you to hurry up and get here so you can throw it again. She doesn't bring it TO you. Which proves, I guess, that she is a retriever but not a fetcher.

  21. Not sure why I never noticed this before but she isn't much of a fetcher. Just a run and pointer.

  22. River: She still has a lot of energy!

    Linda Sue: I'm sure the cemetery is amazing in the fall.

    Mitchell: Not just wearing bodysuits -- writhing on the ground in them!

    Andrew: Thatcher was a peach, indeed. Olga has never returned the ball to us, even as a young dog.

    YP: Not only have I never worn a gimp suit, I've never even seen one! (Except in "Pulp Fiction.")

    Ms Moon: See my followup post, in which the Essex Gimp challenges the Somerset Gimp!

    Pixie: Well, I can see how seeing that person out in public in the dark of night might be unsettling!

    Ellen: I think the "gimp" term (in this sense) comes from the movie "Pulp Fiction," but perhaps it was in use before that. Olga has never returned the ball to us!

    Bob: How can you ignore the gimp?!

    Ellen D: Ha! It's very "out there."

    Debby: Exactly. I can see how meeting that person on a dark street at night would be freaky, particularly if he writhes on the ground! Still, the whole thing just makes me laugh.

    Boud: Well, causing people fear in public is harmful, I think. I can see why the authorities felt the need to take action. If he was doing that in the privacy of his own home, that's another matter.

    Sharon: She has never returned the ball to us. She doesn't get that part of the game, and once she has it she's too possessive of it to give it back.

    Susan: When I took her to the vet not long ago the vet complimented her good health and said she obviously got exercise!

    Margaret: Cats are so funny when they get in that "zoomy" mood. (Well, until they knock things over and break them.)

    Kelly: Yes, my shoe was in the video because I have to step on the ball before I bend down for it -- otherwise Olga will snatch it away!

    GZ: I didn't realize he had fluorescent bits on it! The mind reels.

    Red: Absolutely! There's a lot of joy in the little things.

    Bug: Ha! Wait till you see the article in my subsequent post!

    Catalyst: Yes, she wants to capture it but not to surrender it! I don't think she has any retriever in her at all -- just terrier.

    Ed: Yeah, she has never seen the point of bringing anything back.

  23. There is an interesting and very strange headline on this blog:
