Friday, December 29, 2023

Olga the Conqueror

The weather got much better yesterday morning, so Olga and I decided to head to the commons next to the recreation ground in Pevensey, where she could have a long walk without having to deal with pebbles. We boarded the local bus and rode about ten minutes before getting off and making our way to the field.

It was a bog, as I thought it might be after all the rain we've had, but that didn't bother Olga!

I stuck to the drier paths as much as possible while Olga went wading.

There was enough dry grass for ecstatic rolling, beneath the medieval ruins of Pevensey Castle, which you may remember I visited on our last trip here.

We decided to walk over to the castle grounds...

...and there's no question Olga loved all that open, grassy space, once trod upon by William the Conqueror himself!

We made our way to Westham, the adjacent village, to catch the bus back to the cottage, but of course we had to wait 45 minutes for the next one. So we wandered through the churchyard of St. Mary's Church, checking out the historic graves.

The resting place of Charles and Ellen Elphick (he died in 1939, she in 1940) has been positively taken over by a couple of trees. I think it's nice. I'd love to become a tree after I die.

The bus finally arrived and we headed back. In the afternoon the weather got worse again, with more rain, so we timed everything right. I spent the evening reading Naomi Klein's book "Doppelganger," about how the public continually confuses her with the conspiracy-minded Naomi Wolf. It's interesting so far, though it must feel incredibly weird to Wolf to have Klein write this book.

And now I've got to get ready to vacate our little beach cottage and haul the pooch back to London on the train. I've enjoyed our time here and it gave me an opportunity to do what I wanted to do -- namely spend family time by the ocean, experience a winter storm, read a few books and catch up on all my New Yorkers. I'll be coming to you tomorrow from Home Sweet Home!


  1. Olga does inspire . “Do the right thing “, must be her motto. Dog will guide you. The photos are stunning as usual, all worthy of framing and a wall to themselves. You may need larger walls. In spite of the storm your holiday was pretty great! I stayed in the Spidey hole to wait it out. Not at all pleasing , especially since my days in London are numbered.
    Olga is such an agreeable companion, you dads got lucky !

  2. We call it the sea not the ocean. Have you noticed that while living in England?

  3. Happy Olga!

    Names are side it is the English Channel, the other it is called La Manche !

  4. The photos are wonderful. My fave is Olga, ball in mouth, with all that history behind her. My paternal grandparents are buried in an old cemetery on Staten Island. I hadn't been there in ages and went back perhaps a decade ago. It was neglected and had returned to forest. Their graves had trees growing out of them, too. At first I was upset, but then I thought becoming a tree was kind of beautiful. Apparently, the cemetery has been saved in recent years.

  5. What happens to you when you die?
    You become a tree.
    I suspect that when Kate Bush dies she will become a bush.
    It was a good decision to venture to Stone's Throw Cottage over Christmas.

  6. Olga looks quite happy with her free run through the grasses. Sheer joy.

  7. Beautiful photos. I love Olga as the conqueror. Safe travels back to your home.

  8. Is there any creature as joyful as a dog? Bless that sweet girl's heart and bless you and Dave for giving her this life where she can be the joyful thing she is.
    This may sound silly but it gave me a great deal of comfort over Christmas, thinking of you and Dave and Olga, all together cozy and peaceful in your little cottage by the sea.

  9. lovely solitary week, winter storm and all with a good dog for company. sounds wonderful.

  10. I love that you can see Olga's joy on her furry little face. What an emotive face!

    Safe travels. Hope that Dave is well.

  11. I wonder if William the C rolled about on that very grass, shouting Mine! All mine! I bet if he brought a dog over, she would have.
    I'm glad your stay ended well.

  12. That just sounds like a lovely time! I'm glad you were able to go there & enjoyed it so much.

  13. How perfect that you had a mix of everything: weather and activities. I love the ocean and would love to go although our beaches aren't surrounded by historic places.

  14. Your seaside holiday has been great and the cottage makes a fantastic base to explore from. Sweet Olga definitely loves her run in the open grass without pesky beach pebbles. Safe travels back to London.

  15. What a great day. Olga looks so happy. I can not imagine living with that much history.

  16. There are few things a dog likes better than rolling in the grass, even if it is wet & muddy! Glad you had a good vacation! Happy New year!

  17. This Olga-centric post soothes my soul.

    One of my kids wants to be planted with a sapling, but I just want to be thrown into our pond. (both referring to our ashes, not our bodies!)

  18. Olga is clearly in her element. She looks so divinely happy. I'm glad you had this lovely vacation time -- a beautiful spot, interesting weather, people and pets you love. Sounds pretty perfect to me.

  19. In that first picture, is that a lion under that tree in the background? I saved the photo and zoomed in but I couldn't tell. Olga seems nonplussed at any rate. And I think William the Conqueror would have been no match for the fierce Olga.

  20. Pure ecstasy is the picture of Olga roll8ng in the grass with her ball next to her face! Like Catalyst, I too saw a lion.

  21. You are such a good dad to take Olga to where she can walk and roll around without pebbles hurting her feet. Gold stars for you.
    I like the tree taking over the grave too.

  22. Becoming a tree is a lovely thought and so natural. Olga looks so happy. I'm glad you had a good stay. I have such a stack of magazines I'd have to take a month or more away from work to get through them all.


  23. Linda Sue: We DID get lucky. Olga is an exceptional creature.

    Rachel: Well, I guess sea IS more accurate, as the English coast is technically on the North Sea, the Irish Sea, the Celtic Sea or the English Channel. None of it is really open ocean.

    GZ: Yes, "the sleeve"!

    Mitchell: I'm glad it's been saved, but I hope some of the wilderness was allowed to remain. I love how English cemeteries are often allowed to get pretty wild.

    YP: And Isabella Tree will naturally become a tree!

    Bob: She is a very expressive dog!

    Sharon: She takes control no matter where she is!

    Ms Moon: I'm glad you vicariously enjoyed our trip. It was fun for me to write about it as we experienced it.

    Ellen: Well, it was really only solitary for those last two days, but yes it was lovely.

    Debby: Yes, she is very expressive! Dave is fine now that he's had his meds. A bit tired as he always is after a treatment.

    Boud: Ha! That's a pretty funny image, though I'm sure that's basically what he was thinking.

    Bug: It was a good getaway.

    Margaret: Maybe not castles, but you have some amazing beaches in your part of the world!

    Susan: Yes, she is much more comfortable on grass!

    Allison: It's a little bizarre, and it's all around us. Just part of the landscape.

    Jim: ESPECIALLY if it's wet and muddy! Olga loves mud. (Much to my chagrin.)

    Kelly: I like the idea of being planted with a tree. (As ashes!)

    Jeanie: It was perfect. I could not have asked for more.

    Catalyst: Ha! It's a tree stump, but now that you mention it I do see the "lion"!

    Pam: I'd have been much more alarmed if a lion was out there stalking us!

    River: I'm still not sure the pebbles really hurt her. I think they're just different from what she's used to and she doesn't like them. But who knows.

    Janie: Doesn't that drive you crazy? I hate having magazines stack up.
