Thursday, December 21, 2023

Prepare to be Awed

I am getting a late start this morning, given that I didn't wake up until almost 8 a.m.! We were out a bit later than usual last night in order to allow the cleaners to do their thing in our flat. More about that in a moment.

First, yesterday began dramatically when I was walking Olga in the morning. Down the street there were about eight magpies all squawking and chattering from rooftops and aerials surrounding one front garden. (Magpies are VERY LOUD when they want to be.) I thought, "There must be a cat down there." But I looked and instead saw a hawk, sitting on the garden wall and eating a bird. I don't know whether that bird was a magpie, or the magpies were simply offended by the hawk's presence, but they sure were making a racket.

I tried to take a picture but they were across the street from me and I only had my phone, and I didn't want to get closer with Olga for fear of scaring the hawk away. I couldn't get a shot that looked like anything.

Nature, red in tooth and claw.

I wrapped Dave's Christmas presents. Don't they look good? I found that wrapping paper discarded in a trash pile around the corner after last Christmas -- an unused roll -- and salvaged it. So, yeah, that's free wrapping paper. I can't complain.

Finally, last night -- the cleaners. I say "night" but they really showed up at 5 p.m., so evening is a better word. They were a man and woman, and they didn't speak English -- I think they were Russian, as Dave said he heard Mrs Russia from upstairs chatting with them on the front porch. Dave and I had already worked out that we weren't going to ask them to move the houseplants, which are huge and numerous, because I didn't want the plants damaged and I'd already cleaned around them.

So we asked them to do all the baseboards, the molding, the tops of pictures, the kitchen cabinets, the doors -- places that I often don't think to clean myself. They were also going to vacuum and mop and do the bathrooms and all the normal stuff one would do when cleaning.

Then we went out to dinner at a modern French restaurant called Riviera down by St. James' Palace. I had two martinis to blast from my mind the fact that two perfect strangers were rooting around in our house. The martinis were very effective.

When we got home, I was prepared to be awed. Professional cleaners, right? I thought we'd walk in and go, "Wow! I never realized how much I'd been missing when I cleaned! This place looks AMAZING!"

Instead, we walked in and said, "Oh."

Because it looked pretty much the same. In fact Dave was quite annoyed because he felt they missed some spots. He wanted to leave a negative review but I urged him to just let it go. This has all been a learning experience and what we've learned is that we are (I am) quite capable of cleaning our own flat.

The baseboards DO look a lot better, I'll give them that.

As requested, here's a shot of my new shirt from the Bahamas via an East Dulwich thrift store. Sushi, anyone?

(Top photo: Camberwell, on the way home from Linda Sue's on Tuesday.)


  1. This is what I expected to read about the deep cleaning since we've had the same experience. Such a shame. But your reputation has been redeemed. I love that shirt, and the street image. And yes the Christmas present do look good. Great free-cycled gift wrap.


    MRS RUSSIA Oh you are from Rostov? So are we! What are you doing here?
    FIRST RUSSIAN CLEANER We have come to clean the American guys' flat.
    MRS RUSSIA Oh don't bother! When they go out for dinner just come up here for a few vodkas and a natter.
    FIRST RUSSIAN CLEANER But what if they complain and give us a bad review?
    MRS RUSSIA Then we'll invade their apartment!

  3. YP can be amusing.

    At least you have nice base boards? Are they skirting boards where the walls meet the floor?

    The gift wrapping is nice. What a find.

  4. My daughter's experience with professional cleaners was thus: excellent and speedy but the main rooms were rearranged weirdly, the cleaners must have taken a picture before deep cleaning the floors and carpets and then put all the furniture back but used a mirror image view to do this.

  5. The cleaner who comes to the spider hole just polishes things up a bit but if the refrigerator or my cro wave want her attention I have to say so in writing. She has only come twice in the four months I have been here. Cleaners are over rated, sorry, we knew that already, didn’t we?
    The shirt is el perfecto!
    Camberwell is dismal.
    Your wrapping skills are grand and Olga’s ball carrying is admirable, I could not do that.

  6. I'm pretty sure that it was a magpie that the hawk killed. Many years ago I heard a huge racket in the front yard. My cat Harry had killed a magpie and it's mate was still trying to defend his or her mate.

    Sorry the cleaning wasn't more amazing. Does Dave know he offended you?

  7. Pixie asked a pertinent question- does Dave know he offended you?
    And my experience with my cleaner is sort of the same. But she does clean some things I don't so there is that.
    I love the shirt! It's beautiful. My favorite color, too, that teal.
    Birds go crazy when one of their own gets snatched by a hawk. I always feel so bad for them.

  8. Maybe they should advertise themselves as Baseboard Cleaners?

    That said, that top picture of the street scene is wonderful. There's something about it that I find intriguing, probably the one side all lit up and the other side dim? I don't know, but I really like it.

    That shirt though? It's an acquired taste.😁

  9. Reading the cleaning stories here makes me appreciate my Czech cleaning family all the more. They clean stuff I never had, like the fronts of the kitchen cabinets. No spider webs up in the ceiling corners in all the time they've been coming. The bathrooms are cleaner than I used to get them. Never anything broken or lost. I'm really glad now I gave them a good Christmas bonus.

  10. The other day a hawk was circling our back yard. I noticed it because Shirley looked up to the sky. My eyes followed her gaze and I saw this gigantic hawk just circling. I don't know if we have magpies in the USA, at least in Virginia. Love the shirt! Sorry about the cleaning, but you've redeemed yourself and I guess have saved future money spent!

  11. All cleaners are not equal. They can be outstanding if you find the right one. Dave must be disappointed. The packages are very beautiful. The martinis sound perfect and they did their job well.

  12. Not sure why, but every time you start talking about Russians on your blog, I instantly get Warren Zevon's "Lawyers, Guns and Money" rolling around my brain.

    I've never had my house cleaned for the same too reasons. I don't like people rooting through my stuff and I have always been leery that they would clean it well enough for me to say it was worth the price. I just tell myself my immune system is more robust as a result of all that dust and grime hidden in the corners.

  13. I suspected that the cleaners would not be able to be better than you at cleaning as you are fabulous at keeping your home tidy! Really! You clean a lot more than I ever do!
    So maybe Dave needs to visit an allergist to find out what he is allergic to?

  14. My mom cleaned houses & she always did a GREAT job. Too bad I never really learned from her. But at least you have clean baseboards & that's nothing to sneeze at (whatever that means).

  15. Just yesterday (Wednesday), I reintroduced myself to my bagless vacuum and told it that I hate it and was going to replace it with one that uses a bag!
    Which I did, immediately after using it and then having to clean it out and washing
    everything ... at least with a bagged machine you don't have to do all that!
    I won't enjoy housework any better, but maybe I will do it more often! LOL Luckily, I am still able to do my own cleaning ... when I choose to do it!
    The shirt looks quite fishy and in need of a hot iron!
    Enjoy your day!!

  16. I love that wrapping paper. I can't believe someone threw out a new roll. I also like the shirt.
    I've been thinking of hiring someone do a similar cleaning at my place. I'm getting too old to do a thorough job.

  17. I love the wrapping paper and the shirt! I would love someone to clean off my trim. I never think of it getting dusty but I'm sure it is.

  18. When we lived in Issaquah (Washington) we tried Russian cleaners. I used to have a collection of antique liquid medicine dispensers on a fireplace mantel. When they left, all glass dispensers were gone. They had swept the lot onto the hearth and broken them all. Very disappointing. We were cleaner-less for decades after than.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Lots going on at your place. Things really get busy in the christmas season.

  21. I love that wrapping paper. I can't believe someone threw it out. and I love that you wrap presents as they should be. gift bags are lazy. and the shirt is cool too. of course you bought it.

  22. I like the wrapping paper AND the fish shirt! I also like hawks except when they're hunting songbirds on my feeders. I'll never forget a relative telling me about seeing one snag a Cardinal mid-flight. It was traumatizing.

  23. I like both the wrapping paper and the shirt.Cheers.

  24. Vindication. I wonder if Dave will dare complain about his allergies caused by builders' dust again!
    I think you need to wear the shirt to brighten a dull English winter.

  25. I like the shirt! and I love the wrapping paper :)
    I used to be a cleaner, for a few months only and I did offices and the dining rooms and bathrooms in a facility that hired disabled people. Several staff members were quite impressed and asked if I did private houses too. one of the disabled girls hugged me one day because I'd dried the toilet seats which no other cleaner had ever done.
    I've slacked off a LOT since then, I have so much dust on my floor it looks like the garden is moving in.

  26. Mitchell: Yes, I enjoy knowing I can do it as well as the "pros"!

    YP: Ha! That's probably exactly how it went down. They were supposed to be here for three hours but both Dave and I don't see how they could have spent that long on what they did. Vodka must have been involved.

    Andrew: Yes, where the walls meet the floor. They get dusty along the top.

    Sabine: At least they moved the furniture! I don't see any sign here that anything was moved.

    Linda Sue: Camberwell is dismal but there's lots of good photography. Only twice in four months?! What is her schedule, I wonder?

    Pixie: Apparenty magpies mate for life? So it must be traumatizing for one to lose its mate. I told Dave I didn't think we were going to get anything better than what I could do myself, which turned out to be true. I didn't make a point of being offended, even though I was!

    Ms Moon: Somehow getting snatched by a hawk seems better than being snatched by a cat, though. At least it's more natural.

    Bob: I actually got off the bus just to take that picture, and then had to wait for the next bus! (And pay another fare.) It was worth it, though!

    Boud: See, that's another thing. We're still finding plenty of cobwebs here and there. I thought this place would be stripped of every spider by the time the cleaners left! The spiders are happy, though.

    Michael: Magpies are basically and black-and-white type of crow. Same family.

    Susan: He was disappointed. He wound up leaving a negative review and asking for a refund, which I'm sure will never happen.

    Ed: Ha! I like your immune system theory! I think our depiction of Russians in pop culture usually brings to mind lawyers, guns and money, but in this case I also wouldn't be surprised.

    Ellen D: Actually he's supposed to go to a rheumatologist at some point. We're waiting for the referral. Given his Crohn's, I think this has more to do with systemic inflammation than a genuine allergy. (Not that I am a doctor.)

    Bug: Sneezing is what we're trying NOT to do!

    Marcia: We have a bagless vacuum, a Dyson, and I must say I have never cleaned it out. I just dump the canister and leave it at that. No washing involved!

    Sharon: It's appalling what people throw out. Honestly!

    Margaret: It does indeed, and I never clean baseboards. I don't even think of them.

    Allison: Oh no! What a horrible story! I must admit I tucked away several breakables before the cleaners came for just that reason.

    Fresca: I missed your snarky comment! What did you say?!?!

    Jim: I'm glad it's getting some positive reader feedback!

    Red: They do indeed.

    Ellen: Well, last year we gave each other our presents in the Amazon shipping boxes, which is the height of laziness! LOL

    Kelly: Isn't it interesting how we respond differently when a hawk kills a bird we like, as opposed to a pigeon or crow? It's all nature, though. It was just that cardinal's time.

    Colette: Yay! I'm glad.

    Caro: Well, the downside is now we STILL won't know whether the dust is contributing to the allergies, because we can't be sure there's not still a lot of dust lying around! (I don't think there is, for the record.)

    River: I imagine being a cleaner is a very hard job. That's why I urged Dave to be gentle in leaving a negative review for our cleaners. But they really WERE substandard, for what they charged.

  27. I'm glad you showed the shirt! It's great! Pity the cleaners didn't do their job right. It's expensive to have them. (I think they could just sweep my house and it would be an improvement, but I digress.)

    The magpies sound fascinating. That's a sight I'd like to see!

  28. Having Strangers alone and rooting around cleaning my Home would drive me to take up drinking and I'd need to be blasted to ease the Anxiety. Plus, I think any Pros coming into my Home would need a Sedative to take their Edge off what it would take. *Winks* I like your Aquatic Bahaman Shirt. Sometimes I buy The Man colorful Shirts so I can find him easily if he wanders off. *Smiles* It has helped me not have to put out a Silver Alert on him.
