Friday, December 15, 2023

Sunrise and Miscellany

As I passed by the former Decca Records studios on my walk to work yesterday morning, I saw that some work is being done on the building. There was a worker out front kneeling on the steps -- I'm not sure what he might have been doing, or what that red light is in the window, but it made an interesting photo.

There was talk for a while of turning this vacant building into a school, but those plans got rejected and as far as I know it's still for sale.

I was walking about half an hour earlier than usual, because I had to get to school to do my first Newbery presentation to the Grade 5 students.

I even got to see the sunrise, which I don't usually experience on my walks.

The Newbery talks went fine, and in fact most of the books I talked about got checked out. I even inspired a little competition between two students who insisted they'd been the first to ask for "Johnny Tremain," which I never imagined I would turn into such a hot property. Fortunately through a combination of technology and librarian observation we were able to determine who should rightfully get it first.

Last night, after the library closed, I joined a little gathering of co-workers in a school-owned house where one of them is temporarily living. It's the same building where Dave and I briefly lived when we first came to London back in 2011, so I got to revisit our former flat (if you can call it that -- we only spent about four nights there). I had forgotten so much about what it looked like. That was a long time ago! Anyway, last night we had drinks and traded stories and it was pretty fun.

I am so ready for this week to be over. After today, I'm done with work until Jan. 8!


  1. Maybe Decca will become condos just like Ex-lax in Brooklyn. (I love the photo.)

    There should be a special Newbery award for you.

  2. I just had a lovely 30 mins after following your link to June 2011, reading all about your first few weeks in London. I got as far as mid August! I didn't " know" you then and it was interesting to read about your thoughts as a new resident from the States! I will go back to where I left off when I have some spare needs walking now!! Have a good weekend....Looks like it will be dry for a change!

  3. A nice sunrise it is.
    I missed the the link to your first few weeks in London. I will back read.
    Wow, I remember Decca 78's.
    Ok, the link to your first few weeks in London is in this post.
    It seems like your lecture went down well enough. Well enough with teenage boys is high praise.

  4. You don't go back until January 8th? Nice! We're done after today but we go back January 2nd (which will be a professional development day...the students return on the 3rd).

    I hope today goes fast and you can get home and start enjoying yourself!

  5. That second photo caught my eye for sure. I do love how the runner in the first photo gives movement to the scene.
    Glad the Newberry talks went well. Hard to believe two kids actually vied to be first to check out Johnny Tremain. I seem to remember reading that and not being at all impressed.

  6. I loved that book Johnny Tremain. I think I first read it in sixth grade for a class reading assignment. She would assign a chapter a week to read but of course I had it read within a day or two. Eventually I had to go back and reread the assigned chapter right before the quiz so that I didn't forget details that might be asked.

    Somewhere along the way, I found another copy at an auction somewhere and bought a copy. I have read it many times over the years and as far as I know, my copy still sits on the bookshelf downstairs along with other childhood books I can't let go. Probably the only other book I've ever read that produced such emotions in me as Johnny Tremain was Alex Haley's Roots.

  7. Gorgeous sunrise! Sometimes I can see it on my way to work, but I'm never in a good position to get a photo.

    Glad the talks went well - and I love that they seem to be so interested in the books! Hope for the future!

  8. I rarely see the sunrise. just not an early riser and nowhere I have to be early. I'm glad your talks went well and even gladder that you are on vacay now til next year. seeing that worker in the photo with is high visibility vest reminded me we got two donated to SHARE only they were that flourescent lime green instead of orange.

  9. I was awake in the middle of the night, and read your post soon after you wrote it, then went back to 2011 and ended up forgetting to comment. You're a lot more at home in London now!

  10. That sunrise was worth getting up early! So pretty!
    I'm so glad your talk was well received and the students are checking out those books! Well done!
    Enjoy your break and your nice getaway! It always goes by so quickly!

  11. I do love the idea of kids arguing over a book. Well done, Steve Read. I mean, Reed.

  12. You get a nice long winter break. My work is closed from Christmas thru New Year only. Still, it's nice to have the break.
    Your sunrise shots are beautiful. That lady running in shirt sleeves gave me a little chill. I guess all that running is keeping her warm.

  13. Your presentation went very well and you inspired the students to pursue this author. The library is lucky to have you. Enjoy your nice long holiday.

  14. With my X-Ray vision, I am able to see that the blue plaque on the side of the old Decca building is dedicated to Lonnie Donegan - the "king of skiffle" (1931 - 2002). It was here that he recorded "Rock Island Line" in 1954.

  15. Your Newberry project is a good one. You can use it every year and kids are exposed to some great stories. I reread Smokey the Cowhorse after 75 years. the teacher read it to our class.

  16. I'm glad your talk went well. Johnny Tremain is a really old one, isn't it? I remember it being around when my girls were young. The teachers in my district have to go until December 21st. They are miserable!

  17. Considering how late in your day I'm posting this, you are officially on break now! (a nice, long one at that!)

    I enjoy a pretty sunrise and these photos are lovely.

  18. Love the sky in those photos and now?
    Ready! Set! Break! Enjoy.

  19. The one good thing about shorter days...seeing sunrise and sunset as you commute!!

  20. I saved the photo and then zoomed in on it and saw that the sign above the door now identifies it as the home of the English National Opera. And my x-ray vision is not as good as YP's. All I could make out on that plaque were the words "Steve Reed passes by here on his way to work". I don't know if either of those signs are accurate. And you know what they say about buildings with red lights.

  21. That vacation sounds sorely needed! Loads of work at the library to wrap up and then all the stuff at home. I'll bet you'll love your holiday away! The gathering sounds fun. And fun to see your "old home!"
