Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Angus and Julia

You may be thinking, "Who are those people?"

Well, they were my evening entertainment last night. My friend Colin came to my desk last week and asked if I wanted to see some shows with him, because he'd bought tickets with a friend and then the friend couldn't go. He was seeing Jane's Addiction twice, and this Australian duo, Angus and Julia Stone. I like a few songs by Jane's Addiction but that seemed like a little too much excitement for a 58-year-old on a school night -- and definitely on two school nights -- so I passed on them. I did, however, take him up on seeing Angus and Julia.

I'd never heard of them and I walked into Royal Albert Hall last night completely unaware of their music. Colin had told me they were acoustic singer-songwriters, and that's the genre where I feel most at home as a listener, so I was pretty certain I wouldn't hate their sound.

In fact, the show turned out to be wonderful. I really enjoyed their harmonies and their easy stage manner, and they were unsurprisingly (given the venue) gifted and capable musicians, playing not only guitar but trumpet and other instruments. They had a three-member band to back them up.


Here's a quick video of the opening of their song "Big Jet Plane." They asked audience members to hold up their lighted phones, and this shows the magical effect in the big round arena of the Royal Albert. I also especially enjoyed their songs "Love Song" and "Chateau." (I tried very hard not to take many photos or videos, in order to just enjoy the experience and not be annoying, but some people around me were recording whole songs -- so maybe I didn't need to worry!)

Before the show, we went to the Verdi Italian Kitchen at Royal Albert, where I had a melon salad and the Merluzzo Mediterraneo: "Spicy marinated poached cod, potato foam, cherry tomatoes, capers, Taggiasche olives, garlic oil." Yum!

And before that, having gotten off the tube in South Kensington about an hour before I was to meet Colin, I killed off a pint of "Old Speckled Hen" at the Zetland Arms pub, where I sat reading "Little Women." Louisa May Alcott is more palatable with a beer.


  1. A good concert!

    I should imagine that Louisa May Alcott is better with a decent is, one must remember, writing of its time.

  2. A good night out for an ageing and brave person. At times you make the effort and have a good time. You must have been out for ages.

  3. That is exactly what Louisa May Alcott's boyfriend used to say!

  4. I had never heard of Angus and Julia before, so I went on apple music and listened. I bet it was amazing hearing them in person. Your last line made me smile. I've never read "Little Women." My best friend that I taught with for years loves that book.

  5. It sounds like a great (and cool and chic) outing. I love the music. Will now go in search of them on YouTube.

  6. Acoustic singer/songwriters are my jam too.

  7. Out on a school night, literally:)

    I love the singers, never heard of them. It's so nice to get surprises like that, free tickets and lovely singing.

  8. Of course, having read this and listened to the video, I am left wondering, "What is potato foam?"
    No, seriously- what is it?
    Looks like a beautiful evening. Dare I say- magical? How lovely!

  9. Merluzzo! The word Lucia learned when she and mapp were stranded in an Italian codfishing boat! They ate nothing else!

    That sounds like a good evening, you old party the same age as my son..

  10. "Old Speckled Hen" beer ... What is the specific, identifying flavor of that pint? Such a curious name! LOL

  11. I also like acoustic guitar. The music in the video was not what I expected from acoustic guitar. It it does look like the place filled with fans. Your meal sounds fabulous.

  12. Beautiful music in a beautiful setting. A perfect entertainment. Your dinner sound pretty good too.

  13. I was amazed at the large crowd that filled that hall! They have a big following!
    Of course, I was then forced to Google Jane's Addiction to find out more about them and I think I remember some of their songs. I was glad to read that Jane recovered from her addiction.

  14. My first thought was that cell phone lights aren't quite the same as bic lighters, but it really did look neat in the hall. I like the name of the beer!

  15. I've had Old Speckled Hen but I don't know where--perhaps Scotland? How wonderful to discover a new group! I've never heard of them either.

  16. Nice! Angus sounds a little like James Blunt.
    Couldn't help but notice the serious security guy positioned to keep that rowdy crowd from rushing the stage.

  17. Sometimes performers we've never heard really surprise us,

  18. Love their sound.
    What a fun evening.

  19. Well, Verdi certainly has an eclectic menu!

  20. Not sure what you are eating- clearly not sausage and mash but a nice evening was had! Have you ever been HERE-
    It makes very little sense to me, Why a tribute to 9/11???

  21. Their sound is very soft, voices almost inaudible.
    What the heck is "potato foam"?

  22. GZ: It is definitely writing of its time, but I normally don't mind that. In fact I enjoy it.

    Andrew: I went to bed at 1 a.m.! But I got home a little before midnight.

    YP: Ha! Good one!

    Michael: Many people love it, and although I'm grousing about it I do understand how it could be very special to people who read it when they were younger.

    Mitchell: I linked to a couple of their videos, but yeah, there's a lot more content on YouTube!

    Ed: Definitely the most listenable genre!

    Pixie: I know! What an amazing surprise.

    Ms Moon: Ha! It wasn't very foamy. In fact I would describe it as more like a potato-based cream sauce.

    Boud: I LOVED Mapp & Lucia! The author of those books had such a gay sensibility.

    Marcia: Well it doesn't taste like chicken! LOL! I have no idea why it's called that.

    Susan: Well, you're right -- they were plugged in, so it was amplified and electric guitar as well. As I said, they had some backup band members providing additional instrumentation.

    Sharon: It was really great! I love Royal Albert Hall.

    Ellen D: Yeah, I bet you'd know a couple of the famous ones. I was also impressed at the size of the crowd for Angus and Julia! Lots of Australians, but not entirely.

    Kelly: A lot less hazardous!

    Margaret: Yeah, I'm sure pubs in Scotland would have it. It's a very common pub beer. One of my standard faves, along with Doom Bar and London Pride.

    Marty: Ha! Yeah, he didn't look very intimidating. I think we could have taken him.

    Red: I was definitely favorably impressed!

    Bob: It was really fun! And kind of came out of the blue.

    Jim: Ha! Yeah, it was an interesting place. Pretty good, though.

    Linda Sue: I have never heard of that church. I'm sure I must have walked past it but I don't remember it. (And certainly had no idea it had a tent in back!) I guess it was an attempt to build a cultural bridge with the Middle East after 9/11?

    River: This is the second time you've had trouble hearing my videos. I wonder if the sound on your computer is set too low? Or do you think it's me?

  23. River (again): Oh, and potato foam was a sort of very loose mashed potato. As I told Ms. Moon it seemed more like a creamy sauce than a foam, at least to me.

  24. That looks like a terrific concert and a fun evening out. Dinner sounds wonderful but what on earth is potato foam?!
