Tuesday, May 7, 2024


These are a couple of older blossoms on one of our rescue orchids. I took pictures when it first bloomed last September, and I'm intrigued by the way the flowers have changed over time. The pink has washed out a bit, as if they've been laundered too much, and the green has crept in.

Apparently we had some neighborhood drama on Saturday night -- someone stole Mrs. Kravitz's car from her driveway. This happened once before, a few years ago. Dave said the police came to our door on Sunday looking for information, but of course we saw nothing. (We were either at Gordon and Donna's dinner party in Leyton at the time, or we were sleeping it off.) I heard Mrs. K asking the neighbors for CCTV footage, so maybe she'll be able to scare up some evidence, but my impression is that the police don't often catch the perpetrators in cases like this.

Once again, I'm so glad we don't own a car.

I felt about as tired as possible yesterday and barely moved off the couch. The weather was abysmal, at least in the morning, so I had no incentive to go anywhere anyway. I walked the dog around the neighborhood before the rain started, but that was it.

I finished Meryl Pugh's book "Feral Borough." I really enjoyed her use of plants, insects and animals in an urban garden or park as a way to discuss broader truths about life. There was something very Zen about the book's emphasis on living in the moment and the connectedness of all things, and of course I loved reading about ring-necked parakeets, Jersey tiger moths, bluebells and honesty. It was like a deeper look at our own garden.

This was right before I took our jade plant outside for its semi-regular shower. It tends to get mealybugs if I don't spray it down now and then. I love that corona of red around the edge of the leaves!


  1. Poor Mrs Kravitz. The indignity of having to use one of the best public transport systems in the world.

  2. I love the corona of red on the jade too but it usually means the plant hasn't been getting enough water. Unless yours is a different variety than mine.
    Bloody car thieves! I hope their wheels fall off just when they are trying to get away.

  3. Interesting you say that the weather was shitty down in London yesterday. Up here in The Garden of Eden it was lovely all day until the evening came. I am sorry to hear about the theft of Mrs Kravitz's Rolls Royce but I am afraid that if you choose to have a luxury vehicle you are tempting fate.

  4. How awful about the car theft, and the fact that it’s not the first time. What a headache. I’m surprised Mrs. K doesn’t have her own cameras. The rescue orchid is beautiful. It looks like my second orchid is losing its bud. SG didn’t take good care of it while I was gone; he was too preoccupied.

  5. Just catching up. Glad to read about positive tests yesterday.

  6. The book title "Feral Borough" reminds me of the film project that was featured in the sitcom 30 Rock: "Rural Juror". Both hard to pronounce, and both have a very muddy-sounding mix of vowels, if you know what I mean.

  7. I wonder about the car theft, if it was a relative. In this neighborhood we've had two cars stolen in all the years, both by friends, well, "friends".

  8. With all the big stuff going on in the world, it is almost like a blessing to step into a 'smaller', more connected world, isn't it?

  9. Like Mitchell, I was surprised Mrs. Kravitz didn't have her own cameras, but you never really think it'll happen to you.

    Love the orchids; Carlos h as some growing in our sunroom and they are lovely.

  10. You've been through a lot on the emotional level recently. No wonder you were tired yesterday. It's sort of nice that the weather cooperated in giving you a good day to rest.

  11. It's rainy here and I think that is what has me feeling so tired today. It might be a good day for a nap!
    I'm sorry for Mrs. Kravitz but agree with some of the others that she should have her own cameras installed since it has happened before.

  12. I've said it before but if I lived in London or surrounding areas, I wouldn't own a car either. What a hassle and unnecessary expense they would be.

  13. I was at work yesterday busy busy & heard this gushing sound. What could it be? I turned to look out the window behind me & it was POURING. I was glad to be indoors. It had stopped by the time I left for home.

    It would devastate us if one of our cars was stolen - because we DON'T have any kind of transportation system. But even if you do, you have to change your routine quite a bit to use it. Poor Mrs. K!

  14. I rather like this coloration on the orchid better than it's pinker version.

    You'd think having her car stolen once before she would have a camera. I guess no garage at the end of her driveway. do people have garages in London?

  15. Hey, the jade plant reminds me that I had a large jade plant at school. Kids would ask for a leaf???

  16. I hadn't thought much about car theft in the London area. It just seems like making a get-away would be difficult on London's busy, congested streets. Obviously, it can be done.

  17. Ha ha , what Andrew said! There is no reason to own a car in London but I will say that one does come in handy when in a hurry or when going to difficult places to get to by bus. Sarah bailed us out quite a bit. Like going to NorthUmberland or Dungeness . I would have been intimidated to drive but Sarah is a capital driver! Amazing , actually.
    The succulent is so pretty! My jade plant just stays dark green.

  18. It is such a gift that you can live in London without a car. Our nearest grocery store is 2 or 3 miles away down a very steep hill. We'd be very limited in what we could bring home.

  19. Car theft is so prevalent here. I park mine in the garage but most of my neighbors don't. That orchid is beautiful. I have a weakness for multi-colored blooms.

  20. You remind me that it's time to take Little Keith (my jade plant) and put him outside to enjoy the warmer weather after a winter indoors. Pity about Mrs. K's car -- having it happen twice is insult to injury.

    I'm glad you are able to just have a chill out day! Enjoy it!

  21. stealing a car is a felony.

    I have many succulents here in hot CAlifornia. My jade plant is huge, and it is gorgeous as well.

  22. Both of your plant photos are stunning! I'm not sure which I prefer.

    Just think, if your new game camera had been on you might have captured the thief sneaking through your back garden to vault over the wall into Mrs. Kravitz's yard to steal her car! I do hope they are able to find it before it ends up in a chop shop or whatever.

  23. Question: Mrs K's car has been stolen for the second time? Or it was a second car from the neighborhood?

    If it was Mrs. K's car, I'd have my own camera setup after the first theft.

  24. The aggravation of recovering the car or the loss is a big job. Poor Mrs. K. Your orchid and jade plants are beautiful. My jade is solidly green, I like the red rim on the leaf of your plant. Sometimes a day of R&R is just required.

  25. Has your jade ever flowered with the pretty pink stars?

  26. Andrew: And rub elbows with the commoners!

    River: I did not know that! I thought it was just the variety of jade plant I have.

    YP: It was a BMW, actually. :)

    Mitchell: Yeah, that's a good point -- I'm also surprised she doesn't have cameras. I bet she will now!

    Tasker: Thank you! Still waiting on a few definitive things but looking good so far.

    Vivian: Ha! Yeah, I see what you mean. Maybe not as bad as "Rural Juror," though.

    Boud: My impression is that there's a lot of car theft in London. I suspect they're crimes of opportunity. It's interesting that it has happened twice to Mrs. K -- makes me wonder if she leaves her car unlocked.

    Debby: Absolutely. I think the key to mental health is focusing on your own backyard. And maybe other surrounding yards. And the street. :)

    Bob: The funny thing is, it HAS happened to her. I wonder why she never got a camera?

    Ms Moon: It was amazing how exhausted I felt. I think that endoscopy really took it out of me.

    Ellen D: A rainy day can be a blessing, as Ms. Moon said!

    Ed: Oh, it's ridiculous. Parking alone will cost hundreds of pounds a month.

    Bug: Yeah, for most Americans a car theft would be a disaster. You'd really be stranded. At least here we have options.

    Ellen: Some people have a garage but I'm not sure they're big enough to park a car in. Many people have converted their garage into more living space. (And when I say "driveway" I really just mean the parking space in her front garden.)

    Red: I think you can root them from a single leaf, if I remember correctly. Some people call them a "money plant."

    Sharon: I guess if you can get away without being detected you can take all the time in the world, though there are cameras everywhere in London.

    Linda Sue: When I went to Dungeness I took a train to Rye and a bus from there. It actually wasn't difficult at all.

    Allison: Yeah, it's hard in most of America to get by without a car. Everything is so spread out.

    Margaret: You know, in all the places I've lived, I've never had a garage!

    Jeanie: I love that your jade plant has a name! I don't put mine out but maybe I should?

    Susan K: California definitely seems like jade plant territory!

    Kelly: Oh, our game camera IS on. Maybe we should check it?!

    Debby (again): Yes, it's the second time for HER car. I too am surprised she didn't get a camera!

    Susan: Yeah, even if it's not supposed to have a red rim, I like it.

    River (again): No, mine has never bloomed.
