Saturday, May 25, 2024

Stay Free

Well, I survived the week, thank goodness. And now we have a three-day weekend, with our late May bank holiday on Monday. I guess this is the seasonal equivalent of Memorial Day in the USA, but without the memorializing.

I honestly do not have a thing to write this morning. So I'm just going to leave you with this photo from Soho, taken last week (above), and this one from our garden:

That yellow lily just bloomed yesterday, our first of the season. But as you can see behind it, we have several more lily stalks waiting in the wings. Things to look forward to!


  1. This is the Whitsun bank holiday. It was always a day off on Whit Monday to celebrate Pentecost but because it moved with Easter (50 days after Easter) in 1972 it was decided to fix the day and it was renamed Spring Bank Holiday.

  2. Sometimes you don't need many words, even a few beautiful pictures are enough.

  3. Is the top photo a hotel entrance? So inviting. Oh, the lily!

  4. This blogpost is far too short! Sorry Steve but I shall have to report you to the highest blogging authorities. You may be chucked off Blogger but it is your own fault. If you want to write such short blogposts I suggest you go over to Muskrat's "X" instead.

  5. That photo of the flower is beautiful. Sometimes the simplest things to photograph are the best!

  6. Gorgeous lily, but sad looking street scene!

  7. Rachel answered my question! It's the Whitsun holiday revamped. Next you're off for the summer, it's all loafing...

  8. I've been past in a bus a long time ago, but the next time you are in Soho, could you take a photo of the square for me, perhaps including the entrance of gay bar. Ah, I could look it up on Street View I suppose, but I do like the personal touch.

  9. The last few weeks of school are always the hardest. I'm glad you're getting a mini break.

  10. Yes, this is our Memorial Day weekend!
    The lily is gorgeous! The entrance to that building ... not so much!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  11. I love yellow lilies. Our neighbor has some that make me smile every year.

  12. Chill out for the weekend and you cam make it to the end of the year.

  13. I like asian lilies but don't have any except for easter lilies which have not done well since the first arctic blast 3 years or so ago, just many different daylilies

  14. Oh wow, that lily is stunning and many more to come. Enjoy the weekend!

  15. I love lilies! My orange one doesn't bloom much (or at all) these days and my stargazer has also lost her oomph.

  16. The photo is lovely, the week over (yay) and now you can enjoy a holiday weekend. Three cheers!

  17. Beautiful lily. Thank you. Have a wonderful weekend from the USA....where I'm thinking of the relationship between the US and England during/after WWII. This weekend I'm remembering all the people who lost their lives protecting our freedom. To me, we will always be connected. Hugs from the base of the mini-mountain in Maine.

  18. A 3-day holiday weekend is always welcomed. The yellow lily is beautiful and you have several more to come.

  19. Three day weekends! They are the best.

  20. Rachel: Ah, so that's the source. I know it's not related to the USA's Memorial Day but I just meant that it's sort of an equivalent date on the calendar -- a holiday to make the start of summer. (In fact, I wonder if the timing of Memorial Day was chosen because of Whitsun?)

    Yael: That was my hope! It's a rare day that I can't think of anything to say, but it happens.

    Mitchell: Ha! A flophouse, maybe.

    YP: At least I wasn't as offensive as everyone on X!

    Michael: Yeah, sometimes it's nice to keep it simple.

    Bob: I like a little urban grit!

    Boud: I've never really known what Whitsun is. I didn't know it moved with Easter, for example.

    Andrew: There's a gay bar on Soho Square? I didn't even know that.

    Ms Moon: It's true! This period is such a slog! And there's a lot of work involved in trying to knit up the year.

    Marcia: This is one of the rare holidays that the US and UK always share -- the last Monday in May!

    Bug: I do too! I got these free from Homebase because they'd fallen out of their pot.

    Red: Exactly! I think that's the plan!

    Ellen: I have the opposite experience. We have daylilies but they never really prosper.

    Sharon: Yeah, I'm looking forward to all those buds opening!

    Margaret: I wonder why? Does it just happen over time? Maybe they need to be fed.

    Jeanie: Yeah, thank goodness! Cheers indeed.

    Regina: Our 8th Grade students all take an annual week-long trip to Normandy where they learn about that period in history! Such a great opportunity for them.

    Susan: Yes, several more yellow ones and the stalks behind it will be pink & white. (It's a different plant in a different pot.)

    Allison: Indeed! I feel like we haven't had one in ages but actually we had one in early May!
