Friday, May 31, 2024

The News

There's some squabbling going on at the bird feeder, as usual. When the parakeets aren't squawking and nipping at each other, they're battling the great spotted woodpecker.

But the woodpecker has an advantage with that long pointy bill! I always love watching the birds against the colorful backdrop of the roses.

So let's talk about yesterday's news. Here's the headline from The New York Times web site:

That was delicious, wasn't it?! Dave and I were about to go to bed last night when we heard a verdict was forthcoming, and we sat up together in the living room as those wonderful red words marched across the top of the Times' site, one beneath each count: GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY.

Our initial reaction was jubilant laughter, but that was followed almost immediately by uncertainty about what happens next. I was glad to wake up this morning and see that the country is apparently not in flames, but of course the right-wing sites are parroting Trump's allegations that the whole trial was a sham and his followers are still pledging him their votes.

I hope what it will do is give the Republican leadership some cover to break from Trump and nominate a more stable, palatable candidate. If ever there was a time to snap out of the Trump trance, this is it. A lot of lawmakers don't like Trump, despite backing him publicly, and I wouldn't be surprised if some turn on him now. You know, they either believe in the American justice system -- the grand juries, the judges, the jury of one's peers -- or they don't.

As for Trump, he has always been viewed as a reprehensible figure in New York. When you make a career out of being a narcissistic, abusive arsehole, obsessed with your own name brand and weaving back and forth across the line of legality, karma is bound to come back and bite you. He says the decision was "rigged" but he's the one who rigged it over many, many years. And of course, the bottom line is, he committed the crime.

I wonder what Melania is thinking?

Anyway, as someone famous supposedly said on their deathbed, "This should be interesting." That's how I feel about politics at the moment.

Here are our lobelia (left), ravaged by slugs and/or snails, and our sage. I've put both of them up on a chair to give them a fighting chance in the battle against garden pests. I know snails can climb chairs but I'm thinking it will be just that much harder for them to get there, and that may help protect the plants. I'm not kidding when I say that lobelia was two or three inches high and leafy just a couple of days ago. While I have taken a rather fatalistic approach to the garden this spring -- what gets eaten gets eaten -- I'm also fine with making it a little more difficult.

Here's one of our dahlias. I've elevated them as well, and this one is also wearing a copper slug ring to keep away slugs -- apparently they don't like crawling over copper. Most of the dahlias at least have some greenery so there's hope. Several of you have also recommended diatomaceous earth and although I haven't tried it yet, it's on my radar. Maybe I'll finally invest in some.

My Newbery talks went well yesterday, at least in terms of my presentation. I got some questions, but fewer than I usually get with younger kids -- so yeah, overall engagement is lower in 7th Grade. Which I expected. I have two more talks today and then I'm done.


  1. I may have to invest in a few chairs to raise my pots away from slugs and snails, but there are still the earwigs, birds and possums, so probably I won't bother.
    I heard the news about that shyster from "no-one" this morning and did a little dance around. I really wish his name will now be removed from ballot papers so he can't be voted for. I hope his sentence is long and harsh. Solitary confinement for a couple of decades sounds good to me.

  2. I can't believe it's possible in the US for a person to stand for president even if they are in prison.

  3. I’m trying to simply focus on the fact that he was convicted on all 34 counts. I never thought it would really happen. What has followed from many Republicans has been reprehensible and sadly unsurprising. Melanie wasn’t expecting this when she married for money! Marla must be glad she’s out.

  4. The Orange One will appeal...

    Apparently slugs and snails aren't keen on sheep seemed to work around the runner beans here last year..but I do have an advantage of having sheep in fields not far away and the farmer doesn't mind me foraging the hedgerow for snagged off can buy pellets made from fleece as well

  5. The woodpecker is an attractive bird.
    Sometimes I am confused by time differences, as you said 'yesterday'. If I checked the time there, it would make sense. The story broke here around 8am Friday morning, so there was lots of live coverage. I feel some glee.
    I think Melania is waiting for the right time. She does live in great comfort even if she has few words to ever say to her husband, and no contact.
    Indeed it will be all very interesting to follow, vaguely.
    That's a good idea. The lobelia self seeded? We used to have of snails where we had a garden with lots of annuals etc. If I planted lobelia seedlings, they might have been mature enough that snails weren't interested.

  6. It is a big snail and slug year here too. We go out at night and just kill them. No mercy. It seems to work with most vegetable plants but the slugs have started to come into the house or at least, are trying to and it is beginning to get a slight Hitchcock vibe.

    As for the verdict, isn't it amazing and even encouraging that a group of ordinary New York people could reach a defining verdict without much discussion while the power hungry big guys couldn't find fault during the impeachment.

  7. It is easy to see how writing about The Orange Monster led to thoughts about slugs. What an odious creature he is! Recent close-up court photos reveal how ugly he is. The outside matches the inside. I salute the jury for doing what was right and fair - based upon evidence and testimony that was skilfully presented.

  8. Yesterday was a good day. I admire the jury for doing what is right but would honestly not have wanted to be one of them. I am sure their personal details will be leaked, if not already. I would be fearful; Trump's supporters are insane. You have to be at this point to support this man. And I agree: anyone who grew up anywhere near New York (we were in Philly) has known for forever what type of man he is. This is not new behavior.

  9. Old fashioned term of gobsmacked comes to mind.

  10. I’m pretty optimistic but you have me beat by a mile. While I would love nothing more than to have someone other than Trump as the nominee, I would bet this conviction changes exactly nothing. He will still be the nominee and the polls, and election, are still going to look the same as the week before.I would have predicted a decade ago that no convicted felon would ever be a nominee but today, anything is possible in this political landscape.

  11. I partied all evening with friends in online pods, all so happy. DA Bragg is a brave man and a great prosecutor to have brought this airtight case to success. And twelve ordinary New Yorkers said you looking' at me? and bravely convicted. Justice.

  12. I was thinking about what the Republican party is going to do now just this morning. You are exactly right- if there is to be a turning away from Trump, they really have nothing left. They have thrown all of their support to him and him alone and have allowed him to steer the party even after he was voted out of office. What do they have? Who do they have? It would appear no one and nothing. I think they'll continue to support him.
    On the other hand, your bird photos are beautiful.

  13. Those birds are so colorful! I wish they would share the bird feeder, tho. There is enough for both of them! Isn't that why we are having a lot of these problems in the world!?!
    Good job by that jury! I don't mind if Trump still runs and loses. Maybe then we wouldn't have to listen to him anymore or see him in the news..

  14. it's been pretty dry here for the most part though it started raining last night and continues this morning so slugs and snails haven't been much of a problem.when needed I use an organic slug and snail bait, sprinkling it around newly sprouted beans and whatever small tender plant I put in.

    I was taking a rare nap when the verdict came in. Marc woke me with one word 'guilty' so I could see those red guiltys appear one by one. HCR's newsletter today detailed how the republicans in congress had two opportunities to bring Trump to justice and they refused so it was left to the people of this country.

  15. Politics is interesting right now but very scary. The goons appeared very quickly on Jan 6. It was poorly organized and with few people but they did a lot of damage.

  16. I was pretty excited about the verdict - even if nothing comes of it it means he was judged & found guilty by a jury of ordinary people.

  17. Found guilty on all 34 counts says the legal system worked. I will be forever grateful to the jury. This sends a strong message to the masses. There will be appeals and who knows what the sentence will be. I also read, 2/3rds of DT supporters still support him. Crazy continues, yet to a slightly lesser degree. Your bird feeder is very active. There is lots of competition going on their.

  18. I love the fact that he keeps losing all these court cases, one after the other.

    And it isn't lost on me how the rightwingnuts are screaming about how this is unfair and wrong and terrible and f**k Joe Biden in one breath, and in the next breath they say that all these guilty verdicts will secure the election for him.
    Well, if that's the case shouldn't the wingnuts be celebrating?

  19. Unfortunately, I can't think of anyone more palatable to replace either of them (Trump OR Biden) that would stand any chance of getting their party's nomination. I'm taking this one day at a time.

    I love watching the birds, too. It always amazes me how mean they can be to each other, and it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with their size! Did you see my recent post about the Merlin app? Now I'm not just obsessed with watching them but also with listening to them!

  20. Politics is a big money game and only established and wealthy players can participate. I'm cynical enough to believe that this verdict won't change much although I hope it will. I would replace Biden (although he's done a lot of good) with Buttigieg in a heartbeat but I doubt that the Dems will do that.

  21. First...I love the bird shots! Great photos!
    Yes, I was also excited to hear the news about DJT. Finally, he's held to account by ordinary citizens. When he complained that the country is too divided and NY is on the other side, I couldn't help shouting at the TV, whose fault is that? Yes, there have always been conservatives and liberals but he's the one who poured gasoline on that fire.
    Listening to congressional Republicans sucking up to him was rather sickening. Many of them were stumbling over their words trying prove their loyalty and justify their support. Not just shameful but very dangerous for the country.

  22. If you're opposed to slug bait, due to the other critters, there is this.

    When we lived in Edmonds, WA the slugs could wipe out an entire garden in one night. Slug bait (Corries) was extremely effective.

  23. The giant orange slug made 35 million dollars from "his People" after the verdict- and Melania is of like mind with Orange slug- which is to say that she is just fine with it all. She gets what she wants and lives quite separately from the Mister. some may say "great gig if you can get it"...
    Of course the appeals will go on for years, unless he is thrown into the slammer, which will only happen in my dreams.

    I had never seen a slug before I moved to the PNW- I thought they were cute.

  24. those bird photos are fabulous, Steve. There's nothing better than being at the right place at the right time to catch the action and you nailed it.

    I was doing a happy dance too. Still am -- but (and it's a big but) -- this is, as you know, far from over. The parrot MAGGOTS are in full anger mode and that's always a danger they'll blow up. If I was every witness or jury member, I'd be booking it far out of town under an alias. I'd like to believe you are right about the Republicans switching candidates but I think it's more a dream than a reality.

  25. I was jubilant at first too, until I began thinking about the MAGA repercussions. At least he can add convicted felon to his titles.

  26. I had a big smile on my face when I heard. Trump is right, the election was rigged, by him.

  27. I have concerns about diatomaceous earth, it does not discriminate between pests and beneficial insects. It will kill the ladybug eating the aphids as well as the aphids. It also kills spiders and it must be reapplied when it rains or you water the plants. I thought about the bread dough bait that was mentioned, but it's dangerous for dogs. Other than slug bait, it's the good old drowned in beer method. (I live in the PNW so I'm am very familiar with slugs...ugh!)
    Trump's toadies are falling all over themselves to say how unfair it all is. The "law and order", "Blue lives matter", "family values" party calling for riots and violent retribution.

  28. Thanks for all the comments, everyone. It's great to be able to commiserate with like-minded people after moments of potentially great political significance, even if my dreams of the Republican leadership turning on Trump appear to be for naught.

    Thanks also for all the slug hints. I don't even like the idea of drowning slugs in beer, so I think for me the best method of control is to try to lift the plants out of the way and hope for the best. It may just be one of those years when we don't get much growth because of slugs. C'est la vie. (I wish foxes ate them!)

  29. There are so many insects and animals that love to eat slugs. I can’t believe you don’t have any of them in your garden. Go figure!
