Saturday, June 29, 2024

A Rose-Picking Parakeet

We looked out in the back garden a couple of nights ago and this parakeet was sitting on top of one of our rose bushes, casually pulling apart the flowers. He/she was quite brazen, and didn't move even when I went outside to take her/his picture. I began wondering if something was wrong. Maybe (s)he was caught in the bush somehow? But the bird did finally fly off as I got closer, so who knows. Can parakeets get drunk on rose blossoms?

When I wrote yesterday's post I hadn't even looked at the results of the presidential debate the night before. Now I have, and I join the rest of America in wondering how it's possible that these two guys are our best (and really our only) options for president? How did we get to this ridiculous place? It's like having a choice between a wadded-up paper bag and a turd.

Having said that, though, there's obviously more to the presidency than just one man. A LOT more. There is no question in the world that I'm still voting for Biden (who I envision as the paper bag in the above scenario, in case that wasn't clear), because I'm electing not only Biden but also everyone around him. All THOSE people will make a huge difference for the country. I cannot tolerate another four years of Stephen Miller, Michael Flynn and Betsy de Vos, or their equivalents.

And Biden, for all his shortcomings, is still a far better leader than Trump. No question. Apparently Trump's lies and bluster did put off some undecided voters, according to interviews afterwards.

What a mess. I still fault the Democratic party for not being firm with Biden that he should not run for a second term. And I fault Biden for insisting that he could. He has been a capable president but he IS too old to run again. They're BOTH too old. After all, it's not only their age and abilities now that matter, it's their age and abilities for the next four years.

People like Dianne Feinstein and Mitch McConnell should have also stepped aside before their last elections. There is no shame in "aging out" and although we all live longer, healthier lives than ever before, there still comes a time when our faculties are not what they were. Remember Strom Thurmond? He was barely alive in his last term. OK, that was years ago, but still -- the problem of lawmakers hanging on too long persists.

I've said it before and I'll say it again -- we need some new blood in American politics in the worst way.

And here in England, we have Nigel Farage making a comeback. Don't even get me started on that. He's every bit as awful as Donald Trump. Here's a weird little fact about British politics -- MPs, or Members of Parliament, do not need to live in their districts, which are known as constituencies. Farage, for example, is running for Parliament in a constituency in east Essex, on the North Sea. He does not live there, but he also doesn't need to.

Why would people want to elect a representative who doesn't live in their area? Good question. To me residency seems a sensible demand. I always thought it was a requirement in the USA, but now I'm reading that Congressional candidates legally only need to live in the state they seek to represent. They typically DO live in their district, though, and in fact it can create a backlash if they're found to be living elsewhere.

Anyway, on to more fun topics.

We're preparing for our flight to South America tomorrow night. I went to the pharmacy yesterday to pick up some odds and ends -- sunblock, paracetamol, Covid test kits. (God forbid!) It still doesn't quite seem real to me. We watched the James Bond movie "Moonraker" last night, a movie I saw about a thousand times when I was a kid, because part of it takes place in Rio on the cable car to Sugarloaf, which Dave and I are planning to ride ourselves. It all seems surreal.

I also watched a hilariously dreadful '70s disaster drama called "Horror at 37,000 Feet," with William Shatner, Chuck Connors and Buddy Ebsen, among others. How I've never seen this movie, being an aficionado of '70s disaster films, I'm not sure. Oh, for the days when all you needed to make a movie were some down-on-their-luck former TV stars, some styrofoam sets and a fog machine!


  1. Perhaps the parakeet is wooing his lady with a rose petal lined nest?
    I sincerely hope that you are correct that Biden's teams have thoughts and ideas in place to help him out and possibly someone strong to replace him. Another term with the orange lump might see the end of a once great country.

  2. That debate was rather flat and disinteresting

  3. When Joe Biden is 85 years old he will live in La-La Land being pushed around in a wheelchair with drool draining from his slack mouth. His family should now be pressurising him to step down. Surely it is not too late for Gavin Newsom to step in. He has governed California so he has significant authority - that is if he wants it of course.

  4. Biden was completely different at a speech soon after this...
    Black Mountain Barb found a quote which is is Tromp's method....
    "How many of us remember the Nixon/Kennedy debate? Appearances on TV matter. The words said, say in radio broadcasts are entirely different in presentation.

    "This was not a debate. It was Trump using a technique that actually has a formal name, the Gish gallop, although I suspect he comes by it naturally. It’s a rhetorical technique in which someone throws out a fast string of lies, non-sequiturs, and specious arguments, so many that it is impossible to fact-check or rebut them in the amount of time it took to say them. Trying to figure out how to respond makes the opponent look confused, because they don’t know where to start grappling with the flood that has just hit them....

    "There are ways to combat the Gish gallop—by calling it out for what it is, among other ways—but Biden retreated to trying to give the three pieces of evidence that established his own credentials on the point at hand. His command of those points was notable, but the difference between how he sounded at the debate and how he sounded on stage at a rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, just an hour afterward suggested that the technique worked on him... "

    "Of far more lasting importance than this one night is the clear evidence that stage performance has trumped substance in political coverage in our era. Nine years after Trump launched his first campaign, the media continues to let him call the shots. "

    Letters from an American"

    How many remember the Nixon/Kennedy debate...a sweating Nixon with a 5 o'clock shadow....

  5. That parakeet has an excellent colour sense, chose the best scenario to set off its gorgeous plume.

    Have a great trip!

  6. I agree that our politicians should accept aging out. And, as you mentioned, we’ve had some prime examples in recent years. But there’s no way in hell I’d ever support The Orange Turd and he pile of shit he’d bring with him. I’ve been wondering how Nigel Farage can still be in the running for anything. What depressing and stressful times. Have “times” always been depressing and stressful. “Horror at 37,000 Feet” might be appropriate to watch (I’ve never seen it). When my baby, when my baby smiles at me I go to Rio...

  7. I watched most of it and paper bag and a turd is an apt description. I’m not sure I can vote for either of them even if I’m voting for more than just them. The chances of one of them dying before the election is probably not trivial.

  8. That cover picture is absolutely gorgeous. The colors especially.

    The debate was awful but Biden is so much more than just one night, and we all know it. I do wish he had stepped aside but he didn't; this is where we are. I think a lot of that pearl-clutching "push him out" nonsense ended w/his performance the next day in NC and NYC. My family, who are raging racists and huge Trump supporters, are imagining a world in which Biden gets reelected and then dies, and then Kamala Harris is president. Obama almost did them in; a black woman would surely kill them off.

    I knew of course how awful my family is. What these Trump years have shown me is how racist and awful some of my neighbors, "friends," etc., are. It has been eye-opening.

  9. Have a safe and healthy journey to South America! I agree with your assessment of American politics. I will vote for Joe Biden no matter how this all turns out as the alternative is 100 times worse. I simply cannot imagine four years living in this country under the reign of the orange menace.

  10. If Joe stays in he gets my vote, if Joe resigns,m his successor gets my vote; if the convention chooses another candidate, he or she gets my vote.
    I vote FOR Democracy and against liars and traitors and racists and rapists.

  11. It's become obvious that both parties want to win more than they want to govern. Trump is a piece of shit but poor Biden obviously has something wrong with him, my guess, Parkinsons. I know the President doesn't govern alone, but he is the face of the country and has to meet other dignitaries. That being said, I would still vote for him over trump. I hope the democratic party can find someone else, fast, and let Biden retire.

  12. Yes. It is bizarre and disconcerting and, to be honest, weird, that these two men are the best we have to offer as candidates for the highest job in the land.
    Here's where ageism comes in though- I open my NYT's app and there are umpteen articles about how Biden needs to step down. Step aside. Whatever. And that the Democrats need to insist that he does. And truly, because of one debate performance in which he showed his age for real. But is there one call from the press about how the Republicans need to find another candidate to replace Trump who is and always has been completely unfit to lead?
    Because he can win.
    The honest truth is, on Biden's worst day he is a better president than Trump and he is surrounded by good and knowledgeable people unlike Trump who surrounded himself with fellow felons.
    And that knowledge is keeping me sane at the moment.

  13. P.S. I do love your rose petal eating parakeet.

  14. Sitting next door , I find American politics confusing. You have explained how some of the things work.

  15. What a lovely photo of the green bird on pink roses! Delightful though the rose might not agree.
    Have a wonderful trip, wear masks always! The new variant of covid is a bitch!
    I am so excited to see your photos of Where you may land!

  16. Great shot of that parakeet munching on your roses.
    Yes, the debate was a complete disaster. From the first few minutes to the very end is was unbearable to watch. Although, Biden did get better toward the end but it was too late. I've seen that one fumbling sentence he struggled with at least 7 or 8 times since Thursday. That's not good. The fact that Trump was allowed to spew lie after lie without anyone stopping him was sickening. You are right about the importance of the people around the President and I trust Biden's choices. If Trump is elected, his new choices will be worse than before and worse that Stephen Miller and Michael Flynn is down right scary. More scary than any horror movie.

  17. Whatever happens, I'm voting blue.

  18. I've never seen a bird eat rose petals. I will vote JB as well. DT is not suitable in any way, shape or manner. Have a wonderful trip and I'll look forward to your lovely photos.

  19. I'm trying not to give too much thought to the election until after the conventions. Maybe we'll have a better choice at that point. (not holding my breath)

    I think the parakeet is just being brazen, and I'm looking forward to your posts from South America!!

  20. There have been a bunch of people on twitter saying they're just not going to vote. I have been responding to them with "Vote - vote like the lives of the women and girls in your life depend on it, because they do." Not voting just wears on my last damn nerve. You're right, you're voting for a team as much as a person. Sign me up for team paper bag.
    A long time ago I saw a photo of those parakeets in Tokyo eating cherry blossoms with wild abandon.

  21. The parakeet in the roses makes for a lovely photo! Perhaps s/he was posing? It always feels weird to be that close to a major trip--kind of surreal. I am hoping that whoever the D in the presidential race wins; the thought of Project 2025 gives me nightmares.

  22. What in tarnation would make you want to ride that cable car? It's more than I could stand. I took the cable car that runs over the San Diego Zoo once and it was almost more than I could stand. Rather than ride it back down, I took a long circuitous walk and I was already an aging man then! Well, enjoy your trip anyway and I hope my tip solved your crisis over one of my Friday Funnies! 😁

  23. After that debate I think I just need to ignore politics for a while. It's too depressing! We do have an exciting young-ish guy in NC who is running for NC attorney general - I fully expect him to run for president some day (check him out on Instagram - a voice of reason - Jeff Jackson).

    I hope you have a FABULOUS time! Can't wait to hear all about it.

  24. Every word you said -- I couldn't agree more. It's not just one person, it's the people around that person and you nailed it on that point. I will say that in the rally the following day, Joe looked like a different person -- it was actually quite disconcerting but good to see. Still.... My sense when he was first elected was that he'd be a one-term president. Alas... (and he has done LOADS of good for the country, I might add)...

    Bon voyage and happy travels. Yes, I know what you mean about taking covid tests with you. I'll be doing the same when we travel in the fall.
