Thursday, June 27, 2024

More Sheep

Remember when I went to see the sheep sculptures in Southall, a couple of months ago, and only found out afterwards that there were MORE sheep in a different green space nearby? Well, yesterday I set out to find that other group of sculpted sheep.

So it was back to Hanwell station, on what I'm sure was the warmest day of the year thus far (82º F in the afternoon -- or 28º C -- according to my iPhone). I walked to the canal and rather than walking along it, as I did last time, I crossed one of the locks and followed some paths into a large park-like area.

The grass was so high that the sheep weren't immediately visible, and I had to get out my phone and look at a satellite image of the area to figure out where they were. But ultimately I did find them.

It's a sheep family -- two adults and a lamb. You can see from the state of the grass how dry and warm it's been over the past week or two.

They're in better condition than the first ones I found, though the lamb's ears seem to be a bit gnawed.

And with that little adventure under my belt, I decided to pop into a local pub -- The Fox, pictured here -- for a hummus sandwich and a beer. I sat out in the beer garden reading a Patricia Cornwell mystery novel, until I realized I was hearing "I Want You Back" by the Jackson Five for the second time over the pub's sound system. That was my cue that I'd been there long enough.

It was warm but the weather was so nice and sunny that I decided to walk along Uxbridge Road to Ealing Broadway, a couple of miles away. Then I had some trouble with tube trains not running and it took me a while to get home via tube and bus, but no big deal -- fortified by a coffee from Starbucks in Notting Hill, I was back by late afternoon. I think I walked a little more than three miles, all told.

When Dave took his band students to Germany on music tour this spring, they gave him this champagne-shaped bottle of non-alcoholic "tropical partydrink" in gratitude. I'm sure it was sort of a joke. The students are his minions, in a way. Anyway, we've had this thing kicking around the house for a couple of months, so I decided to open it and see how it tasted -- basically, like carbonated apple juice. (Allegedly there was also pineapple and mango, hence the "tropical.") Not too terrible. We drank it all.

Oh, and I know you're curious about Olga's vet appointment yesterday morning. Basically, the vet said it was up to us whether to continue the dog-walker. She concurred that it might be too much activity for Olga at her age, but also agreed that the exercise would help her keep weight off, which helps her joints. So there's give and take. I think we'll keep up the walker at least for the next few weeks, while we're away, and then we'll monitor the situation. The vet also checked Olga over and trimmed her nails, and as far as we can see, she's in good health.


  1. Sheep sculptures are better than the live ones lol.
    The party drink is very funky and cool.

  2. I'm so happy to hear that Olga's in good health for her age! I love her.

  3. What fun with the sheep sculptures. And great news about Olga.

  4. I'm wondering if there are yet more sheep anywhere? They're a good destination idea.
    How lovely to be in the eighties. I'm hopeful we might get down to there.

  5. I haven't had Grape Nuts in forever. It is one of those cereals I really enjoy for a box's worth and then I forget about it until something reminds me of it again. However, I seem to have grown lactose intolerant in my older age so I'm not sure I'll ever eat another bowl unless I use a different kind of milk.

  6. I have been in a cafe and heard a song played again and realized I'd been sitting there an entire "loop" and it was time to go!

    Loving the sheep; I love art in unexpected places.

    Good advice from the vet.

  7. That poor sheep with the gnawed off ears looks far more like a dog than a sheep. Poor thing.
    "Tropical Party Drink." Who could resist?
    Glad for Olga's good health report.

  8. Sometimes a very simple thing ends up causing a good walk. I don't think I've ever seen a sheep sculpture , but we have many sculptures of horses.

  9. Good to hear that Olga's check-up went well. Those sheep sculptures are fascinating. I like the little family arrangement. 82 degrees sound wonderful to me. I'm glad it was a nice day.

  10. Someone put lots of time and skill making the sheep sculptures. I like sculptures in parks/museums and in fields. Olga got a good health report.
    Maybe shorter daily walks can be considered.

  11. So curious why those sculptures are out in the middle of nowhere there. Interesting find, Steve!
    Glad to hear that Olga is in good health!

  12. I just finished reading your most recent entries, catching up on my blog reading. I have never been to Madrid, but your description makes me want to go. I am glad Olga got a clean bill of health. It is sad to see them get older.

  13. Whether she wants to or not, the walking is good for Olga. I could also be talking about myself here! I don't like apple juice but I enjoy sparkling cider--figure that one out. Sunny days are excellent for exploring. I haven't read Cornwell for a LONG time; she got very carried away with her plots and characters.

  14. I love the minion bottle! I've always preferred sparkling grape juice to champagne. If I'm going to drink alcohol, give me a beer or some tequila! As for the Grape Nuts in the background - that's what I had for breakfast this morning. (with banana) 😊 Glad Olga had a good checkup.

  15. Sheep! You knew I'd like that. I'm glad you found them.

  16. Minion! I love those weird little guys.
    The sheep look so real in the first from a distance picture, they are very well carved. 82F is a good enough temperature for walking.

  17. I'm glad Olga got a pretty good report. Always good news. And I just love those sheep. They're quite well done. It sounds like a wonderful walk and a great day for it!The Minion bottle is fun!
