Saturday, June 1, 2024

Just a Dream Some of Us Had

Well, never mind about the Republican leadership coming around to sobriety and abandoning their felonious candidate. They're still Trump-drunk, if the statements I heard yesterday are at all accurate. And can you believe he raised $35 million after the verdict? Apparently, peace and common sense, as Joni Mitchell once sang in a different context, are "just a dream some of us had."

I don't understand how anyone could look at not just this court verdict but a whole string of verdicts, going back years, all going against Trump, all decided by various judges and juries in different parts of the country -- from E. Jean Carroll to election theft -- and decide that he is in the right and all the rest of us are wrong. I mean, it's delusional. It's mental illness.

And now, to see Lindsey Graham and J.D. Vance and others speaking up in favor of Trump after he participated in a sordid scheme that would have torpedoed the political career of ANY OTHER POLITICIAN -- well, I just do not understand. Except that they're all grabbing at power for themselves in various ways. Vance clearly wants to be vice president.

It's up to us, people. We have got to reject these lunatics at the ballot box, once and for all.

In other news, it is freezing here. As I write at 7 a.m. it's 50º F outside (10º C) and I'm lying on the couch under a blanket. I had to get my winter jacket back out of the closet yesterday so I could comfortably walk to work. Welcome to June! I know I keep kvetching about my dahlias but I'm not sure they're ever going to grow in this weather. At least I think we'll have some sun today.

My Newbery talks finished yesterday, landing with the thud that I expected among the 7th graders. I don't think I successfully sold any of the books I talked to them about. But I have to take the long view. At least now they know about the award and these titles, and if someone mentions "Dead End in Norvelt" or "The Witch of Blackbird Pond" they can say, "Oh, yeah, I've heard of that." Maybe they'll even be curious enough to someday go back and read them.

Kind of like me and "Little Women," which I AM going to finish this weekend, after having not touched it at all the last several days.

Last night Dave and I watched "Civil War" on Amazon. It was pretty good, especially the special effects. Who doesn't want to see the Lincoln Memorial get blown up -- on film, anyway? (My question is, why was anyone fighting at the Lincoln Memorial in the first place? It's just a big hulk of marble.) It was certainly interesting viewing given our elevated political tensions.

We also recently finished "Palm Royale" on Apple TV, which given the cast should have been much, much better than it actually was. I still don't understand how a show with such fun, colorful costumes, advanced special effects and skilled comedic actors and actresses could be so dull.

Another loser was the fourth season of "Fargo," which we could tolerate for only one episode. There's now a fifth season, which is supposed to be better and we may try that. We've also started Colin Farrell's new show "Sugar" which seems promising.


  1. As an outsider to US politics, I am no fan of Trump, but he does seem to tap into areas of the country and workforce that should have been Democrat country but seem to have seen abandoned by a party moving to a college educated base. Much the same as the British Labour party has largely abandoned it's working class roots in a move to representing teachers, local government, public sector etc.

  2. The convictions are something to celebrate but, yes, just a dream some of us had. There goes the Lincoln Memorial.

  3. Trump works the crowds and his loyal followers just like an evangelistic preacher, getting them to part with their money and totally switching off the part of their brains which holds common sense. As you said it all about power.

  4. Nice photo of the lupin - please note spelling as in the sentence, "I dropped a lupin on the pavement". It is very odd that the rump of Trump's supporters claim to be staunch Christians when the object of their support is so un-Christian and morally flawed.

  5. We are told how much money was raised, but proof is never shown.
    No argument with your summary.
    If registered Democrat voters, blacks and Latinos all got off their arses and made the effort to vote for the best party for them, Democrats, then it would be a shoe for Democrats.
    I wonder why English black people aren't called Afro English, like the US calls their black people African Americans?
    10 is not that cold, unless you are outside in 10 degrees, and with a high wind chill factor happening. Why are you under a blanket indoors? Don't you have heating?

  6. The GOP is now officially Party Over Country and putting all their hopes and dreams on this racist rapist treasonous criminal.

  7. Turned on the radio as I went to bed last night and they were talking quite seriously about another Civil War in the US!

  8. Glorious June, huh? I'm glad your Newbery series is done. I think that's an age where it's not cool to show enthusiasm, so you may have had more impact than you thought.

  9. Like I said yesterday- I don't think the Republicans CAN turn aside from Trump now. They don't have any other viable candidates and they've put all their eggs in his basket. Not to be crude.
    He's been telling them what to do and how to vote throughout Biden's entire term. And of course the four years before. And yes, it is mental illness. And a cult, really. One of the signs of a cult is that it is very difficult to leave the cult. People will literally die before they face the truth of their beliefs and leave. Pass the Kool-Aid. I'm not kidding you.

  10. FOX is the most watched of any. In some households it is on 24/7. Brainwashing at its best! I listened to a clip on NPR of Fox's take on the verdict. Sickening, off the rails mental!
    Democrats lose in this game because , well, democrats!! We all agree it has gone far beyond a two party system and that the christian nationals are employing their puppetry to run country into a dictatorship and theocracy. All we can do is VOTE. That's it. That is all.
    Democrats and the laws of the land, are reasonable and continue to believe that reason will trump trump. I am not so sure.

  11. I loved "Sugar" but haven't started "Palm Royale" yet.
    I think most of us are trying to understand the hold that idiot has over the nation. He is so obviously despicable.

  12. Many people are completely deluded by conspiracies. I cannot understand why ordinary people can't see through all the trash.

  13. Don't count your 34 million till you see a financial record. I don't trust his interpretations of money. But yes, it is profoundly sad. I want to see that film but I think it has left here. Must check out the streamers. I've been worried about that for a very long time. I simply DO NOT understand people.

  14. I've seen other news reports that question the total donations coming in. Why would we believe anything he says.
    Vote blue!

  15. not only would torpedo any other politician but has. and those 9 or 10 republican senators who have stated that in retaliation they will not vote for any of Biden's or democrat bills or appointments or funding or anything. kind of an empty threat since they already haven't been voting for any of that. as for all those politicians still supporting Trump, he must have some serious kompromat on them. and today they are now claiming they raised $57 or $58M since the verdict. this is coming from his campaign staff and I just don't believe it. even if it is true that money will go to pay Trump's financial penalties and lawyers. and I don't believe the polls saying he is ahead of Biden. polls are rigged and it even came out in the trial that he tweaked them to show him winning. even so, every democrat needs to turn out. it won't matter if he is a senile doddering fool because the puppet masters, like Stephen Miller, will do the damage if he is reelected.

  16. I love the flower and the bee 🐝! A great catch for sure!
    I believe the Democrats will NOT let us fall under Thing 45's dictatorship! Being a lifelong Democrat, I always vote Blue and can only hope you will too!
    No on the civil war! Good grief!
    And, no, on all the negatives!

  17. One comforting thought - should there actually be such a thing as heaven, once we get there it should be pretty roomy, what with the legions of Republicans and Magats crowding hell.

  18. With 3 more court cases to face, DT will have to account. His followers are delusional. Cult thinking is at work. Americans must vote and this is the only way to rid the country of DT. He is going to continue with his chaos, that is who he is.

  19. I have given up trying to make sense of the attraction of Trump to his cult members. He has proven time & again that the only person he cares about is himself and they just don't get it. I do wonder though just what the hell are those people going to do when he dies. Who (or what) are they going to turn to next? There may not be enough therapists in the US to deprogram them. As far as the "Civil War" they are promising, not gonna happen, it's easy to be a tough guy hiding behind your keyboard.

  20. Wonderful capture of the bee visiting the lupine!
    Democrats and Independents MUST vote Blue in November as every single vote is needed to soundly defeat Felon 45 and the GOP.

  21. I am pessimistic about this next election or that this country will return to sanity in my lifetime. The programming, the cult behavior, the so-called "news" that is propaganda at its most dangerous--even if (a big if) Biden wins, the cult won't believe it.

  22. “Sugar” is a fantastic show that only Colin Farrell could pull off!

  23. *sigh* I'm not going to let current politics get me down. Wonderful photo today!
