Well, I wish I had something pithy to say about the end of the year. But honestly, this is just another day, you know? An arbitrary line we’ve drawn on the calendar. First it’s Monday, then it’s Tuesday. And oh yeah, it’s 2008.
I did come up with some resolutions. They’re actually things I already try to do, so they won’t be all that surprising.
1. Use computer/web productively
2. Gym 3x week
3. Meditate daily, Zendo weekly
4. Be more social (go on a date!)
5. No red meat - chicken/fish once a day at most
6. Be nicer to myself when I fail
Those seem like good goals, right? And of course I won’t achieve them all perfectly, let’s acknowledge that right at the outset.
I had a terrific weekend, particularly yesterday. I cleaned my house in the morning and then walked for several hours in the afternoon. I took about 80 photos. I just can’t get enough of wandering this city!
(Photo: Lower East Side, Dec. 2007)