Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Well, I had a much better night last night, I'm happy to report. Slept soundly all the way through. No drama.

I don't know whether I'm really on the brink of change or just enduring a blip in my normally peaceful outlook. In any case, I will attempt to be vigilant about looking for opportunities, both personally and professionally, so that I don't feel like I'm stagnating.

I've said this before -- I am a big believer in feeling life's "flow." So flow on, life! I'm right here with you!

(Photo: This park on E. 29th Street, March 2009. That beige wall is where one of the murals used to be.)


  1. You impress me as one of those people who will always land on their feet, no matter where life's flow takes them. Just remember that life might actually be even better AFTER whatever change is in the wind!

  2. Oh yeah, go with the flow. It never works to try to push the river, even though I'm often chomping at the bit to do just that.

    Glad you slept well!

  3. Glad you slept well but the gremlins were out for me last night. I had some horrible dreams that were dealing with very large themes. I was going to take Reya's friends advice and get out of bed and stand straight up but was too tired. Instead, I sent the dreams off and got on with it.

  4. lovely photo steve

    hope you're managing to keep balance in the flow

  5. Steve you strike me as a guy who makes his own breaks. I'm guessing that wherever you go or do, it will be perfect for you.
