Friday, April 3, 2009


We're having a rainy morning here. It sounds nice -- I don't really hear the rainfall itself but I can tell from the hiss of traffic on Third Avenue that the road is wet. I'm also hearing lots of happy birds in my courtyard, which is a sure sign of spring. These may be the first birds I've heard since winter unlocked its grip -- a cooing dove and some chirpy little things.

I love spring!

(Photo: The New York Life tower from outside my apartment building, March 2009. Compare to the evening shot here.)


  1. Spring makes me CRAZY. I love it. I hate it. I love it. I hate it.

    No question though that I LOVE your pic. So misty and magical. Enjoy the rain!

  2. I'm with you on the rain! We've had almost a full week of it down here, which is super unusual, and I've never heard the neighborhood birds sound so happy!

  3. Our rain came with thunder and lightning, a sure thing to put Jake in a frenzy. It has since turned into a steady drizzle, good for the plants and for Jake's sanity.

  4. Love your misty photo. Spring is definitely sprung here. I'm having lunch at my desk, which overlooks the hospice gardens. No leaves on the trees yet, but there's blossom and some spring flowers. Birds are noisy too! :D

  5. I love April & I love the raindrops and mistiness and the sounds you mention here.... and spring blossoming out all over the place. What's not to love?????

  6. The rain was brilliant this morning. I was visiting another school down by the WTC and as I walked down the street the mist and wind danced around me, making me feel so fresh and alive. I sent a thank you out to the universe. I loved it.

  7. i remember that golden spire!

    what a fab. picture of it, spring rain is lovely
