Saturday, September 29, 2012

Gunnersbury Park

My workload lightened significantly this week, thank goodness. Unlike last week, I wasn't lying awake at night or pecking away on a keyboard all day. I just had a few tasks to stay on top of things, all quite manageable.

On Thursday, in fact, I was able to take a long, long walk westward through Chiswick and Ealing. I set out about 9 a.m. and got home again at about 3 p.m. In between I took lots of photos and explored Gunnersbury Park, a big grassy expanse that includes some 200-year-old mansions and other structures.

As you can see, it's starting to look like fall around here!

Here's a map of my route. I walked about 7.5 miles altogether. The map shows me circling the park, but only because I couldn't figure out how to plot my walk through it.

In Gunnersbury Park, I found some confused crocuses growing in the grass.

I also found what look like gothic ruins. I believe these used to be stables, built in the 18th century as a reproduction of a gothic structure -- what's known as a "folly." Inside the walls are garden plots, perhaps used by area residents.

The ruins are interesting. Nearby are a greenhouse and two large mansions, once occupied by members of the Rothschild family. One is apparently now a museum.

At the edge of the park's circular pond stands another "folly," a columned and pedimented structure dating from the 18th century -- reportedly the park's oldest building. When I walked past, a homeless-looking guy was sunning himself in the portico.

Gunnersbury was an interesting discovery. I'd like to go back sometime and check out the architecture and the landscaping a little more closely -- maybe when my feet aren't quite so sore!


  1. "Folly." Wow. What a great word that I never use. I am reminded now. I hope to use it frequently. Probably about something I do.
    I love your pictures! Thank you for sharing a part of London that we would never, ever see.

  2. how exciting to live in a place that actually loves it's historical buildings and ruins. I love the old stables. another person whose blog I read over there has a ruined castle basically in her back yard. Not actually her back yard but her house backs up to the castle grounds. how cool is that, to have a castle in your back yard!

  3. It looks like a great place for a walk, and such a beautiful day you had for it too!

    Did you zoom in on the homeless guy? What a great juxtaposition that would be! Sneaking up on people with a zoom lens is the only way I ever take photos of people.

  4. What a great walk! WOW putting some miles on your treads! I have envy, that's for sure! Excellent find with "folly" falderal, stunning. London is rich- how can one stay indoors on the job...impossible! Glad to hear that your work is going well. Love your "confused" crocus- I FEEL it!

  5. Looks like a lovely day - the park looks fascinating!

  6. Inside the 'Gothic' structure as you put it there was stable as late as the 1980's as I worked there as a stable hand at the age of 14. I have very happy memories of working at Gunnersbury Park Riding school!
