Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Today is going to be an adventure. (The next ten days, for that matter.) Two of Dave's college-age nieces are coming for a visit. He's going to meet up with them today around lunch -- at Paddington Station, where they'll be on a train from Heathrow -- and they'll be staying with us. Dave doesn't know them well and I've never met them, but we certainly wanted to give them the opportunity to travel and see London -- so when they asked, we said "Sure!"

I hope they're somewhat self-sufficient travelers. We'll be working on the weekdays during their visit, so it will be up to them to get out and about. We can help them with plans and go places with them on weekends.

I hope Olga is prepared for some severe disruption of her routine! I'm sure she'll love it. Four more hands to pet her!

I've got to clean up the guest room (aka the dining room) this morning and get things ready...

(Photo: An MG parked outside some houses near Willesden Junction, on the way to Wormwood Scrubs on Sunday.)


  1. I hope they and you have fun!

  2. They can bring some English guys back to your place had have a party! Yeah! Party time! You'll need to get some beer in, wine and tequila. Amazingly, Tesco even deliver to the ghetto of West Hampstead!

  3. Oh my! Well, this should prove to be interesting!

  4. The hardest thing for me when entertaining visitors is the entertaining. "What shall we do today?" I would enjoy company so much more if like yours, they fend for themselves during the day and then we meet up at night.
    Have fun!

  5. In my past experience with staying guests, the ones we didn't know that well were better visits than the family ones. :)

  6. It sounds like this may be as much of an adventure for you guys as it will be for the girls.

  7. 10 days! should be interesting. Olga will be in heaven.

  8. It's always fun when young 'uns come to stay for a spell. They remind me of the days when I was footloose and raring to go. I get a little nostalgic for those days sometimes, and the excitement of discovering the new. When my nieces and nephews are around, it reminds me to get out more, put myself more in the stream of life. I swear if I didn't live in New York City, and didn't have such a large extended family, I could easily be a hermit. Enjoy your guests!

  9. What a great opportunity for those young ones. I wish I could have traveled to Europe at their age. (then again, I might not have come back) I bet they find their way around pretty quickly.

  10. It's good of you and Dave to host them - and hopefully have some adventures along with them!

  11. I thought the girls had rented that neat little sports car to tool around the big city!

  12. Let's hope the girls are self-starters and want to get out and about and see what is on offer. Maybe they could take Olga for a walk?


  13. Good luck to all of you! I'm pretty sure Olga wins in this situation :)
