Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Back Home Again

I'm back in England, but I can't resist giving you one more Florida picture. I took this at the Jacksonville Arboretum on Monday. It's a snapping turtle in one of the park's ponds. Isn't that an awesome eye?

Here's a close-up:

It's so green! I'm not sure I've looked closely at a turtle eye before.

My flights home were relatively uneventful. They both ran a bit late, and I wound up landing in London at 9:15 a.m. rather than 8 a.m. as planned -- but my bag made it and all in all it wasn't a bad experience. I had a fairly long layover -- about 4 1/2 hours -- at the Charlotte airport. I spent the time having barbecue (with collards!) for lunch, reading "Herzog" by Saul Bellow and getting a much-needed back massage.

I'm reading "Herzog" because I've never read anything by Bellow, and I'm loving his descriptions of New York and environs. He is definitely a writer of city fiction. It gets a bit too philosophical for me at times, musing over the human condition, but I'm working through it.

Olga is curled up on my legs as I write this. When I walked in the door she greeted me as usual, with her Kong in her mouth, ready to play! She seems very happy that I'm home. I suppose Dave is happy too. I am going to get some serious sleep tonight.


  1. Glad to hear you made it safely and that Olga, at least! is happy you're home.
    I'm sure Dave is too.
    Now I'm going to start looking for turtle eyes!

  2. yes, glad you made it home safely and your bag arrived and all is well.

  3. I've sat so many times in that international boarding area in Charlotte that I can actually picture it in my mind. I'm sure both Dave and Olga are glad to have you back. I love that turtle eye! I have a couple of turtle photos in my library but I don't recall seeing the eyes very clearly. I'll have to go back and look.

  4. That is a wonderful picture, not only of the turtle's eye, but of the less discernible shell just beneath the water. All in all, wonderful.

    Olga is a forgiving sort, isn't she? No ignoring of you for having left her for forever!!

    In my opinion, the best part of going away is coming home. I'm glad I don't have to travel very far to see family. I find it very stressful.

  5. Since Dave did not greet you with a kong in his mouth, ready to play, I might question his happiness. Glad you are back home, though I loved your Florida posts, I love London more! Welcome Home!

  6. You got a back massage at Charlotte airport? Who did it for you? Charlotte?

  7. I used to keep terrapins as a boy ....nasty buggers

  8. Good that your trip home went well and that Olga gave you a big welcome home.
