Monday, July 17, 2017

Waffle House and Alpine Groves

You all may remember that I'm a big fan of Waffle House, the chain of roadside diners founded in Atlanta in 1955. There's not really anything like it in Britain. You can get a fry-up at your local cafe -- I guess that's the closest thing -- and it's good, but it's not quite the same.

A few weeks ago, I got so nostalgic for Waffle House that I ordered t-shirts for myself and my brother, JM. Yesterday we donned our shirts and made a pilgrimage (which is an overstatement, because it's only about a mile away) to the local outlet. The employees were so amused when we walked in that they even took a picture of us -- and we, of course, couldn't resist our own selfie.

That's me on the left, in case there's any doubt!

After a breakfast that was so big (in my case, grits, toast, a pecan waffle, two eggs and coffee) it nullified any need to eat again until evening, we took a drive and wound up along the riverfront in Mandarin, walking on a public dock and admiring the river.

That boat beyond the channel markers is called the "Tahiti Rover," from Honolulu! Pretty impressive that it's here.

We kept driving south, and wound up back at Alpine Groves Park, where we went about a week ago. We saw more exotic insect life, including...

...this eastern eyed click beetle, which looks formidable because of its two large eye spots but is actually quite harmless. (Those aren't even its eyes. The real eyes are very tiny and on the sides of its head.)

I know my brother wasn't crazy about going out and walking around in the heat, but I'm not good at sitting around the house. He indulged me and I appreciated seeing the sights!

(Top photo: An old Pepsi cooler outside a house in the community of Switzerland.)


  1. Lovely picture of you and your brother. If he had shaved off his facial hair and removed the glasses it would have been like looking at identical twins.

  2. That's one mean looking bug..

  3. You guys are so cute! I hardly ever go to the Waffle House but I am always glad to know it's there- an option where a cheap and decent breakfast can be had in air conditioned comfort.
    And I think that bug looks like a cartoon. It's adorable!

  4. definite family resemblance there. I don't sit easily either.

  5. I love that photo of you and your brother! I bet you made their day at the Waffle House. Alpine Village and Switzerland seem to be rather strange for Florida towns. Maybe some wishful thinking going on there.

  6. You two almost look like twins! Wow!

    There's a Waffle House across the street from where I work...but one of our regulars just told me about having breakfast there, and seeing a fly floating in the orange juice dispenser. When he mentioned it to the waitress, she scooped it out...and left the orange juice in there to be sold! I won't be eating there again! If they'll do that right in front of a customer, imagine what might be going on when no one is looking!

  7. That's a river?!?!?! That is not a sight we see here in California. Mostly dried up streams.

  8. At first I read pecan waffle as pelican waffle, and thought, no, you wouldn't get that in Britain!!

    You and your brother look very much alike from the picture, as others have said. And that is a pretty large river!

  9. Great pic of you and your brother! I had no idea you looked so much alike!

  10. As always, your pictures are wonderful.
    But how on earth can anybody eat such a huge breakfast?

  11. Now I am hungry! LOVE you and your brother in twin shirts. Hope you got one for Dave and one for Olga.

  12. You must have two very hollow legs to eat a breakfast like that...Love the twin tees and the selfie!

  13. You should get one of those tees for Ms. Moon. I think she is similarly enamored of Waffle House.

  14. That sounds like a great breakfast. I guess you wouldn't need to eat anything else for a while.

  15. What a great picture of the two of you! And now I'm in the mood for Waffle House myself - mmmm....
