Saturday, April 21, 2018

Bootcamp and a Tulip

Another spectacular day, weather-wise, although I spent most of it indoors in "Google Bootcamp" training at work. We learned about all the various gizmos Google offers, from spreadsheets to web-page building to file transfers and sharing. It was actually quite fascinating, and I immediately realized several applications for these programs that ought to simplify what I've been doing up to now.

I even thought of a way to send my brother those audio files of us as children that I had digitized, via Google Docs. And I had already used Google Slides to make the slideshow that I used last week to talk to the eighth graders about street photography and street art. It's all very handy stuff!

I got the results of my lumbar MRI -- according to the experts, my "vertebral alignment is fairly well preserved," but "there are mild degenerative changes seen of the lower two levels." These include a "mild central disc protrusion causing impingement of the thecal sac" on one vertebra, and "a mild diffuse disc bulge with associated disc deydration" on another. What this means, I have no idea, but I think I basically have a 50-year-old back.

As I said, my pain had mostly gone away even by the time I had the scan, so I think whatever was bothering me earlier this year was transient. The doctor recommended physical therapy if necessary, but I consider the matter closed unless I start hurting again.

Remember our ragged, slug-damaged tulips? Well, we have successfully coaxed a flower out of one of them. I think we may get another bloom, too -- but then it looks like that will be it for the tulips this year. I'm happy just to get one!

Also, did I mention that I re-seeded the wildflower bed? You may remember I planted it at the beginning of April, when the weather was still pretty cold and wet, and I tried walking the seeds into the ground but probably wound up with many of them stuck to my shoes. In any case, I haven't seen a whole lot of sprouts. So I put another packet of seeds down, as well as some verbena seeds. Maybe now that the ground is warmer and the sun brighter, we'll see more activity!

(Top photo: Near the West Hampstead tube station, yesterday.)


  1. I'm just learning about the Google software options, too. I am amazed (and happy) it is all free. You may want to at least find out about the physical therapy in case you have back problems again, but so glad it is no longer an issue. Love the tulip!

  2. My Grandson is good at catching interesting photos in and about London. I would probably walk straight past but he has a good eye just like you.
    Shame the other tulips didn't survive they are beautiful.

  3. I'd hate to see what an MRI showed about my back.
    Anyway, I'm glad that essentially you are fine.
    That tulip is gorgeous. Maybe next year there will be more.

  4. Glad to know your back pain is mostly gone. I agree I think it is just the signs of a 50 year old back. My back is turning 66 next month, and I'm really starting to feel it. Beautiful tulip.

  5. Your key ideas here is that you were able to put your knew knowledge to work on other situations. It's amazing how many different very useful things can be done.

  6. Sort of good news about your back. Hopefully it will be a long time before it aches again. As Dan Rather used to say, "Courage!"

  7. That photo reminded me of the rough part of San Francisco

  8. My friend caught a cold from work, nothing from me or what was served on Sunday. I ate some chicken salad a day or so after our get together which may have been the culprit. Ask what your diagnosis means, a PT can tell you and advise what to do to manage your discomfort so your doctor was right to give you the prescription.

  9. That tulip is stunning! Glad your MRI showed no significant issues.

    In the top photo it took me a minute to figure out they didn't just misspell "sun rise" - ha ha

  10. sending hopes out there in the universe to watch after your spine!!! My GAWD you do not want to have surgery...EVER! Stay well, treat yourself tenderly!

  11. "Sun Ries" is a very odd name for a watch and clock repair shop. Perhaps it s the owner's name - Mr Sun Ries and maybe that's him lying outside his shop soaking up some rays or "ries" in what is another excellent Reedesque photograph.

  12. how do you suppose he repairs the gold and silver? and echoing everyone else, glad the MRI showed minor stuff.

  13. I thought at first, the the sign was supposed to read SUNDRIES and that someone had painted out the "D."

  14. I think it IS supposed to say "Sundries," and the D fell off the sign. :)
