Sunday, April 15, 2018


Yesterday's forecast called for clouds and, initially, rain in the afternoon. What we got instead was SUN! It was fabulous. Spring shook off its winter jacket, at least for a day.

Dave and I worked out in the garden in the morning, and I took Olga for two walks, one around the neighborhood and one to Hampstead Heath.

Olga was pretty thrilled with the weather, too!


  1. I was at a football match in Hull when the sun finally burst through. After those grey, overcast days it was good to see colours again and the sharp shadows of the players and what is more the forecast for next week is very promising. Hurrah!

  2. It's about time you got a break in the weather. Olga does look like a very happy dog.

  3. amazing how happy a sunny day makes us after too many days or overcast.

  4. You have daisies? Lucky you! We don't even have dandelions yet :)

    Olga does look happy. Our cats have been basking in what little sun we've gotten lately. I hope your sunny weather sticks around for a good while.
