Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Our Exotic Garden

We had a bit of excitement at the bird feeder on Sunday when these two parrots showed up. Dave said they were back yesterday, too. In just a few weeks we've gone from the frozen north to the tropics without leaving our living room!

(I think they're officially known as rose-ringed parakeets.)

They danced around on the feeder for a while. I would have thought they'd have trouble getting to the seed, as big as their heads are, but they got in there easily enough.

They even fed each other!

(Here's a closeup of the shot above...)

They weren't always graceful. In true parrot fashion they seemed a bit clownish. But they sure brightened our day!


  1. There are literal flocks of parrots that fly around Los Angeles, particularly up in the hills. I think they're abandoned pets that then breed in the wild -- or whatever wild is in a huge city. I wonder if your parrots were escapees that had learned to live in the London wild? Who knows, but your photos are fantastic! I especially love the food transfer one.

  2. I saw those same two parrots in Tooting. The one on the left is called Steve and the other one is called Dave. "Who's a pretty boy?"

  3. They are beautiful. Thanks for the photos.

  4. I would be so thrilled to see those parrots at my feeder! Aren't they lovely?

  5. Awesome photos. They are a very expressive bird as well as unpredictable. They just show up out of the blue!

  6. Wonderful photos of such beautiful birds. Love that close up.

  7. Okay, you win. I'm retiring from posting bird pictures. These are great!

  8. They remind me of the peach-faced lovebirds that have made a home here in Phoenix. I loved watching those lovebirds because they were so clownish! How fun to have these creatures with their silly antics show up in your yard.

  9. Stunning photographs. They really show the difference between shooting on an iPhone and shooting with a REAL camera.

  10. how cool! and great shots. they must be a mating pair as the male feeding the female is courtship behaviour, at least in cardinals.

  11. Oh how cool! I was going to say the same thing Ellen did. Wouldn't it be fun if they stuck around & you got to see parrot babies?

  12. Great shots! They always look cheerful, don't they? Some birds (cough*crows & ravens*cough) always look just the opposite!

  13. Got over her via Oddball Observations...glad I did. Nice blog you are offering here and those photos are wonderful.

  14. Ringnecks! They're beautiful birds but as parrots go, they make bad pets. They're hard to tame and it's hard to retain tameness in them...but they sure are gorgeous!

  15. Those birds are the most exquisite shades of green. I would plots if I looked out my window and saw this pair at my bird feeders. I love my blue jays, but they don't hold a feather to these parrots.

    Beautiful shots, too. You must have been holding your breath, hoping that your shadow or a sudden movement doesn't spook them.

    Sigh. Earth can be such a great place to live.
