Sunday, April 15, 2007

Astor Place, February 2007

Doesn't this reflection look like bamboo? It comes from the curvy new Charles Gwathmey condo building on Astor Place. I personally kind of like this building, though it's taken a lot of flack from people who think it exemplifies the current plague of luxury glass boxes that has descended on New York. (Even with curvy walls, a condo is ultimately a box.)

I have become possessed by Flickr. I spent nearly all day yesterday uploading photos (with an afternoon visit to Central Park thrown in for recreation). Those of you who are so inclined will be able to scroll my archives - in much better quality than you get here - by going here. I hope to have everything up there within a week or so, going back to last summer, at least.

I even uploaded a couple of photos of me. For example, here is the bigger version of my blogger avatar.

My Flickr pix have already had more traffic than the blog, and some people have left comments. It's pretty cool, and it costs about $2 a month. I highly recommend checking it out. (And thanks, Jiryu, for the motivation!)

Now I just have to figure out how to link a picture there to the blog here, so people can click right through. It's coming, my friends, it's coming...

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