Saturday, April 7, 2007

Astor Place, February 2007

A tree outside the engineering school at Cooper Union. I love trees that grow a furry coat of ivy like this - they look sort of monstrous, particularly in shadow.

So my cat has made her journey to the veterinarian in Westchester, and she's had her shot of radioactive iodine, so now we just have to sit back and wait a week or so for it to work. Her overactive thyroid cells should suck up those radioactive particles and then die, leaving her cured.

She wasn't too awful at the vet's office yesterday - she growled and complained, but didn't fight. However, the vet has a nifty Webcam whereby I can watch her in her new quarters, and I don't think she's behaving all that well. She seems to be lying in the litter box, and when I watched last night one of the handlers tried to approach her and she hissed and swatted at them. Like I said, she HATES the vet.

Here she is, in her temporary recovery quarters. You can barely see her in the back, through that circular hole:

Why she's lying in the litter box instead of on that nice blue bed, I don't know. Except it's probably darker and more hidden back there.

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