Monday, April 2, 2007

Central Park, March 2007

These Japanese magnolia trees surround the obelisk behind the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and are incredible to see at the peak of their bloom. I'd say give them another week, since right now they're still mostly in bud. Every year I try to catch them at just the right time and I rarely succeed, the blooms are so ephemeral. Fortunately, another of these trees grows in the courtyard below my window, so I can also watch spring come from the comfort of my apartment!

Even though the magnolias weren't quite ready, lots of other things were blooming in the park on Saturday.

There were crocuses...

...and more crocuses...

...and masses of daffodils.

Even the beleaguered daffodils in front of my apartment building are coming along, though they don't look anything like the ones above. (Ours are much more scraggly!)

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