Wednesday, April 18, 2007

East Village, March 2007

I was in a thrift store in the East Village, buying two very cool t-shirts, when I looked out the window and saw these two eyes staring back at me.

At least, I think they're eyes.

Yesterday's energy was much better than Monday's. It was like a day of recovery after getting slammed with so much bad news. I continued my new fascination with Flickr, installing my little Flickr badge on the right there - I'm not sure how I feel about it, because it's a little distracting, but it gives people an easy path to the photos.

I also went on a date, as a result of recently joining, and it seemed promising. I just joined Match last week. I've never done any kind of Internet dating, but I guess that's where people are marketing themselves these days, so I figured I should try it out! There are quite a few people on the site - my biggest problem is finding the motivation to scroll through a bazillion profiles to find the people I might be interested in. I definitely need to experiment with it more.

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