Friday, August 1, 2008

Brush with Fame

It's Restaurant Week in New York, which means some of the city's fanciest restaurants are offering prix-fixe lunch and dinner specials to bring in customers during the slow season. Yesterday, my boss, a coworker and I went to Bar Boulud, chef Daniel Boulud's newest restaurant, near Lincoln Center.

I ordered a cold carrot soup, chicken with caramelized onions and a chocolate mocha tart. The food was excellent. But what was even better was a little brush with celebrity: Barbara Walters came in with another woman and sat in the next booth, so she and I were back-to-back. Pretty cool, huh?

(Photo: Spilled paint in Harlem, July 2008)


  1. did you get to feel the brush of her intense helmet hair against the back of your neck??

  2. That's part of what's so fun about NYC - the celebrity factor. Very cool.

  3. Carmelized Onions sound delish.

  4. The Grande Dame of American Morning News Programs.
    I wonder how many Wax Museums she is in.

    I tell you what...I'd like to get knee to knee with that little Katie Couric.
    Is it OK to say that?

  5. Out here the big celebs only show up when they need detox. Even then, we don't actually see them.

    Pretty awesome about Barbara Walters!

  6. way cool.

    the menu sounds delish! ummmmm cold carrot soup....sounds like a bonne idée. f is bringing home soft shelled crabs that are on sale at the local market to do...crabs and carrot soup sounds like a perfect summertime dinner combo!

    bon appetit!

  7. Can I touch your Blog? I'm so impressed. I made carrot soup last night and it was good, but I'll bet yours was better!

  8. I love restaurant week and am sorry to have missed it this time around.

    So... did Barbara have any interesting bits of conversation to be overheard?

  9. Steve and BaBa WaWa!
