Sunday, August 31, 2008


So here's the back story on yesterday's poem, for those of you who asked: I wrote it about my high school girlfriend. (Curve ball there, eh?) We remained friends after I came out and we took a trip to Key West with another friend, which inspired the setting -- but at the same time, our relationship was changing and we were headed in very different directions. She's now married with two kids in Florida, and I still get in touch with her once or twice a year. This is actually one of the few poems I ever had published, in a small literary magazine called Tin Wreath.

I watched another Andy Warhol movie last night -- "Heat," with Joe Dallesandro and Sylvia Miles. I'm sure these movies must have inspired John Waters. They make me want to bathe.

I've started painting my apartment. What an ordeal! I hope to finish it up by the end of tomorrow, but there are no guarantees.

(Photo: Lower East Side, Aug. 2008)


  1. One of my best friends in high school (a woman) went down a similar path before acknowledging that she was a lesbian. In college she broke off an engagement to a guy. I've often thought how very difficult those years were for her. Today she is a famous eyeglass designer and has been with her partner for many years. But I never remember Elinor writing poetry as good as yours!

    I'm so glad you and your former girlfriend have remained close friends.

  2. I want to bathe

    Oh yeah! Heat is a great one.

    What a wonderful story, about your girlfriend. It's not a curve ball in my book. I don't think sexuality, in general, is as black and white as it's often painted.

    Nice story, great poem. Thanks.

  3. "I'm sure these movies must have inspired John Waters. They make me want to bathe." I'm with Reya -- that is an excellent quote!

    Try to enjoy the painting. For me painting is always very relaxing --I find myself thinking about absolutely nothing except the color going up on the wall. I'm going to paint my dining room next week while my fiance is away on business travel, and I can't wait!

  4. Sylvia Miles! My goodness, when was that made?

    I hope you share more of your poetry.

  5. I have a love hate relationship with painting walls....walls I don't mind but the woodwork and trim that's another matter all together....

    pray tell, what colors are you painting things....that wall in the island post is a particularly gorgeous hue.....but somehow, I have this vision of you and your apartment as classic white, grey, and black.... I love being surprised!!

  6. I love doing interior painting--especially the cutting and trim. Like the quietness of the job. I painted every room in our house because no one else enjoys it.
    I haven't done much exterior, but ladders on uneven surfaces scare me!

  7. Lovely photos of late, and I enjoyed catching up with you during a much needed hospital break. You write so honestly ... it's calming. Thanks for your kind post about my troubles. Ron is doing well and will be heading back to Rehab in a day or so. I should be heading back to the farm with him in a couple of weeks. xoxo from my world to yours.

  8. i envy you being able to paint your apartment in 2 days!

    our dining room is going v.v.v.slowly.... the current stage is clearing out a huge cupboard which has lots of junk in it...
